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  timhortons: the native americans of canada is living in reserves selling cigarretes ):
May-08-08   dakgootje: < but that Icelandic is the daddy of them all.> That actually reminded me of a documentary about the world famous savant Daniel Tammet (extremely interesting person and a great documentary as well).

The link below is part 5 out of 5 of that docu, not because the rest isn't great (it's awesome as a matter of fact) but especially that part is about him trying to learn Icelandic... within a week.

His final 'test' after a week is a national broadcast on the Icelandic television.

-- The video of the link below is about 6 minutes long [and suitable for all ages ;-) ]

Premium Chessgames Member
  technical draw: Just to soothe the soul:

Premium Chessgames Member
  WannaBe: <technical draw: Forget what I said about the hardest language. Every linguist and his brother has a different opinion....>

I've always felt, that English was the hardest to learn/master.

Premium Chessgames Member
  technical draw: <Wannabe> Spanish is the hardest language to learn. There is one simple word that the foreigner cannot seem to understand it's use and that's the word "le"...Not to be confused with a French word of similar spelling....TD
Premium Chessgames Member
  WannaBe: <technical draw> That's nothing! In Chinese, we have Le, Lee, Li, Lie, Lei, etc...
Premium Chessgames Member
  Knight13: <technical draw: <knight13> Nice try but it's not that simple.> What do you mean "nice try" you said "but it's not that simple" which means you agreed with me. <Okay, look, I feel for the Israel dudes trying to win back their homeland. But come on, it can't be THAT simple.> Then I go sarcasm stuff after that.
Premium Chessgames Member
  technical draw: <Wannnabe> Yes in Chinese you have a good an excuse because of the multiple forms of le. But in Spanish there is only one and it seems impossible for foreigners to use it correctly. (fact is they wind up not using it at all).
Premium Chessgames Member
  technical draw: <Knight13, et al> Peoples and cultures are tied to a physical place, a land if you will. Even Rroma who are scattered worldwide desire a land of their own. You can't sit around a table and say, this is your land and that;s your's and all are happy. Cultures are tied to land, language and customs. You can't tell an Eskimo that you're all moving to Hawaii where it's nice and warm. It won't work. They'll be back in the arctic in less than a generation. The Palestinian/Israeli problem is THEIR problem. I think there are too many cooks spoiling the broth here.
May-09-08   BIDMONFA: The Kibitzer's Café

Round 1, leader Leinier Domínguez 1 point

Premium Chessgames Member
  Richard Taylor: Israel - I can accept (understand) why it came to be - but the history until now leaves a lot to be desired. But I don't feel animosity towards Jewish people or Israelis it is the policy of the extreme nationalists (and I feel that Zionism as an idea of "philosophy" is not a good thing) - I once read about about an Israeli - who wrote a book about his experiences disguised as Palestinian (he could speak Arabic and had letters etc from Arabic and Jewish leaders and he kept 2 passports...something) - it was very interesting - also sometimes amusing - I sold the book - but I forget who the writer was - does anyone know it?

The writer wrote it in Hebrew and had it translated - the things he revealed were not - or didn't make him too popular in Israel - once he experimented to see how close he could get to the airport in Tel Aviv (as Palestinian) - there was a panic as they - the police etc were sure he was top level agent of the Israeli secret service... He also had an affair with beautiful Israeli woman who thought he was a Palestinian! She was quite angry when she found out the truth - (he went on Israeli TV with his story)... Probably a good time for Israelis to abandon Israel with the constant threat of suicide bombs etc. and the quite bad history of intervention and illegal and murderous (usually preemptive) attacks on the Arabs they have shown to indulge in. This means that there is a lot of hatred so no one is safe in Israel.

A good idea for Jewish people that is practical - is to change one's name and religion as my grandmother's people did - a lot have divested themselves of "cultural ties" and religion (a lot of which is gobbledygook and holds back progress) were able to build new lives and do well in places such as London. Thus they could evade the pogroms, Hitler, and so on.

