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Ohio Rep. Proposes Pit Bull Ban

All pit bulls would be euthanized in state

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“Prosecute ALL Animal Abusers”

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May 26, 2008





I hope this sorry example of a human being ends up being the laughingstock in the state of Ohio. I wonder if Yates had anything to say when this was found guilty of dog fighting, or any others that were prosecuted in his state????

It is not right to punish the innocent dogs or the responsible owners for what some thug wannabes are doing to the reputation of pit bulls by torturing, abusing, and training them to fight for their lives.

Shame on you Yates, you must be an idiot.
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May 26, 2008





Your comment regarding 'responsible owners' says it all!

Sadly, not all animals owners are'responsible' people.
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May 26, 2008





About time,those dam "Land Sharks"
have hurt too many people.This preferred attack dog is the drug dealers first line of defense.
They are breed for fighting...thats it.Its not a sheep Herder,or can it lead a blind man...its a breed killer..

.Check hospital records..Pit Bulls,and Rotweillers account for most severe attacks .Leaving kids ,and others crippled....

ask M.Vick !

“Prosecute ALL Animal Abusers”

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May 26, 2008
BEAN wrote:
About time,those dam "Land Sharks"
have hurt too many people.This preferred attack dog is the drug dealers first line of defense.
They are breed for fighting...thats it.Its not a sheep Herder,or can it lead a blind man...its a breed killer..
.Check hospital records..Pit Bulls,and Rotweillers account for most severe attacks .Leaving kids ,and others crippled....
ask M.Vick !
I guess you think you are witty with your 'land shark' remark. I guess you often 'shoot your mouth' off about things you know very little about, if this post is any indication. What you are showing is your ignorance.

Why should pit bulls pets and their responsible owners suffer because of what drug dealers do? Why should this breed suffer the reputation they are now laboring under because of those who would abuse and torture them to make them vicious? IF pit bulls are banned, the drug dealers and dog fighters will merely move on to another breed, and effectively ruin the reputation of that breed too. The next time it might be the breed of YOUR choice.(If you have a choice, but I suspect you do not have much compassion for companion animals)

Pit bulls have been loving and loyal pets in our society for years. However, now that the thug gangsta wannabes have jumped on dog fighting with both feet, these dogs are being abused and tortured and killed by the 1000's by these monsters for their ENTERTAINMENT. ALL of Michael Vicks dogs but ONE, have been rehabilitated and placed in homes. One is a therapy dog, going to hospitals and nursing homes to cheer up the patients.

And to finally discredit your idiotic rant here, the dogs Michael Vick hung, drowned, electrocuted, and beat to death were pit bulls who WOULD NOT FIGHT.

Why should I ask Michael Vick anything? He is the monster who was abusing and torturing pit bulls to turn them into the vicious animals you appear to have a problem with. Better, let's ask the dogs about Michael Vick, and what atrocities some humans are willing to inflict on innocent animals, for their 'fun'.

Here are some clips of some reallllly vicious pit bulls:

Here are some articles that tell the stories of what so many pit bulls have done to protect their family members, and it does not include crippling ANYONE:

Try and educate yourself before you speak out. It would serve you well.

“Prosecute ALL Animal Abusers”

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May 26, 2008
BEAN wrote:
They are breed for fighting...thats it.Its not a sheep Herder,or can it lead a blind man...its a breed killer..
Here, another link to answer the above bs statement you made:(EVEN BETTER THAN A SEEING EYE DOG)

Do you feel stupid now? You should--
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May 27, 2008
dog lover like could that Be??

It seems the illegal sport of dog fighting is alive and well.Pitt bulls,or dogs that fight that are called pit bulls are dangerous.

Hospital records show they cause the majority of injuries.Often its kids and old people.But to include anyone.Of cours other dogs included.

A town or city should has the right to protect its citizens.Gotta be a reason these were picked out.No Beagles,Shepard's,Poodles,Mutt s,even Doberman's were targeted.Only the types of Pitt bull dog that is a problem in all states all over the country."Lovable Rotties" fall into this category also

Dogs bite,thats a fact,however pit bulls bites cause a lot of damage to people.Our thin skins cannot take their massive jaw bone crushing power.
resulting the wounds are horrific.

Pit bulls make headlines.There attacks are news.From that women who got riped apart opening her apartment door,by a neighborers two Pitt bulls type dogs,to a child requiring being put back to gether again,after an unprovoked attack.

