BMJ  2008;336:1270 (7 June), doi:10.1136/bmj.39601.642454.4E


Southall faces accusations of ethically flawed research

Owen Dyer

1 London

The first 150 words of the full text of this article appear below.

The paediatrician David Southall, who was struck off by the General Medical Council last December, faced a further GMC disciplinary panel last week into accusations that he and two colleagues conducted ethically flawed research on premature babies.

Drs Southall, Stephen Spencer, and Martin Samuels conducted research in the early 1990s at North Staffordshire Hospital into the ventilation technique known as continuous negative extrathoracic pressure. The findings, which were published in Pediatrics, concluded that the technique reduced the incidence of chronic lung disease but was associated with an increase in mortality that was "not statistically significant" (1996;98:1154-60).

Carl and Deborah Henshall, the parents of two premature baby girls who were enrolled in the study, have brought the complaint. Stacey, born in February 1992, died at 2 days. Sofie, born in December that year, was later diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

Drs Southall and Spencer are accused of submitting an inaccurate application . . . [Full text of this article]

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