Receiving email alerts

Receiving email alerts

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Alerts based on journal issues and new Online First articles

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These are sent out weekly, on publication of each new issue of the journal. They include:

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Alerts based on a particular article

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These are sent out whenever:
  • Someone responds via the website to an article you’re interested in
  • Another article cites an article you’re interested in
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Alerts based on a particular word or words

These are sent out whenever:

  • Articles published in the BMJ, HighWire journals, or in journals listed in PubMed/Medline contain keywords or authors’ names selected by you

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Alerts based on search terms

  • These alerts are based on the results of completed searches.
  • From the search result page you can choose to be alerted to new articles published in the BMJ, other BMJ specialist journals and all other HighWire hosted journals, or journals listed in PubMed/Medline.

To create for these alerts select the option in the box at the top of the search results page that reads: 'Alert me when new articles matching this search are published'. You will then be asked to Sign in to modify these alerts or register now to receive these alerts.

BMJ in the Media