Of course any intelligent precautions planned or taken,by a community to protect its citizens is the responsibility of that body.But put Pit Bulls into the debate,the wakado,extreme animal lovers go nuts.

Old ladies with 20 cats 35 dogs,a foot of dog crap on their floor, get insane! So two those who harbor Burmese Pythons,Alligators,lions,and an assortment of dangerous animals.
Hey its OK ,but if they endanger humans they gotta go. One human life is worth more than all those "Land sharks" exotic animals put to gether.

If some cannot make that distinction then its hopeless.thats why these laws must be there are too many "VICKS" around.The underworld of fighting dogs exist.This animal is synonymous with the drug crowd. Its used as a wepon...

" its late at night ,your waking home,suddenly two pit bulls start for you,what do you do,yell? try to talk to them? pet them?, even the best dog lover will crap his or her pants....You are facing death"

“Prosecute ALL Animal Abusers”

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May 27, 2008
BEAN wrote:
dog lover like could that Be??
It seems the illegal sport of dog fighting is alive and well.Pitt bulls,or dogs that fight that are called pit bulls are dangerous.
Hospital records show they cause the majority of injuries.Often its kids and old people.But to include anyone.Of cours other dogs included.
Dog fighting might still be alive and well today, but on every front across this country there are new laws being placed to discourage those who would do so. It is illegal to fight dogs in every state in this country, and a felony in most. There have been new laws put in place that will allow the authorities to take away the property of anyone convicted of dog fighting, including their homes. This should be a great deterent, as well as give the authorities vast incentive to go after the POS people who would fight dogs.

Again, your across the board condemnation in regard to all pit bulls is unfair, and unfair to the innocent responsible citizens who will be required to put their dogs down because of what some other degenerates have done with their dogs.

I really don't think this bill has a chance of passing. There are far too many people who are up in arms in regard to this, again, better banning the POS people who train dogs to fight, and who torture and abuse their dogs than to ban the breed.

IF you took the time to browse the links I offered you, you should be more educated in regard to what a pit bull is capable of that is living in a home where they are loved and not abused.

As for your 'statistics', oftentimes a dog that attacks is first identified as a pit bull, erroneously, then when the retraction appears in the media, it is but a small footnote that people such as you tend to miss. Sensationalism sells papers and garners viewers, and the media very well knows that a story involving the attack of someone by a 'pit bull' is sensational, and they don't mind exploiting that fact.

I do not own a pit bull. I am not an advocate because I own one. The pit in my avatar was a rescue, could have likely become one of those vicious dogs you mention. My neighbors were keeping the dog in an empty unfinished basement in a kennel, for 3 and 4 days at a time, with no food, no water, no human interaction. The dog laid in its own waste for days on end. I convinced them to sell it to me, and $700 later,(the dog had mange, worms, needed shots, and I had her spayed) I found her a wonderful home and she is cherished and loved, and shows absolutely NO signs of aggression, regardless of the abuse she suffered as a puppy.
Your arrogant and misinformed disregard for the lives of so many innocent dogs and responsible owners is apparent, and shows you are a product of the media hype, willing to be led like the sheep you must be.
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May 27, 2008
JenniferInSC wrote:
<quoted text>
Dog fighting might still be alive and well today, but on every front across this country there are new laws being placed to discourage be.
QUOTE who="JenniferInSC"] < Dog fighting might still be alive and well today, but on every front across this country there are new laws being placed to discourage those who would do so. It is illegal to fight dogs in every state in this country, and a felony in most. There have been new laws put in place that will allow the authorities to take away the property of anyone convicted of dog fighting, including their homes. This should be a great deterent, as well as give the authorities vast incentive to go after the POS people who would fight dogs.
Again, your across the board condemnation in regard to all pit bulls is unfair, and unfair to the innocent responsible citizens who will be required to put their dogs down because of what some other degenerates have done with their dogs.
I really don't think this bill has a chance of passing. There are far too many people who are up in arms in regard to this, again, better banning the POS people who train dogs to fight, and who torture and abuse their dogs than to ban the breed.
IF you took the time to browse the links I offered you, you should be kennel, for 3 and 4 days at a time, wiyou must be.
Hi,look I do not want to appear as a dog hater.I got a wife,and kids,all girls who are so involved with mans best friend.
But we are not blind, we see ,what others do not want to see.
you sound knowledgeable.You do not need my comments ,or from any ones else.
The Pit Bull breed,and dogs like them are not your loving lap dog.
We know How they were developed,who developed them,where they were developed.
Actually it was as American as apple pie,along with Cockfighting.
We know its outlawed now,but its not gone.It lives in a sub culture,in every Town in this country.
However its the big picture,that counts.For reasons I mentioned,efforts are being made to protect the innocents.
yes its legitimate news.If a human assaults an other human like what these dogs have done,he will be in jail,or receive the death penalty.
People who are careless with fire arms,and cause harm,are held responsible,so too people who allow dangerous animals to harm people,must be punished!
Those who can not comprehend that are deluding them selves!
commercially I breed ,Beagles,Shepard's,and Yorkies.Some Doberman,and some Rotties. I must admit rotties are a hand full.its in their breeding.Doberman who enjoyed a fierce reputation are a much more subdued breed now.I recommended it as a family pet.Loyalty,intellegent,traina ble..easy!Ditto for German ,or Belgium Shepard's.
But king of all mans best friend is gotta be the MUT!.Smart,less prone to interbreeding disease,all shapes and sizes, personality's,and all colors.
My currant house pet is a Beagle,Basset mix,what a well adjusted dog!!Trust him with an infant baby
But fighting dogs are constantly being breed for more aggressive,biting,clamping,com petitive characteristics.
Some many more generations away from fighting,they can be breed to be
less aggressive.
Now Vick ,because of his high profile, showed what is happening now! here as we "Bloviate" together.
Lets hope it gets better.
Those who can not comprehend that are deluding them selves!
Meanwhile "Its the law of the club and the fang" would be nice to reread "Call of The Wild" by Jack London.........WOOF WOOF..Bye!
Sorry for the discounect,or scrambled the text..had it goes!

