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For the truth

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Feb 2, 2007

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April Fool's Day

Obama announces Bill Clinton as running mate

Wyojake, I know you are right from what you quoted, but, if Hill should win, they will lie, cheat, steal and try to rewrite the Constitution so that it doesn't apply to them. They live in a narcistic dream world.  (Wednesday Apr 2 | post #356)

April Fool's Day

Obama announces Bill Clinton as running mate

Your thinking is par for the course. More government, more spending, more control over your life, more taxes. That is what the Clinton's represent. They have a socialist mindset. Their aim is to be in control of everything, immobilize everyone. I don't like or nor do I support either party because of their greed and the way they suppress America. I truly feel sorry for you. You have been sucked into wearing the liberal blinders rather than taking a step back and taking a long hard look at the whole picture. How "free at last" are you really?  (Wednesday Apr 2 | post #355)


Trucker Strike 2008



Trucker Strike 2008

They do raise their prices for hauling, and I'm glad they do, they have to making a living as well. Why do you think the prices of groceries are going so high, because it costs to haul!!! I AM FOR THE TRUCKERS!! I hope and pray they cause the biggest shut down in history.  (Wednesday Apr 2 | post #3443)


Trucker Strike 2008

We as Americans do have another choice for President come November. We have a third party that is called the Constitution Party that is totally the opposite of the Liberal/Socialist Democrats and Republicans. The Constitution Party supports the things we hold dear. The Constitution, lower taxes, no government, stopping illegal immigration, no abortion. They will be having a national convention the last of this month in order to nominate the person they want to run for President. The nominee's name will be placed on the the ballot in all 50 states. They have five men already as candidates. They are Dr. Alan Keyes, Judge Roy Moore, Pastor Chuck Baldwin, Dr. Jerome Corsi, Dr. Dopn Grundmann. All I can say is, check it out. If you are sick and tired of the present government and it's leadership, let's get behind the Constitution Party and send another message loud and clear at the polls this November. AMERICA, HERE IS OUR CHANCE TO TURN THINGS AROUND AT THE POLLS IN NOVEMBER. If you want more information re: the Constitution Party go to: http://www.constit w states.php If watch a Constitution Party You Tube video go to: .com/ConstitutionP arty  (Tuesday Apr 1 | post #3334)


Trucker Strike 2008

I'm glad to see the truckers starting to protest and I hope they keep it up. I hope they have a plan to protest by not trucking for a week out of every month, just to send a message loud and clear to Washington. We have great truckers, some of the best, hard working people I know. WITHOUT OUR GREAT TRUCKERS, AMERICA STOPS!! Let's suport our turckers when they stop rolling and try not to buy gas on those days they aren't rolling. I have a suggestion that may work if America is willing to try it. Here's my plan: If your last name starts with an "A" - DON'T BUY GAS on the first day of the month, if your last name starts with a "B" - DON'T BUY GAS on the second day of the month, etc. Those that have last names that start with "U", "V", "Z", "Q", etc., take up the slack and DON'T BUY GAS on the last four days of the month. Let's give it a try and see if it will work. We know Washington is not going to do anything about high gas prices because the oil companies have already bribed the Congressmen with stock in their companies, so why should they want to open a can of worms and lose all that money while the price of a barrel of oil is at an all time high. I suppose it is one of the lifetime benefits they get as Congressmen, but yet they will spend our tax money and time on stupid investigations, instead of looking down from their ivory palaces to see that America needs help now and to start doing something about addressing the issues, rather than constantly investigating. It just seems so stupid and wasteful how they drag their feet to get anything done. WE NEED TO UNITE AND VOTE THESE OLD CONGRESSMEN AND WOMEN OUT. They are destroying our country with their squabbling back and forth acting like children in a sandbox. I hope the above suggestions will help.  (Tuesday Apr 1 | post #3330)

April Fool's Day

Obama announces Bill Clinton as running mate

Even though this may be an April Fool's Day joke, seeing we have a bunch of fools running for President. I believe old Billary is going to ask slick willy to be her VP if she is chosen as the nominee. You have to ask, why is crazy Bill out doing all the campaigning if he is not trying to get started with the practing for the campaigning for Hill? It looks as though to me that they already are trying to set the image in America's mind with all the running around all over God's creation with the campaigning. Hill, Chels and Slick have been in Kentucky 5 times in one week. Another thing, old Hill hasn't even hinted as to who she wants as a VP. I say she will choose Willy, because no one in Congress likes her and he is the only one she can half way trust.  (Tuesday Apr 1 | post #324)