May-09-08   euripides: <I think tomorrow they will say that Budhha originated from China.> Until Kublai Khan banned the doctrine in 1281, it was held by some Taoists that Lao Tsu left China and showed up in India as the Buddha.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Richard Taylor: <The Rocket: Why is Ivanchuk the only famous Gm to play Alekhines defence?, Bobby Fischer played it a couple of times and never lost, and Alekhine had 7 wins 6 draws and 2 losses with the opening according to chessgames.>

I play it on blitz - it is difficult - I found that when I first played it I won a lot but I think I got a bit stereotyped and tended to play a bit mechanically.

I think it is a bit extreme for the Super Gms - but as with other openings it may just be a matter of fashion. If Fischer and Kasparov had played it as much as the Najdorf it would probably now be very much played even by Super GMs.

I sometimes I find I get into relatively quiet positions with it in "standard" OTB games but while it is difficult to play I don't think there is anything wrong with it as an opening.

The Najdorf is more double edged and leads to very complex and exciting play -win and lose a lot with it - but the French, Caro and other such temperate openings are for cowards.

May-09-08   jamesmaskell: A nice win last night as White. Black pushed too many wing pawns and I clamped the middle and had the time and space to get my pieces together. This was a morale boost after losing against the same opponent with White in my last game. Black made a lot of mistakes in this game.

1. d4 d5 2. c4 Nf6 3. Nc3 g6 4. cxd5 Nxd5 5. e4 Nxc3 6. bxc3 f5 7. e5 e6 8. Nf3 c6 9. Bd2 b5 10. Rb1 Bd7 11. c4 a6 12. Qc1 Qb6 13. c5 Qd8 14. Be2 Bg7 15. O-O Bc8 16. Bg5 Qc7 17. Bh6 O-O 18. Ne1 <the first move in a series that would lead to the breakthrough I was looking for> Nd7 19. Nd3 Bb7 20. Bxg7 Kxg7 21. Nf4 Kh8 22. Nxe6 Qa5 23. Qh6 Qxa2?? 24. Qg7 mate.

Premium Chessgames Member
  woodsonparrott: I am a beginning chessplayer,I've played 35 years and still stink. My question is how do I know someone I play on line is not useing a chess computer. All I've played since college is computer chess and would like to play a person online but am curious about this. Also, I have a citrine chess computer and I beat it on all beginning levels and then it jumps in one level to unbeatable for me. I expected an incremental jump but I think it's a biiiiiig! jump. Any thoughts on this. steve smith
May-09-08   Aleksandar Li: Hi everybody! I am new member. Thank you!
Premium Chessgames Member
  zanshin: <jamesmaskell> Congratulations on your morale-boosting win. I looked at it quickly with Rybka and thought you might be interested in analysis at this point in the game. You played <22.Nxe6> which also wins.

Black cannot take the Knight after <22.Nxg6+> because of Qh6+ followed by Qxg6+ and Rb3 after which Black loses material to prevent mate.

click for larger view

Analysis by Rybka 2.3 mp 32-bit (18-ply):

1. (2.70): 22.Nxg6+ Kg7 23.Nxf8 Nxf8 24.Rb3 Qe7 25.Rh3 Ng6 26.Qh6+ Kg8 27.Rg3 Rd8 28.Rd1 Qf8

2. (2.30): 22.Nxe6 Qc8 23.Nxf8 Nxf8 24.Rd1 Ne6 25.a4 Qc7 26.g3 Kg7 27.Qc3 Rd8 28.Ra1 Qd7

3. (1.89): 22.Rb3 Rf7 23.Nxe6 Qc8 24.Ng5 Re7 25.Rh3 Nf8 26.Bd1 Ne6 27.Bb3 Nxg5 28.Qxg5 Rg7

May-09-08   HeMateMe: Sam Sloan, USCF Board member, allegedly:

1. Started a sex cult in California in the early 1960s.

2. Did Jail time in Virginia.

3. Did jail time in Asia.

Are they having a hard time filling those USCF Board positions?

