
...witnessing doesn't get any easier.

Every Halloween, a parade of children stream to your door asking for a treat. By dropping a Chick tract or two (along with some candy) into their bags, in one night you can give the gospel to lots of kids (and their families)...all without leaving your home.

Join the growing number of Christians who take advantage of this once-a-year witnessing opportunity.

     Suggested tracts to use

It’s fun to hear what they say when they get Chick tracts.

After you’ve done it once, you will understand how much kids love these things. Here are some of the things we have heard them say,

“Wow, comic books!”

“Hey, they’ve got the good stuff here!”

“I’ve already got this one. Can I have that one instead?”

Parents will get the gospel, too.

There a lot of good parents who really care what their kids eat, and read. They go through the Halloween candy bag and sort things out. You can bet that those parents will read the “comic books” that are in their kids’ bags. And they will get the gospel, too.

How many of them will remember that their folks took them to Sunday School? Then they’ll realize, “I need to do the same.” You may never have had the opportunity to give that parent a tract, so this is a great chance for them to read the Gospel.

Kids grow up, and are replaced by more kids.

That means that, every year, there will be new kids coming that have never received a gospel tract. You may have put tracts in Halloween bags for the last several years, but don’t forget there will be new children every year.

Don’t let this be you!

Let’s be honest. How many of us have hidden in the back of the house, with the porch light off, hoping the kids will leave us alone? We don’t like Halloween and its occultic history, and we don’t celebrate it. So we hide our light, instead of letting it shine. Is that what Jesus called us to do?

What are we teaching our kids?

Many Christians just try to avoid Halloween, and take their kids to a “Harvest Festival” at the church. That’s fine and good, but it’s teaching our kids to avoid the world, instead of changing it. If you will get them involved in putting the tracts and candy in bags at the front door, they will enjoy it. Just tell them you will make sure they have plenty of candy, without having to be a ghost or goblin. As they take part in giving the gospel to your visitors, they will learn to be a witness, not hide! As they learn to view Halloween as a witnessing opportunity, instead of an occultic party, they will grow up without being tempted by the whole satanic Halloween scene. Just try it!

Do you have room in your life for a blessing?

Who doesn’t, right? Well God’s blessing comes to those who choose to obey Him. Every time you put a comic tract in a child’s bag, you are obeying Jesus, who told us to “preach the gospel to every living creature.” It’s not just a good feeling. Obedience opens the door to God’s blessing in your life! Who doesn’t have room for that?

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Suggested tracts to use

How to do it
Does it work?
Jack Chick's Halloween message
History of Halloween
Should Christians celebrate Halloween?
What happens when you give tracts at Halloween?
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