BMJ  2008;336:1267 (7 June), doi:10.1136/bmj.39602.512685.4E


Financial future of the NHS still not healthy despite surplus, say MPs

Zosia Kmietowicz

1 London

The first 150 words of the full text of this article appear below.

Too many NHS organisations achieved financial balance in 2006-7 by cutting services for patients, says a report from a cross party group of MPs.

Although the Department of Health, which was under the stewardship of Patricia Hewitt at the time, is applauded for turning around the financial problems that engulfed the NHS in the previous two years, Edward Leigh, chairman of the public accounts committee, said that "the NHS is not yet travelling along the road to long term financial health."

The financial performance of different types of NHS organisations still has large variations, and one in five continues to record a deficit, says the report.

The MPs examined how the department managed to turn around an increasing deficit in the NHS, which reached £512m ({euro}650m; $1bn) for 2005-6, double that recorded for the previous year.

It found that the £515m surplus in 2006-7 was achieved by tight financial . . . [Full text of this article]

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