“Prosecute ALL Animal Abusers”

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May 27, 2008
BEAN wrote:
<quoted text>

People who are careless with fire arms,and cause harm,are held responsible,so too people who allow dangerous animals to harm people,must be punished!
Those who can not comprehend that are deluding them selves!

Doberman who enjoyed a fierce reputation are a much more subdued breed now.I recommended it as a family pet.Loyalty,intellegent,traina ble..easy!Ditto for German ,or Belgium Shepard's.
But king of all mans best friend is gotta be the MUT!.Smart,less prone to interbreeding disease,all shapes and sizes, personality's,and all colors.

Some many more generations away from fighting,they can be breed to be
less aggressive.
Now Vick ,because of his high profile, showed what is happening now! here as we "Bloviate" together.
Lets hope it gets better.
Meanwhile "Its the law of the club and the fang" would be nice to reread "Call of The Wild" by Jack London.........WOOF WOOF..Bye!
Sorry for the discounect,or scrambled the text..had it goes!
Bean, I totally agree with you in regard to those who train a dog to be vicious, and that dog attacks someone, the OWNER should be held responsible. He or she should go to jail just the same as if they had used a gun against the individual. That is not, and has never been the argument here. Of course, ANYONE who owns a dog who attacks someone should be held accountable. But why should those who have pit bulls as loving pets be punished for what so many lowlife gangsta wannabes do? Or for the fact that some ignorant toothless redneck has driven their dog insane by chaining it up for his entire life on a 2 foot rope, full of fleas and lying in their own waste? ANY dog could become dangerous living in these conditions, from a chiuaha (sp) to a poodle.

You admit here that dobermans 'once' enjoyed the reputation of killers, but now you recommend them as a family pet. Couldn't the same happen with pit bulls if we eradicate the criminal fringe who choose to abuse these dogs and turn them into vicious animals? It won't if states like Ohio euthanize this breed across the board, regardless of whether or not that particular dog has had a history of violence or not. It's just not right and unfair to the people who are responsible pet owners, nor the dogs.

I see you will not be swayed, but I appreciate your hearing me out. I suppose we will just have to agree to disagree, but I surely hope that you will think more about what this bill will mean to so many people in OHio who love and cherish their innocent pets, and if this bill should somehow miracuously pass, they will suffer because of what the criminal element in their state do with their dogs.
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May 27, 2008
Thank you,Jenniferinsc ,I have to agree with you.No draconian solution is the answer.I would not want to see,our pets taken away buy anyone...However,I think we both can agree ,those who are outside of the law,must be brought inside the law!

I fear tho,not unlike the gun thing,overkill against law abiding,gun loving, and pit bull loving owners is an answer.