April Fool's Day

: April foolin'? Truckers strike may be rumor

I'm glad to see the truckers starting to protest and I hope they keep it up. I hope they have a plan to protest by not trucking for a week out of every month, just to send a message loud and clear to Washington. We have great truckers, some of the best, hard working people I know. WITHOUT OUR GREAT TRUCKERS, AMERICA STOPS. Let's support our truckers when they stop rolling and try to not buy gas on those days they aren't rolling. I have a suggestion that may work if America is willing to try it. Here's my plan: Everyones last name that begins with an "A" DON'T BUY GAS on the first day of the month, if your last name starts with a "B" on the second day of the month - DON'T BUY GAS, etc., if your last name starts with "U", "Q", "Z", "V", etc., take up the slack and DON'T BUY GAS on the last four days of the month. Let's give it try and see if it will work. We know Washington is not going to do anything about high gas prices because the oil companies have already bribed the Congressmen with stock in their companies, so why should they want to open a can of worms and lose all that money while the price of a barrel of oil is at an all time high. I suppose it is one of the lifetime benefits they get as Congressmen, but yet they will spend our tax money and time on stupid investigations, instead of looking down from their ivory palaces to see that America needs help now and to start doing something about addressing the issues, rather than constantly investigating. It just seems so stupid and wasteful how they drag their feet to get anything done. We need to unite and vote these old Congressmen and the few women OUT. They are destroying our country with their squabbling back and forth acting like children in a sandbox. I would love to see just ONE Congressman, with enough courage and backbone stand up and say, enough is enough with screwing the American people. America, it will never happen because they have all been bought. I hope perhaps the above suggestion to not buy gas will help.  (Tuesday Apr 1 | post #15)

US News

Price of gasoline hits record $3.26

I'm glad to see the truckers starting to protest and I hope they keep it up. I hope they have a plan to protest by not trucking for a week out of every month, just to send a message loud and clear to Washington. We have great truckers, some of the best, hard working people I know. WITHOUT OUR GREAT TRUCKERS, AMERICA STOPS. Let's support our truckers when they stop rolling and try to not buy gas on those days they aren't rolling. I have a suggestion that may work if America is willing to try it. Here's my plan: Everyones last name that begins with an "A" DON'T BUY GAS on the first day of the month, if your last name starts with a "B" on the second day of the month - DON'T BUY GAS, etc., if your last name starts with "U", "Q", "Z", "V", etc., take up the slack and DON'T BUY GAS on the last four days of the month. Let's give it try and see if it will work. We know Washington is not going to do anything about high gas prices because the oil companies have already bribed the Congressmen with stock in their companies, so why should they want to open a can of worms and lose all that money while the price of a barrel of oil is at an all time high. I suppose it is one of the lifetime benefits they get as Congressmen, but yet they will spend our tax money and time on stupid investigations, instead of looking down from their ivory palaces to see that America needs help now and to start doing something about addressing the issues, rather than constantly investigating. It just seems so stupid and wasteful how they drag their feet to get anything done. We need to unite and vote these old Congressmen and the few women OUT. They are destroying our country with their squabbling back and forth acting like children in a sandbox. I would love to see just ONE Congressman, with enough courage and backbone stand up and say, enough is enough with screwing the American people. America, it will never happen because they have all been bought. I hope perhaps the above suggestion to not buy gas will help.  (Tuesday Apr 1 | post #922)

