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12 June 1999 (Vol 318, No 7198)
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This week in the BMJ [Full text]

No link supported between myocardial infarction and oral contraceptive use [Full text]
Hospital experiences affect pain management in sickle cell disease [Full text]
Lymphoedema and site of entry are risk factors for cellulitis [Full text]
Surveillance of playground accidents can lead to their reduction [Full text]
Patient complaints are damaging for doctors' health and practice [Full text]
Is choosing the right antibiotic really that difficult? [Full text]

spaceEditorials back

Learning from complaints about general practitioners
Richard Baker
BMJ  1999;318:1567-1568
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Free the slaves
Kamran Abbasi
BMJ  1999;318:1568-1569
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Nutritional hyperhomocysteinaemia
I V Mohan, G Stansby
BMJ  1999;318:1569-1570
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Clinical Evidence
Fiona Godlee, Richard Smith, David Goldmann
BMJ  1999;318:1570-1571
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Antithrombotic therapy in cancer
A K Kakkar, R C N Williamson
BMJ  1999;318:1571-1572
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UK junior doctors vote to ballot on industrial action
Linda Beecham
BMJ  1999;318:1573
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Increasing numbers of English junior doctors work above agreed limits on hours
BMJ  1999;318:1573
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In brief
BMJ  1999;318:1574
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European plan to put obesity on governments' health agenda
Susan Mayor
BMJ  1999;318:1574
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US considers ban on British blood
Scott Gottlieb
BMJ  1999;318:1574
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Younger women might benefit from breast cancer screening
Jacqui Wise
BMJ  1999;318:1575
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Neural stem cells successfully transplanted
Abi Berger
BMJ  1999;318:1575
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Bristol manager argues patient care was a matter for clinicians
Clare Dyer
BMJ  1999;318:1575
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Welsh Office to review consultant's lengthy suspension
Roger Dobson
BMJ  1999;318:1576
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UK consultants warn of overwork and general demoralisation
Linda Beecham
BMJ  1999;318:1576
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New president of the German Medical Council may back reform
Déirdre Tilmann Mahkorn
BMJ  1999;318:1576
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English surgeons call for improved management of head injury
Richard Woodman
BMJ  1999;318:1577
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Doctors in Israel oppose open performance data
Judy Siegel-Itzkovich
BMJ  1999;318:1577
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Pregnancy does not increase mortality from breast cancer
Scott Gottlieb
BMJ  1999;318:1577
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Another media scare about MMR vaccine hits Britain
Pat Anderson
BMJ  1999;318:1578
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spaceNews extra [these stories appear only on the web] back

Canadian GPs believe that media health reporting could be better
BMJ  1999;318:1578
[Full text]

Scrips for Viagra to be free in Ireland
BMJ  1999;318:1578
[Full text]

More use of private sector could cut NHS waiting lists
BMJ  1999;318:1578
[Full text]

Hungarian doctor charged with running baby selling scheme
BMJ  1999;318:1578
[Full text]

spacePapers back

Nicholas Dunn, Margaret Thorogood, Brian Faragher, Linda de Caestecker, Thomas M MacDonald, Charles McCollum, Simon Thomas, Ronald Mann, Øjvind Lidegaard
BMJ  1999;318:1579-1584
[Abstract] [Full text] [PDF] [Request Permissions]

Krista Maxwell, Allison Streetly, David Bevan
BMJ  1999;318:1585-1590
[Abstract] [Full text] [PDF] [Request Permissions]

Alain Dupuy, Hakima Benchikhi, Jean-Claude Roujeau, Philippe Bernard, Loïc Vaillant, Olivier Chosidow, Bruno Sassolas, Jean-Claude Guillaume, Jean-Jacques Grob, Sylvie Bastuji-Garin
BMJ  1999;318:1591-1594
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Preventing injuries in public playgrounds through partnership between health services and local authority: community intervention study
J R Sibert, Alison Mott, Kim Rolfe, Rosie James, Rupert Evans, Alison Kemp, F D J Dunstan
BMJ  1999;318:1595
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Clinical evidence: Atopic eczema
Carolyn Charman
BMJ  1999;318:1600-1604
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Lesson of the week: Cavernous haemangioma mimicking multiple sclerosis
M Zameel Cader, J B Winer
BMJ  1999;318:1604-1605
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ABC of intensive care: Organ dysfunction
Timothy W Evans, Mark Smithies
BMJ  1999;318:1606-1609
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Ashok Jain, Jane Ogden
BMJ  1999;318:1596-1599
[Abstract] [Full text] [PDF] [Request Permissions]

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Good doctors doing nothing
Liam Farrell
BMJ  1999;318:1633
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The beginning of the end
David Haslam
BMJ  1999;318:1633
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spaceEducation and debate back