It does nothing to stop those who no matter what,will continue to have illegal guns,and will fight dogs illeagly...strange the two go hand in hand.
Yes, thank "YOU" for putting up with my "Bloviating"........ BARL! BARK!
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May 29, 2008



your an idiot! you, along with this moron yates deserve any bad that comes to you. I have been around pitbulls and pitbull type dogs since i was born. i would never own another breed. it is sad that you attack a defenseless animal rather then the people that are behind any wrong a certain breed may cause. yes they are very powerful dogs and yes they can cause a lot of damage due to that power, but so can many other animals. should we just kill off all animals? spaniels account for more dog bites the pitbulls do...hell, cigarettes kill how many people a year? and this sad excuse of a human being yates wants to ban pitbulls?!? i cant even speak about this topic anymore before i say something that might get me in trouble...if it is passed, i hope yates himself comes to my house to try to take my dog...
BEAN wrote:
<quoted text>
Hi,look I do not want to appear as a dog hater.I got a wife,and kids,all girls who are so involved with mans best friend.
But we are not blind, we see ,what others do not want to see.
you sound knowledgeable.You do not need my comments ,or from any ones else.
The Pit Bull breed,and dogs like them are not your loving lap dog.
We know How they were developed,who developed them,where they were developed.
Actually it was as American as apple pie,along with Cockfighting.
We know its outlawed now,but its not gone.It lives in a sub culture,in every Town in this country.
However its the big picture,that counts.For reasons I mentioned,efforts are being made to protect the innocents.
yes its legitimate news.If a human assaults an other human like what these dogs have done,he will be in jail,or receive the death penalty.
People who are careless with fire arms,and cause harm,are held responsible,so too people who allow dangerous animals to harm people,must be punished!
Those who can not comprehend that are deluding them selves!
commercially I breed ,Beagles,Shepard's,and Yorkies.Some Doberman,and some Rotties. I must admit rotties are a hand full.its in their breeding.Doberman who enjoyed a fierce reputation are a much more subdued breed now.I recommended it as a family pet.Loyalty,intellegent,traina ble..easy!Ditto for German ,or Belgium Shepard's.
But king of all mans best friend is gotta be the MUT!.Smart,less prone to interbreeding disease,all shapes and sizes, personality's,and all colors.
My currant house pet is a Beagle,Basset mix,what a well adjusted dog!!Trust him with an infant baby
But fighting dogs are constantly being breed for more aggressive,biting,clamping,com petitive characteristics.
Some many more generations away from fighting,they can be breed to be
less aggressive.
Now Vick ,because of his high profile, showed what is happening now! here as we "Bloviate" together.
Lets hope it gets better.
Those who can not comprehend that are deluding them selves!
Meanwhile "Its the law of the club and the fang" would be nice to reread "Call of The Wild" by Jack London.........WOOF WOOF..Bye!
Sorry for the discounect,or scrambled the text..had it goes!
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May 29, 2008
today we are banning pitbulls...when they are all gone, what breed is next? labs? goldens? the list is endless, any dog can be trained to be vicious. we should be locking down and people behind dog fighting not on the dogs. bsl will never work, it will keep going and going until no1 is aloud to own any type of dog. dog attacks dont make good news stories unless its a pitbull attack. any other breed is never discriminated against. i can't believe this poor excuse of a person is in any position to pass such a ridiculous bill...good luck with the rest of your miserable life yates!
Andy Lowe
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May 29, 2008
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May 29, 2008
while yates is sitting in office with sooooooo much time on his hands to worry about dogs...has it crossed his mind that the economy in ohio is only getting worse? thats people are losing their jobs left and right? that good law abiding people are losing their homes? that half the state can't afford to drive to work or school? oh wait, and isnt there still a war going on? shouldnt the government be a bit more concerned with other issues before they start wanting to ban dogs?

“Prosecute ALL Animal Abusers”

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May 29, 2008
WTF wrote:
your an idiot! you, along with this moron yates deserve any bad that comes to you. I have been around pitbulls and pitbull type dogs since i was born. i would never own another breed. it is sad that you attack a defenseless animal rather then the people that are behind any wrong a certain breed may cause. yes they are very powerful dogs and yes they can cause a lot of damage due to that power, but so can many other animals. should we just kill off all animals? spaniels account for more dog bites the pitbulls do...hell, cigarettes kill how many people a year? and this sad excuse of a human being yates wants to ban pitbulls?!? i cant even speak about this topic anymore before i say something that might get me in trouble...if it is passed, i hope yates himself comes to my house to try to take my dog...
<quoted text>
WTF, my heart goes out to you, a pit bull owner in Ohio when this BS bill is on the table. I can't imagine being told I had to get rid of my dogs. I will be hoping that this bill is defeated, surely many of you who own pit bulls in that state can ban together and fight this BS.

