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Southwest Ranches
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Incredulous's Recent Posts

US News

Oil consuming Nations ask for boost in output

Or maybe I should ask all those that died from alar, asbestos tiles in their homes, cyclamates or saccharine. Spare me the hysterics.  (11 hrs ago | post #167)

US News

Oil consuming Nations ask for boost in output

Goon quotes himself only then he lambastes me for trolling. LOL.  (11 hrs ago | post #166)

US News

Oil consuming Nations ask for boost in output

Plutonium may be extremely dangerous when handled incorrectly. The alpha radiation it emits does not penetrate the skin, but can irradiate internal organs when plutonium is inhaled or ingested. Particularly at risk are the skeleton, where it is likely to be absorbed by the bone surface, and the liver, where it will likely collect and become concentrated. Approximately 0.008 microcuries absorbed in bone marrow is the maximum withstandable dose. Anything more is considered toxic. Extremely fine particles of plutonium (on the order of micrograms) can cause lung cancer if inhaled.[citation needed] Other substances including ricin, tetrodotoxin, botulinum toxin, and tetanus toxin are fatal in doses of (sometimes far) under one milligram, and others (the nerve agents, the amanita toxin) are in the range of a few milligrams. As such, plutonium is not unusual in terms of toxicity, even by inhalation. In addition, those substances are fatal in hours to days, whereas plutonium (and other cancer-causing radioactives) give an increased chance of illness decades in the future. Considerably larger amounts may cause acute radiation poisoning and death if ingested or inhaled; however, so far, no human is known to have immediately died because of inhaling or ingesting plutonium and many people have measurable amounts of plutonium in their bodies.[21]  (11 hrs ago | post #165)

US News

Oil consuming Nations ask for boost in output

You have a problem. Plutonium is not merely a "by product." It's fuel. See your own citation. It's yields as much energy as U235 and "complements " it. IT IS A GOOD THING THAT PLUTONIUM IS PRODUCED. IT IS DESIRABLE. IT IS NOT WASTE. It is NOT one of the HOT byproducts I spoke of. Lastly, as Plutonium 239's halflife is so long, it's not particularly hot. It's an alpha emitter. You can handle it. Your skin is sufficient shielding. It's less toxic than ricin, for example.  (22 hrs ago | post #161)

US News

Oil consuming Nations ask for boost in output

You are a joke. How many megawatts is this 10 billion dollar "investment " in wind power going to generate. This is not a resource issue. It's a political issue with the eco-tards and the green party marxists trying to cripple the US economy. Their rage is directed against the average Joe for the reasons that "Goon" enumerated here "... suburban sprawl, big SUVs and Pickups that pick up little more than groceries, the airlines, getting your food trucked in from California factory farms,Big box China stores,etc." The marxist greenie doesn't want you to have a house in the suburbs. Perhaps a nice soviet style apartment complex is more to his liking. He doesn't want you to have a big SUV or a pickup for that matter. These are the same Earth First guys who firebomb Hummer dealers. They don't want you to fly in airplanes. Perhaps they'd like you to visit your relatives by travelling on a covered wagon. They don't like commercial farming. Maybe we should all be growing our own potatoes and vegetables in our soviet style flats.... oops, no room. Sorry. And off course, the back handed swipe at Wal-Mart vis-a-vis the big china box stores. Typical leftist. We have more than sufficient hydrocarbon reserves to be energy independent for centuries. Drill off shore, build 300 nuclear plants, use our natural gas for transportation. The leftists have stopped us from achieving energy independence and the repukes haven't had the courage to take them on.  (Yesterday | post #159)

La Palma, CA

Police: Doctor arrested after threatening driver who cut in lin...

