BMJ  2008;336:1312 (7 June), doi:10.1136/bmj.39601.461863.59

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From the Frontline

Brave new world

Des Spence, general practitioner, Glasgow

The first 150 words of the full text of this article appear below.

The year is 2084. Much has changed in the past few decades since the Health and Safety Executive, supported by the medical profession, seized power to prevent dissidents blocking the safety laws. This legislation freed the population by prohibiting the menaces (recognised through "top" research) of sunlight, sexual intercourse, more than 2 cl of alcohol, sausages, swimming, cooking, peanuts, chocolate, comedy, fizzy drinks, members of the opposite sex, tattoos, rock music, Elvis, motorbikes, and religion.

Other enlightening legislation had followed. The Emancipation of Young Adults Act extended the franchise to children. Subsequently, a child led coalition (supervised by a responsible adult) voted to end the terrible oppression known as education and closed the schools. Unfortunately, to protect the children, all trees had been chainsawed, skate boards and bikes confiscated, and play parks bulldozed. Likewise, sport had been banned for the inherent evil of competitiveness, with the term "loser" erased from . . . [Full text of this article]

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