“Prosecute ALL Animal Abusers”

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May 29, 2008
WTF wrote:
while yates is sitting in office with sooooooo much time on his hands to worry about dogs...has it crossed his mind that the economy in ohio is only getting worse? thats people are losing their jobs left and right? that good law abiding people are losing their homes? that half the state can't afford to drive to work or school? oh wait, and isnt there still a war going on? shouldnt the government be a bit more concerned with other issues before they start wanting to ban dogs?
He's an idiot, who deserves to be impeached from his office for this blatant disregard to law abiding citizens in the state of Ohio who happen to own pit bulls. He would have been so much more respected if instead he would have implemented programs to educate officers of the law in regard of what to look for as signs of dog fighting, and implented a large reward for those who turn in a POS who fights dogs.

Yes, I hope every bad thing imaginable on Yates. He is the epitome of a callous idiot.
common sense
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May 30, 2008
well if we are going to go by yates example, then we should start banning people too. If your parents or relatives are a criminal then you must be a criminal, so you must be banned and put to death too. Does that make sense. You pitbull haters are idiots and have nothing better to do than come up with your hairbrain ideas to ban them.
common sense
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May 30, 2008
below is a list of all dogs that were breed to fight, just happens the media likes to pick on the pits.

Akita Inu
Alangu Mastiff
Alano Espaņol
Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog
American Bulldog
American Pit Bull Terrier
American Staffordshire Terrier
Argentine Dogo

American Bulldogs usually make great family pets.B

Bedlington Terrier
Blue Paul Terrier
Boston Terrier
Bull and Terrier
Bull Terrier
Bully Kutta

Cordoba Fighting Dog (extinct)
Cane Corso

Dogue de Bordeaux
Dogo Cubano
Dogo Sardesco

English Bulldog
English Mastiff
English White Terrier (extinct)

Fila Brasileiro

A blue Shar Pei bitchG

Gull Dong
Gull Terr

Irish Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Korea Jindo Dog

Lottatore Brindisino

Molossus (dog)

Neapolitan Mastiff

Old English Bulldog (extinct)

Perro de Presa Canario (Canary Dog)
Perro de Presa Mallorquin (Ca de Bou)
Pugnaces Britanniae


Shar Pei
Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Tosa Inu
Retrieved from " ;
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May 30, 2008




common sense wrote:
below is a list of all dogs that were breed to

Tosa Inu
Retrieved from " ;
All fighting dogs are Generically called "Pit" dogs..Thats where they fight in.All or most of these dogs look alike.When two or three are chasing you up a tree,you may call them anything you want.

Overall,they are breed to kill.Other dogs being the victims.You can always find an exception.But these dog breeders,kill or destroy,a less aggressive dog.Mike Vick demonstrated that.He killed "Wimpy" dogs.In doing so the overall breed has no time to loose its inherit aggressiveness.A so called less aggressive fighting dog,may only be one liter away as a pure killer! You wanna take the chance? have fun!

Multiply that by all the dog fighters in the world,you get a breed,constantly being altered for fighting.That is biting,clamping down,tearing,and not letting go.

A dog fighter made a lot of money once..He bet that even if you cut my dogs paw off it would not let go,of an iron bar he clamped on to,..he won the bet.If that was your kids,or your grandmas,throat ..its over.

This fanaticism about the defense of this dangerous dog,is appalling.We are talking about the safety of the general public.Stop the BS,hospital records show these dog account for most of the dangerous bites among people.Mostly kids,and old people.

If owning one of these killers,makes you fell like a big man,go ahead.Small people ,like small dogs have big mouths.But keep them chained,not loose,and no threat to anyone.Oh yes get an extra large "Pooper Scooper"

But if your dog,harms some one,you should be libel for damages.These assorted killer dogs are like a loaded gun.
Get a muzzle for your dog,and your own mouth.At least the dog is honest,he cannot help it,but human mutts,are far worse. BOW! WOW !
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May 30, 2008
BEAN - you're missing the whole damn point, which shows your inability to look at an opposing view point and attempt to LEARN from it. It is the HUMANS that are taking a noble breed and destroying it. So next, German Shepherds? Rottweilers? This legislation being proposed by Ohio is sloppy at best and laughs at the Constitutional rights of ALL Ohioans.
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