Activities of the ICRAM working party

Stakeholder and regional consultations

Stakeholder advisory groups, each co convened by a member of the ICRAM working party, have been created in the following areas:  Academic, Business and industry, Government and policy, Journal editors, Patients, Professional associations, and Students and trainees.  Seven regional advisory groups, modelled after WHO regions, have also been developed.

Analysing the evidence

We have created a task group of the ICRAM working party to collect and systematically appraise the available pertinent evidence on academic medicine and its problems. Their projects include a qualitative analysis of previously proposed definitions of academic medicine (policy review), a situation analysis specifically for China, and reviews of evidence on capacity in academic medicine (including aspects of careers, mentoring, recruitment, and incentives) and on research productivity of academic medicine.  The preliminary work of this group was reported in the BMJ’s October 2004 theme issue on academic medicine.

If you wish to participate in the analysing the evidence group, or if you are conducting research in the, please contact the task group leader Dr John Ioannidis (email: jioannid{at}

My Path series

This is a series of articles, to be published in a range of web and print media, detailing the career pathways of academics from around the world including some novel approaches to overcoming the perceived obstacles to entering academic medicine.  The series includes a mix of “household name” academics and the less famous, mid and early career innovators. Readable and passionate, the My Path profiles capture the diversity, tenacity, and spirit of academic medical practitioners. 

If you would like more information or to nominate an academic to profile, please contact Dr Gretchen Purcell (email: gretchenpurcell{at}

Meeting of international policy makers

In Autumn 2005, ICRAM will present its draft final report to an international group of health and social policy makers.  Hosted by the Milbank Memorial Fund (USA) and the Nuffield Trust (UK), this will be a two day meeting of 20-30 policy makers from around the world representing the areas of health care economics, management, planning, and governance.  It is intended to be a “reality check;” to assess the relevance of the ICRAM recommendations and to gain feedback from some of the chief architects and decision makers in academic medicine.

Final report and recommendations

We intend to produce and launch the ICRAM Final Report circa October/November 2005.  A media and publication strategy is in development. 

For more information on the plans for the Final Report and recommendations please contact Jocalyn Clark.

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