Solitaire Frenzy

Solitaire FrenzyIt's Solitaire vs. Solitaire in this exciting, fast-pace card game for the whole family. You play your cards much like Solitaire except you play against your opponents. Play as many cards from your hand as possible before your opponent.

Each player takes one of the six color-coded card decks and when the word GO! is yelled, its every man, woman, and child for themselves. It's Solitaire vs. Solitaire in this exciting, fast-pace card game for the whole family. You play your cards much like Solitaire except you play against your opponents. Play as many cards from your hand as possible before your opponent. Cards in your possession at the end of each round count as points against you. The more cards you place on the game board, the more points you get. The player with most points wins! Game includes folding game board, six decks of color-coded playing cards, scorecards, and instructions. Solitaire Frenzy can be played with 2 to 6 players ages 7 and up.

Manufactured by: Jax

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