Owingsville, KY

NorthEast minister takes leave

QUOTE who="Concerne d Christian"] <quoted text> Micha: 18 Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy. 19 You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea. [/QUOTE] Once true repentance has taken place, Concerned. This has not been done by Whit or Paula, they are sorry they got caught. Yes, we must forgive, however, these two have had adulterous affairs twice and have caused division within churches, the emotional, spiritual and psychological damage and took advantage of not only their families, but congregations that supported them, only to have the congregations trust betrayed and to top it off to bring shame to Christ's name in the unbelieving community as well as the Christian community. They both have gone their merry ways and left their families and congregation to try and clean up their mess. And yet, people like you are so short-sighted as to what God requires in matters like this. You are so quick to defend their behavior instead of falling on your faces and asking for God's mercy and forgiveness so that He can heal your church. I have great faith, knowing God will take care of Whit and Paula. My concern is with Northeast, their focus is wrong in defending Whit and Paula with "He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone" mentality. This is stench in God's nostrils!! Your focus needs to be on the offending of a holy God and the mocking Him that took place. Churches like Northeast have watered down the Gospel so much that they will not even preach on sin because they "don't want to offend anyone." The mess with Whit and Paula would not have happened if there had been accountability by Whit and Paula to the elders, but that didn't happen, because in your prideful, smug attitude you bragged about one of the elders who had committed adultery, divorced his wife that he taken vows with before God and married his lover and is now an elder at Northeast. There in lies part of the problem with infidelity in the church. When you place adulterous men in leadership roles such as an elder, they have no clue what God requires regarding holiness, the man of one wife, head of his household because they were too busy breaking Commandments 6-10, so, pray tell Concerned, how can they rightly divide the Word regarding infidelity among the preacher and the worship leader when the elders themselves have no clue or conscience when it happens within the church? They don't know themselves what accountability means, so they just let it get swept under the carpet never dealing with the offenders like they should have in the first place. Concerned, how can God's Holy Spirit dwell in a church where sin abounds? He can't, it is not in His character to be in the presence of sin. Didn't Jesus cry from the cross, "My God, My God, why has thou forsake Me?" Do you know why? My heart aches for Whit and Paula and I pray that one day they will be broken so that they will see the price that has been paid for their ungodly, selfish behavior. 2 Chronicles 7:14 If My people who are called by My name shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave and require of necessity My face, and turn from their wicked ways, THEN will I hear from Heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land.  (Thursday Mar 20 | post #298)

Owingsville, KY

NorthEast minister takes leave

With all due respect Concerned, you need to go back to your entry on Dec. 28, 2007. You weren't too "concerned " then when you called the people on this post "hypocrits " and "pharasies ". Where is your God-centered character in this? Yes, as I said before you need to take off the rose colored glasses and let me add you may need to go and see Dr. Grace because you have a heart problem. And YES, you do cheapen salvation and Christ's sacrifice on the cross. Yes, you may know God who loves you, but God weeps when He sees how you cheapen what His Son did for you. You drag His name in the dirt each time with your arrogant, self-righteous, prideful attitude and character. This type of attitude could only come from the people you are around namely the leadership at Northeast or perhaps you moved here from the church in Kansas, because your talk doesn't match your walk, you are just like them. As far as starting a new post for bashing sinners, well, Christ did that at the cross, but Northeast doesn't know how to deal with what happened at their church, the elders just wanted to sweep it under the carpet instead of humbling themselves and getting on their faces before God and dealing with the sin that now has corrupted their church and caused them shame in the community. Concerned, I pray God will help you to see what is REALLY important. It is not sweeping sin under the carpet and pretending it will go away by getting a new pastor. Northeast needs a healing so that God can work, heal and restore that congregation. Has this been done? I doubt it. It is not important.  (Thursday Mar 20 | post #296)

Owingsville, KY

NorthEast minister takes leave

You need to pray for your own soul and take the plank out of your own eye. You need to get you a tee shirt or a sandwich sign and standout in the front of Hamburg Pavilion with the Northeast motto on it and wear it everyday of your life. "He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone." The way you and Northeast put it is: Let's just sweep this thing under the carpet and forget about it. It is obvious that you do not care what God thinks, the "motto" is your defense. You cheapen salvation and Christ's sacrifice on the cross !! Concerned - you need to take off your rose colored glasses and see things as they REALLY are and not the way you think you see them.  (Tuesday Mar 18 | post #294)

