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Thursday May 22

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fedup-hadenough's Recent Posts

Berlin, Germany

Actress vows to leave U.S. if McCain wins election

Let me help you pack!!!!!!!!! Don't let the door hit you in the *ss!!!!!!!!! O'yeah, if you can get the rest of your Hollywood idiot friends to go with you, that would be great.  (1 hr ago | post #343)

US Travel

What if gas cost $10 a gallon?

You won't see $40/gallon gas, this country will be in a civil war long before that happens.  (Monday May 26 | post #1785)

US Travel

What if gas cost $10 a gallon?

Its time for all Americans, black, white, whatever color you are to stand up for once and say enough is enough. The only way to fix the gas and food prices is to make a stand. If you aren't rich you can't even afford to go to work anymore. If you think you can, you are an idiot. We have to get off our lazy asses and make a stand. If you won't do it for yourself, then do it for your kids and grand children. If things don't change now, what and see how things are in a few months. Everyone has to stop bitching and start acting. The government and OPEC don't give a flying shit about you are me. Grow up people and make a stand. Don't buy gas, don't go to work. Between people not buying gas and not going to work we will get their attention. When business and companies start complaining because employees aren't coming to work, that will get their attention. Its not like their goning to replace you, nobody else can afford gas to go to work either. Things are fixing to get really bad. Wake up America.  (Monday May 26 | post #1784)

World News

Mexico Destabilizing: Is War With USA Imminent?

I can assure you, if there were more like me half of the problems we have now, would not exist...........................  (Friday May 23 | post #52)

US News

The End of The USA

Why have the American people let things get so far out of control.  (Friday May 23 | post #1)

World News

Mexico Destabilizing: Is War With USA Imminent?

You can't blame the Mexican's. I have frienda that are from Mexico. The ones I know are good people. I'm sure there are some that are pieces of shit, just like some whites and blacks. I will say this for them, they live in a country that absolutley sucks economically. At least they make an effort to make a better life for themselves. We in America just bitch, we don't even take a stand for ourselves, much less anyone else. The U.S. government and the Mexican government have been working with one another for years, how do you think the drug cartels got so powerful. It wasn't because either government tries to stop it. Its all about money. I blind fool can figure it out.  (Friday May 23 | post #46)

Chipley, FL


I think thats what I said, but that also includes you.  (Friday May 23 | post #61)

Ponce de Leon, FL

Put brakes on proposal for a Confederate tag

You said it, go home yankees, and take your liberal gay friends with you.  (Friday May 23 | post #910)

US Travel

What if gas cost $10 a gallon?

Theres plenty of room at the REX 84 camps. Go to the website and type in REX 84. They are FEMA emergency camps. Guess who will in them when the shit hits the fan with the gas and food prices.It won't be the elite and members of OPEC.  (Friday May 23 | post #1037)

US News

John McCain releases 1,173 pages of medical records

There are no words or comments for people like you. You are just a freak of nature trying to find a place in the world. Your living in misery.................  (Friday May 23 | post #5)

US News

John McCain releases 1,173 pages of medical records

You can be healthy and stupid at the same time.  (Friday May 23 | post #4)

US Travel

What if gas cost $10 a gallon?

the reason gas is so high is because stupid people (us and the rest of the world) keep paying what ever they say. Stop buying gas. You know this problem could be fixed so easy. If people would stick together and not buy gas, stay home from work. Its so easy, but people are so stupid they can't even solve their own problems with little effort. Everybody wants someone else to solve their problems for them. Wake up America, grows some balls. Stand up for yourself. Quit waiting on the government to fix your problems. In case you don't know it. The government ande the elite are the problem.  (Friday May 23 | post #1008)

US Travel

What if gas cost $10 a gallon?

Its about time.....  (Friday May 23 | post #1002)

US Travel

What if gas cost $10 a gallon?

Don't buy gas.  (Friday May 23 | post #970)

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