BMJ  2008;336:1274-1275 (7 June), doi:10.1136/bmj.39589.491030.BD


Commercial interests

Product placement in the waiting room

Leo Hickman, journalist

Are "health" leaflets displayed in the waiting room just a Trojan horse allowing private companies direct access to patients? Leo Hickman reports

The first 150 words of the full text of this article appear below.

It is clear that the NHS is under increasing pressure from commercial interests. A handful of hospitals across the United Kingdom now have Burger King or McDonald’s operating fast food franchises on site.

But one area that has so far been largely ignored is the way commercial interests are able to advertise in waiting rooms without any vetting. Currently few safeguards exist within the NHS to protect against such infiltration.

I recently undertook a six month investigation into how companies are allowed to pay considerable amounts of money so that they can target patients in waiting rooms, knowing that patients are likely to think that any advertising is endorsed by their general practitioner.

Advice or advertising?

More worrying, perhaps, some companies, via their trade associations, are producing health "advice" leaflets with information about their products. Shouldn’t the NHS, not the companies, disseminate such information?

My investigation began when I picked up a leaflet . . . [Full text of this article]

Whose advice is correct?

Product placement

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