Really? It seems that there is a continuous issue with maggots who don't think they need to wait in line because respecting that others were there first. You find them at the movie theater, at theme parks, at McDonalds, waiting to buy gas, etc., etc. It has nothing to do with "this gas crisis."  (Yesterday | post #49)

US News

Oil consuming Nations ask for boost in output

You are braying at the moon. I've never dialoged with you or anybody else for that matter on this subject until now. I'll tell you what, what don't you show me some data which compares the energy efficiency of an internal combustion engine, an electric vehicle, and a compressed air vehicle?  (Yesterday | post #156)

US News

Oil consuming Nations ask for boost in output

What the hell are you talking about with regards to radioactive elements? 1. Plutonium is not waste nor an unwanted by product. I never said anything about its half life. I did say it's fuel. It's a good thing that the fuel will be around for a long time. 2. Cesium is a by product and is unwanted. As I stated before, it is essentially gone in 100 years. What exactly do you have an issue with? With regards to compressed air as "fuel." It's a terribly inefficient use of energy. If as you claim a $2.35 fillup will produce 125 miles of driving, then equivalently, $2.35 will produce 375 miles of driving if that energy were put into a battery powered vehicle instead. "Using energy to compress air is less efficient than charging a battery with that same energy[8][9] - compressed-air car's overall efficiency is approximately one third of a comparable electric car.[10][11][12] " http://en.wikipedi sed_air_car  (Yesterday | post #155)

US News

Oil consuming Nations ask for boost in output

Compressed air as a fuel is a joke. Right now, the energy efficiency of compressed air is 1/3 that of a battery! In other words, compressed air will return 1/3 of the energy that an equivalently charged battery will return. What is it with you guys who have no concept of efficiencies? In the end, you will all need nuclear power plants to compress your air anyway.  (Wednesday | post #152)

US News

Oil consuming Nations ask for boost in output

Exactly. Strontium 90 and cesium 137 which are not beneficial to commercial power production have very short half lives relatively speaking; about 100 years and it's all gone. Please don't label plutonium 239 as a waste product. It is fuel as is uranium 235. These components of spent fuel rods make them very valuable resources. As for reprocessing, the nuclear-phobes have been successful at stopping all commercial reprocessing of very valuable fuel rod assemblies. Reprocessing is government policy in many european countries including france as well as in Russia and Japan. This is yet another reason why the leftist maggot luddites are causing the downfall of the USA while other countries will grow and prosper. Nuclear energy is the only way to go. Uranium is one of the most abundant elements in the Earth's crust. Non fissile U-237 can easily be converted into fuel as a by product of power generation. It's essentially a free fuel source that does give back huge amounts of energy, i.e. the closest thing yet to a perpetual motion device thanks to E-MC2.  (Wednesday | post #151)

US News

Oil consuming Nations ask for boost in output

You are just a mess of confusion. Nobody ever said that Uranium loses its radioactivity in 100 years. It is a weakly radioactive element. As a matter of fact, you would want the uranium to stay around for as long as possible BECAUSE it's the fuel NOT a waste product. Such a muddle minded person. I said that the HOT stuff lasts barely 100 years. Lastly, do some research. Most air compressors are barely 10% efficient. That's just to compress the air. Then, you need to convert the compressed air to kinetic energy. That can't be efficient, either. Compressed air as a power source is a joke.  (Wednesday | post #150)

La Palma, CA

Police: Doctor arrested after threatening driver who cut in lin...

BWAHAHA! That's the oldest canard in the book; confusing a classic liberal with a 1960's leftist marxist. As if Thomas Jefferson and Barak Obama are on the same side of, say, gun control. ROFLMAO.  (Wednesday | post #44)

La Palma, CA

Police: Doctor arrested after threatening driver who cut in lin...

Of course all the leftist maggots from the bay come out to cheer anti social behavior. Cutting in line is anti social behavior. Go kiss the butt of your savior, Pete Stark.  (Wednesday | post #43)

La Palma, CA

Police: Doctor arrested after threatening driver who cut in lin...

Dickhead, was the vermin bludgeoned with a tire iron? I guess the police missed that. Of course the idiotic left wing engages in logical fallacy while arguing.  (Wednesday | post #42)

Los Angeles Metro

Violence at Cypress gas pumps

Costco is configured with a lane down the middle of two rows of pumps which allows a waiting car to pass a car filling at the closest pump so as to occupy the front pump. Reyes probably didn't move into the open pump in front quickly enough. You raise a good point as I considered the line jumper to be the problem. But, if Reyes just sat there when there was an open pump, he's the dirtbag. Who knows?  (Wednesday | post #22)

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