Member since:
Nov 4, 2007

Profile Q & A

I love my deen
West Seattle
Local Favorites:
library, Basketball Court, school
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When I'm Not on Topix:
Probably at basketball practice, track practice, reading, playing guitar hero, or trying to level on World of Warcraft. Damn you Blood elves!
Read My Forum Posts Because:
You don't have to but it be cool if you did!
I'm Listening To:
Quran recitations or Nasheeds
Read This Book:
Harry Potter Series, His Dark Materials, Spiderwick Chronicles, basically all fantasy books
Favorite Things:
I live on reading, love to play basketball and I can solve a Rubik's Cube in 57 seconds.
On My Mind:
school, grades, you know the usual
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I Believe In:
There is no god but Allah and Mohamed is his prophet

ISLAM IS MY LIFE's Recent Posts

World News

'House of Horrors' father confesses

And so are stereotypes:)  (Yesterday | post #698)

World News

'House of Horrors' father confesses

That's what I was thinking. The guy is 73! And she has 3 kids that were teenagers, I wonder why they never tried anything. Not that I'm trying to say it was their fault:)  (Yesterday | post #693)

Seattle, WA

Muslims Torture, Kill Scot Boy "For Being White"

May Allah(swt) have no mercy on their souls. Let them have the death sentence I say!  (Yesterday | post #2)

Seattle, WA

Islam = Satan

Thanks for the advice and I'm watching:)  (Friday Apr 25 | post #109)

Seattle, WA

Islam = Satan

Well that's not really true, in Africa, Muslim countries have sometimes one half less Aids victims than their Christian neighbors. And look at Abu Dabi, you can't really say it "fked" up because it's one of the most beautiful countries in the world, I should know I've been there numerous times.Yes there are Muslim countries that aren't as well off but they never lose fate in Allah(SWT)now that's a true Muslim.  (Friday Apr 25 | post #107)

Seattle, WA

Is it OK for Muslims to stomp on the US flag.

What's an AA? Thanks for the advice.  (Friday Apr 25 | post #70)

Seattle, WA

Is it OK for Muslims to stomp on the US flag.

My apologies, I meant the majority.  (Wednesday Apr 23 | post #66)

Seattle, WA

Is it OK for Muslims to stomp on the US flag.

How would would know. Besides I don't speak Arabic. Just because they are mostly Muslims doesn't make me happy. I for one enjoy a little diversity in my life.  (Wednesday Apr 23 | post #65)

Seattle, WA

Islam = Satan

Yes I could but Somalia isn't really the safest country in the world. And the fact that we haven't had a government for like 15 years.  (Wednesday Apr 23 | post #105)

Seattle, WA

Is it OK for Muslims to stomp on the US flag.

That's funny how everyone on this forum is foaming at the mouth demanding us Muslims get deported. Deport me where, Tacoma? Because that is where I was born.  (Tuesday Apr 22 | post #57)

Seattle, WA

Islam = Satan

Oops I meant leaving not living.  (Tuesday Apr 22 | post #102)

Seattle, WA

Islam = Satan

Deport them now? where are you going to deport me to,Tacoma? I was born here and don't plan on living soon.  (Tuesday Apr 22 | post #101)

Science / Technology

Why first-born children have higher IQs

I'm the youngest and I don't even know my IQ. Those test take too damn long!  (Tuesday Apr 22 | post #222)

Top Stories

Should Brother + Sister marriages be legalized ?

If you don't mind me saying that's disgusting! Just thinking about it gives me the hibie jibies. Brother and sister marrying and having children!?Eww! Someone once told me the children would most likely be deformed because of something with the genes.  (Thursday Apr 10 | post #249)


I WISH_____________________________

I wish all standardized test never existed so I wouldn't have the pressure of getting such a high score again.  (Thursday Apr 10 | post #172)

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