Towards an understanding of oedema
Charles J Diskin, Thomas J Stokes, Linda M Dansby, Thomas B Carter, Lautrec Radcliff, Selby G Thomas
BMJ  1999;318:1610-1613
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How do you choose antibiotic treatment? Commentary: Resist jumping to conclusions Commentary: A matter of good clinical practice Commentary: Honesty is the best policy
Leonard Leibovici, Ilana Shraga, Steen Andreassen, Stephen G Pauker, Michael Rothberg, Julius R Weinberg, Brian I Duerden, Margaret A Drickamer
BMJ  1999;318:1614-1618
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This week's letters [PDF]

Is there a rationale for rationing chronic dialysis?
Rasheed Ahmad, T Farrant, Fergus J Caskey, Wendy Metcalfe, Alison M MacLeod, Izhar H Khan, Shahid M Chandna, Roger N Greenwood, Ken Farrington
BMJ  1999;318:1619
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Rationing of sildenafil
Stephen Hayes, Andrew Green, Anonymous
BMJ  1999;318:1620
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Patient centred care of diabetes in general practice
John Skelton, Tim Coleman, Christopher Hand, Ann Louise Kinmonth, Simon Griffin, Alison Woodcock, Mike Campbell
BMJ  1999;318:1621
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Prenatal and perinatal risk factors for psychiatric diseases of early onset
Pirkko Räsänen, Helinä Hakko, Marjo-Riitta Järvelin, Christina M Hultman
BMJ  1999;318:1622
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Antibiotics for acute sinusitis in general practice
G G Browning, John P A Ioannidis, Sarah D de Ferranti, Michael Barza, Joseph Lau
BMJ  1999;318:1623
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Breast feeding and working mothers
BMJ  1999;318:1624
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Britain's Academy of Medical Sciences has been busy in recent months
Peter Lachmann
BMJ  1999;318:1624
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Early diet in preterm babies and later intelligence quotient
Deborah Behrman, Mary Broadfoot, Phyll Buchanan, Carolanne Lamont, Magda Sachs, Alan Lucas, Tim Cole, Ruth Morley
BMJ  1999;318:1625
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This week's obituaries [PDF]

Robert Hugh Cawley John David Ebsworth Anne Lydia Evans Howard Brinley Jenkins Kenneth Arthur Latter Martin Lawrence Ann Moran James Robinson Rowell Anne Spoerrey Kenneth Eric Warren Leslie Andrew Wilson
W A Lishman, Leon Kaufman, Peter Willis, Mike Jenkins, Anthony Batty Shaw, Godfrey Fowler, Jonathan Moore, David McCartney, Neville Rowell, Anne Savage, Michael Hall-Smith, Ian Lawson
BMJ  1999;318:1626
[Full text]

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BMJ  1999;318:1634
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spaceFillers back

One hundred years ago: A new day in surgery
BMJ  1999;318:1595
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Endpiece: Women's complaints
BMJ  1999;318:1595
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Email submissions from outside the United Kingdom
BMJ  1999;318:1604
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An incident which changed my medical life: Something to celebrate
Suresh Pathak
BMJ  1999;318:1609
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Endpiece: "It's got to be terrible!"
BMJ  1999;318:1614
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spaceCorrections back

Quebec faces severe pressure on casualty departments
BMJ  1999;318:1584
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Call to needle times after acute myocardial infarction
BMJ  1999;318:1584
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Reforming British primary care (again)
BMJ  1999;318:1584
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Ordeals for the fetal programming hypothesis
BMJ  1999;318:1584
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Preventing injuries in children: cluster randomised controlled trial in primary care
BMJ  1999;318:1584
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Computer support for determining drug dose: systematic review and meta-analysis
BMJ  1999;318:1584
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ABC of labour care: induction
BMJ  1999;318:1584
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Challenging the "F" word: redefining failure in medical careers
Carl Gray
BMJ  1999;318:2
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Briefing: Failure to consider whether an attack on an employee ...
BMJ  1999;318:3
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Briefing: The colleges of the University of London collaborate to ...
BMJ  1999;318:3
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Briefing: The PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board) exam is due ...
BMJ  1999;318:3
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TV: Adding insult to injury
Charles Essex
BMJ  1999;318:1632
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Book: High Life: A History of High Altitude Physiology and Medicine
David R Murdoch
BMJ  1999;318:1631
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Book: Against the Grain: The Genetic Transformation of Global Agriculture
D A T Southgate
BMJ  1999;318:1631
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Failure: the great teacher
BMJ  1999;318
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Failure: the great teacher
BMJ  1999;318
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May bestsellers
BMJ  1999;318:1632
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Website of the week:
Douglas Carnall
BMJ  1999;318:1632
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Senior medical staffs conference Junior doctors conference BMA's ARM agenda
BMJ  1999;318:1628
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George Lundberg speaks [Full text]

To see an article, click its [Full Text] link. To review many abstracts, check the boxes to the left of the titles you want, and click the 'Get All Checked Abstract(s)' button. To see one abstract at a time, click its [Abstract] link.

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Risk of surgery for inflammatory bowel disease: record linkage studies

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