Owingsville, KY

NorthEast minister takes leave

My dear sweet sister in the Lord, I thank God for you and pray He will always protect your heart, mind and spirit. Keep up the Bible studying you are right on track and I can tell you have had a TRUE CONVERSION. You understand what it means to be a sinner, washed in the blood of the Lamb and to be forgiven. I praise God that He ran out to you when you cried out to Him. Now, my dear sister in the Lord, I don't want you to be deceived by what is happening at Whitewater, stay close to God and He will stay close to you and will lead and guide you. I just want you to see, since it sounds like you are a new babe in the Lord, that looks are deceiving. My heart aches for Paula, she has been in two churches now with the same infidelity, and division within a church. I truly do not believe Paula has had a true converting salvation or she would not have put her family through this a second time. I sure hope and pray it will not be a third. But from the way some of the Whitewater postings look a division is beginning to take place in Whitewater. So, honey, be very careful being a new babe in the Lord and ask the Holy Spirit for discernment and if He tells you to leave that church - listen to Him because he is trying to protect your heart and relationship with God. This is why God hates sin so much, it destroys people. Sweet sister, I will keep you in my prayers, you are the only one that sounds genuine.  (Saturday Mar 15 | post #291)

Owingsville, KY

NorthEast minister takes leave

WOW "concerned ", where do I start with all above comments. I suppose I can start with the "Hello hypocrites and calling people posting PHARASIESS". I can only say, it takes one to know one!! Secondly, it looks like Northeast has officially taken "he who is without sin cast the first stone" the motto of their church. Well, Concerned with all due respect, you people still don't get it. Northeast has never had a healing service to cleanse their hearts, people and building of the filth that destroyed it. I don't see that it really matters there. They have more or less swept this mess with Whit and Paula under the carpet, hoping and praying that it will never again raise it's ugly head. YES, Jesus told us to forgive 70 x 7, but He didn't say anything about forgetting and how it has damaged so many people who trusted them. Jesus didn't say forgive and forget 70 x 7. How can those who have been hurt emotional and spiritually forget, except by the healing of God which has not been done at Northeast. So, as history will repeat itself, Paula has now headed to a church where her reputation as a singer follows her, but it won't be long before trouble starts brewing up there and from some of the posts at this site it has already started happening. From what some of the posts say, it is very sad to see what some of the people at Whitewater are writing. The demonic influence that surrounds Paula has now moved to Cincinnati. Let me ask, if everything is so wonderful, why is their so much arguing going on now at that church? Where is the Holy Spirit in Northeast or Whitewater? Why haven't these two churches got on their faces before God and asked HIm to forgive their wickedness and heal their church? NO! The Christian churches just don't get it. They worship themselves instead of God. They put on a form of godliness AND deny God's power. These are the true HYPOCRITES AND PHARISEES!!  (Saturday Mar 15 | post #290)

Owingsville, KY

NorthEast minister takes leave

My dear "Sister in Christ", you must be the preacher's wife and a group of the elders wives since you say "we" in making this entry, seeing that you are from Cin. Ohio. My dear, we are not tearing Paula or Whit down, they tore themselves down, and listened to their god the devil and their fleshly desires when the CHOSE to have an affair, and they crucified our DEAR LORD in the worldly community as well as the Christian community. Believe us when we write these things, we are being truthful and FOR THE TRUTH. You obviously haven't been around Paula or Whit to see the destruction they have caused and are still causing. Makes me wonder if they ever had a TRUE salvation conversion. There was no remorse or broken heartedness with sorrow over their sin, what they did to themselves, their families, and most importantly how it made Christ and the Christian community look. Paula kept trying to get her job back and Whit was hoping they would let him back in the pulpit after a wrist slap. They did not care one bit how their actions affected others. All they thought about was their own absorption. The only sorrow they had, was that they got caught. And IF you are a Christian I am sure you know what God says in Galatians 6:7. Here, let me quote it for you from the Amplified Bible. "Do not be deceived and deluded and misled; God will not allow Himself to be sneered at (scorned, disdained, or mocked by mere pretensions or professions, or by His precepts being set aside). [He inevitably deludes himself who attempts to delude God.] FOR WHATEVER A MAN SOWS, THAT AND THAT ONLY IS WHAT HE WILL REAP." God is right, He won't be mocked and Northeast, Paula and Whit are reaping what they have sown. And YES! PRAISE GOD, I'm glad He knows who I am, therefore there is no need to give my name. Does God know who you are? Are you sure? Do you have a personal relationship with God, through the sacrifice of Christ that was paid on the cross with the shedding of His blood?  (Feb 8, 2008 | post #265)

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