
Recipe for "sour-pickles-1"


     SOUR-PICKLES-1 - The most  lip  smackin'  pickles  you  ever
     This recipe came from my wife's grandmother.

INGREDIENTS (makes 1 liter)

     1 l       small cucumbers
     20 ml     sugar
     10 ml     canning/pickling salt
     10 ml     dry mustard
     0.5 ml    alum
               cider vinegar


          (1)  Wash cucumbers in cool water and pack into a  can-
               ning jar big enough to hold them.
          (2)  Add sugar, salt, dry mustard, and alum.
          (3)  Fill jar about 2/3 full with vinegar. Fill remain-
               ing portion of jar to cover cucumbers with water.
          (4)  Put lid on jar.
          (5)  Agitate lightly every day for about a week to  mix
               spices in with cucumbers.  Then put in a cool dark
               place for about 3 months while the cucumbers work.


     Don't be too impatient to try the pickles. They taste terri-
     ble  if  they  haven't worked. Also, you do not have to seal
     these jars. They will keep for quite some time if stored  in
     a cool/dark location.


     Difficulty: easy Time:  10  minutes  preparation,  3  months
     waiting.  Precision: Approximate measurement OK.


     Jim Roche
     University of Rochester Rochester, NY     caip!rochester!roche

Last modified: 9 May 2006 14 hits in May 2007
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