Faster Sign In

You can skip the sign in page by saving your user name and password to your computer.

This speeds and simplifies access to material and services which require a password.

To save your user information to your computer, check the "Auto Sign In" box on the sign in page. Your information will be saved in an encrypted form on your local disk as a "cookie" file, which is used by your browser to facilitate your access to Other Internet sites cannot access or read the information placed in this cookie file. Please read the related tip: Our Use of "Cookies" and Your Privacy for a more detailed description of cookie files and how we use them.

Note: This option is NOT recommended if you share your computer with others (such as lab colleagues) because it would allow others to change your password and Subscriber Services.

To remove this file from your computer, use the "Sign Out" option provided at the top of most pages.

To return to the page you were just on, click your browser's "Back" button.

This Tip for Better Web Browsing is part of a set of tips that has been developed to help you use faster, better and easier.

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