BMJ  2008;336:1315 (7 June), doi:10.1136/bmj.a215


Fiona Mary Dolan

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Fiona Mary Dolan moved to the south east of England following qualification, where she completed house jobs in Tunbridge Wells and at St George’s before joining the South Thames SHO rotation in ophthalmology. She passed the MRCOphth in 2000 and later that year commenced an MD at the Tennent Institute of Ophthalmology, Glasgow, studying the electrophysiology of retinal vein occlusions. This research produced several publications, and Fiona presented her work internationally. In 2003 she became a specialist registrar in the west of Scotland training programme. She embraced all aspects of life and combined her passion for ophthalmology with a very full family life and social schedule. She leaves a husband, Steven Hay, and four children.

Fraser Imrie, Suzie Drummond, Heather Russell

Specialist registrar in ophthalmology west of Scotland training programme (b 1971; q Belfast 1995; MRCOphth), died from pinealblastoma on 22 December 2007.

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