Premium Chessgames Member
  technical draw: <Aleksandar> Welcome to the club! There are a lot of nice people here. Of course some not so nice as everywhere. I'm TD, MD, PhD. Licenced Electrician, Re-seller of Boston Red Sox tickets and phantom cab driver at the El-Al terminal at JFK. I'm a little short on cash right now, you wouldn't have an extra 20 you're not using?

(just kidding, I won funniest kibitzer last year)

Premium Chessgames Member
  whiteshark: For the sake of truth, <technical bribe> simply did the best buy over. :D
Premium Chessgames Member
  ganstaman: <woodsonparrott: I am a beginning chessplayer,I've played 35 years and still stink. My question is how do I know someone I play on line is not useing a chess computer. All I've played since college is computer chess and would like to play a person online but am curious about this. Also, I have a citrine chess computer and I beat it on all beginning levels and then it jumps in one level to unbeatable for me. I expected an incremental jump but I think it's a biiiiiig! jump. Any thoughts on this. steve smith>

If you actually stink as much as you say, and you play players near your rating, then how could they be using computers? They would have to be pretty terrible to use a computer and not have a much higher rating.

A lot of people seem to care about this, but I don't get it. Most opponents will be real people. Why can't you just pretend that the rest are too? Is the game really that different (and don't say that they don't make mistakes when they are computers, because 1) they should have a higher rating then and 2) some players have really good games sometimes, so it would appear to be like one of those)?

Premium Chessgames Member
  positionalgenius: <hehateme>lol
Premium Chessgames Member
  frank124c: <woodsonparrott: I am a beginning chessplayer,I've played 35 years and still stink. My question is how do I know someone I play on line is not useing a chess computer. steve smith>

My question is y would anyone want to? If u r not playing for money online y go to the trouble of cheating? I no people do it but y?

Premium Chessgames Member
  Sneaky: <<< Man claiming to be mentally retarded recorded playing chess in jail >>

CASTLE ROCK • 5/8/2008 • Douglas County prosecutors showed a videotape Thursday of a man playing chess inside the county jail in an effort to convince a judge the man is not mentally retarded.

Jose Rubi-Nava has been charged with first-degree murder in the 2006 dragging death of his girlfriend Luz Maria Franco-Fierros.

. . .

His defense is trying to argue that the Mexican national is mentally retarded, and thus not eligible for the death penalty according to rules put forth by the U.S. Supreme Court. Prosecutors have stated they will try for the death penalty should the judge find Rubi-Nava's IQ to be above 70, the level generally considered to be mentally retarded.

On Thursday, prosecutors showed a Douglas County District Court judge a videotape of Rubi-Nava playing chess inside the Douglas County Jail. They brought forth the tape in an effort to bolster their claim that Rubi-Nava is more intelligent than his defense claims.

Rubi-Nava's defense says its experts have found Rubi-Nava's IQ to be below 70.

The hearing will go through the end of the week and then resume in June. Once it wraps up, it'll be up to the judge to decide if Rubi-Nava is, in fact, eligible for the death penalty.


What I find interesting about this story is that simply being able to play chess doesn't prove anything--a fact that I'm sure the defense will fall back on. After all, small children learn the rules of chess. I learned when I was 6 or 7. A grown man with the intellect of a 7 year old would definitely qualify as retarded.

So the question now becomes how WELL he plays chess. Did he spot some combinations? Is he showing signs of strategy? If the videotape is clear enough you should be able to follow the game; even if you cannot see the board, you can still watch the hands to reconstruct the game. Then you get a titled player to be an expert witness and assess his skill.

I wonder when the last time a master or grandmaster was called to court as an expert witness?

Premium Chessgames Member
  technical draw: How do you know someone is using a computer in an on line game? Sometimes it's just instinct, I've been playing for 40 years and sometimes I see moves that just don't "look" right. If I suspect someone is using a computer I will but that person on my ignore list. (if he was not using a computer it's too bad some innocent pay for the guilty.

Look for strange and unexpected rook moves, they are probably the best sign of computer use. Humans tend to use the rooks only in the end game and not as a middle game fighting piece.

If you get into trouble too quickly for the opponents rating is also a good sign. There are other ways to know but I'll post them later.

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