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Sep 13, 2007

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Midlothian, Virginia
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A group of people who would rather live back in Maryland than Virginia.
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I'm right just about every time.
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Motorhead, Rush, Guns & Roses
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A Message to Garcia
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Wife, Kids, Sports and Politics
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Wife, Kids, Sports and Politics
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Faith, Family, Guns and Commerce

Motorhead Fan's Recent Posts

Baltimore Sun

Rush Limbaugh sets new deal

Hey, this is great information as irrelevant as it is to the topic. The fact is that Rush Limbaugh just got a $400 million dollar contract and you're cutting and pasting links and other people's thoughts on a Topix thread. Kind of puts life into perspective for you doesn't it?  (3 min ago | post #371)

Baltimore Sun

Rush Limbaugh sets new deal

Actually, I liked to watch YOUR mother undress before your father started sucker punching her and shaving her back while she was unconscious. You can watch your mother undress in those old Mutual of Omaha Wild Kingdom re-runs. As for me enjoying anal sex, I've done it and your mother enjoyed it, then your father gave me a high five for being the first man to satisfy her. I understand you are living proof that women can get pregnant from anal sex. As for your own experience with penises, who was President the last time you saw a tallywhacker? Warren Harding?  (5 min ago | post #370)

Baltimore Sun

Rush Limbaugh sets new deal

Yes, Rush is a VERY, VERY RICH BIGOT, you're just an average bigot. Call him what you want, but, he's very successful, raises loads of money for charity and has no idea who you are - but, you know who he is. More people listen to him than listen to you. He says more intelligent things than you do. His audience is in the millions, at best, your audience is what, a dozen? I would say that in the game of life, he has completely out shined you. Not bad for a bigot. Seriously, if you're such a gleaming ray of purity who can do a three hour radio show and grab an audience like he can, you ought to get to work pronto - a $400 million dollar contract is waiting if you've got the guts to go for it.  (11 min ago | post #369)

Baltimore Sun

Rush Limbaugh sets new deal

I guess we know the difference between you and Rush Limbaugh. He's a VERY, VERY RICH sh**t stain, you're just an average sh**t stain. Rush learned how to make sh**t sandwiches out of sh**t stains, when are you gonna learn? Yeah, you forgot to mention, he's a VERY, VERY RICH sh**t stain.  (17 min ago | post #367)

Baltimore Sun

Rush Limbaugh sets new deal

By the way, you know it has about 45 cats in its house and the whole place smells like urine and excrement - no plumbing and all. Watch Animal Cops, it'll be on soon.  (3 hrs ago | post #357)

Baltimore Sun

Rush Limbaugh sets new deal

He/She/It isn't dangerous at all, just delusional. I don't want to click ignore, I'm having fun toying with it. Just think, Rush Limbaugh has a contract for $400 million and a huge audience and all she has is an appearance that would make a Russian Weightlifter vomit and a dad who sucker punches people. In the end, I enjoy watching it swing in the breeze and squirm having lead a meaningless life that lifted so few people up with its very exsistence. Its simultaneously fun and pathetic to watch people like this self-immolate.  (3 hrs ago | post #356)

Baltimore Sun

Rush Limbaugh sets new deal

Well, maybe you haven't seen a Pee Wee Herman movie, but, I can tell you've been in one.  (3 hrs ago | post #354)

Baltimore Sun

Rush Limbaugh sets new deal

Tell the truth, you're making all this up as you go along aren't you? So, your Dad's a communist right?  (3 hrs ago | post #353)

Baltimore Sun

Rush Limbaugh sets new deal

and you are otherwise know as someone who has no f'n idea of what she's talking about.  (3 hrs ago | post #352)

Baltimore Sun

Rush Limbaugh sets new deal

You know, if they taped Limbaugh's photo next to your photo, I'll bet that all men, heterosexual, homosexual or bi-sexual would be more sexually aroused sexually by Limbaugh than you. You're about as feminine as jock itch. Tell us, you played Large Marge in that Pee Wee Herman movie didn't you?  (5 hrs ago | post #331)

Baltimore Sun

Rush Limbaugh sets new deal

Why wasn't the drug problem a difficulty for you when Marion Barry ran for Mayor of Washington DC after being videotaped shoving blow up his nose? You'll probably vote for Obama too who admits to drug use - that you undoubtedly don't care about. I love your selective outrage. It illustrates what a truly principled human being you are.  (5 hrs ago | post #330)

Baltimore Sun

Rush Limbaugh sets new deal

So if I understand your blathering correctly, your father was a communist and sucker punched a republican who pointed it out to others before he pointed it out, personally, to your father - so it was simply a breach of protocol, not so much a dispute over the accuracy of your father's political philosophy. O.K., now we all understand. Your father should already know he's a communist, why should the republican have gone to him to point that out before he told others? Did your father ever sucker punch anyone who pointed out that he was white? If your father was a communist, why was he so touchy about it that it drove him to violence? By the way, has your father sucker punched anyone else? Maybe the check out girl at the grocery store? A girl scout selling cookies? Two 6 year olds running a lemonade stand that your father thought was price gouging by charging $.30 per glass? Did your Dad go to jail for assault? Speaking of Deliverance, did they make him squeal like a pig in jail or did he end up with the cellmate that complimented him on his "real pretty mouth" before giving his his choke reflex a ride around the block?  (5 hrs ago | post #329)

Baltimore Sun

Rush Limbaugh sets new deal

See, problem is, until you can come up with a better story that is more plausible - you can't be taken seriously. Nice try, but, we can't award you a consolation prize for 6th place.  (6 hrs ago | post #327)

Baltimore Sun

Rush Limbaugh sets new deal

That wasn't the line of discussion zippy. Please try to pay attention before getting cute. I like Rush. He makes more sense than Olbermann, Matthews, Al Franken and the rest of the liberal crew who can't pull down ratings that indicate they have more than a dozen viewers/listeners at any given moment. But, just to entertain you for a minute: George Bush a great president? We'll see, but, the man you guys love to call an idiot was smart enough to beat Gore and Kerry. Maybe if you guys would stop running candidates who are marginally retarded, have the charisma of an empty box of Tampax or have credentials that highlight being a community organizer as the defining achievement in their lives, the Republicans would have to reach deeper into their political bench. Remember, our pair of dueces beat your nothing with a Jack high **** Cheney for President? Scares you doesn't it? Scares our enemies too. Obama doesn't really scare anyone and both Gore and Kerry could put an insomniac to sleep in 30 seconds. How do you say "sucker" in Iranian? Obama - that's how. $5.00 a gallon gas - yeah, thanks guys. Thanks to bed wetting, booger eating liberals, we can't build new refineries or drill for oil domestically. Anything else? Lollipop to go with your sailor suit and pony photo?  (6 hrs ago | post #326)

Baltimore Sun

Mrs. Bush: History will vindicate her husband

Damn, I don't know what's worse, giving a liberal an open microphone to make "brief comments" or a keyboard to cut, paste and otherwise type novel length posts. Then there's pdamerica who hasn't gotten over Gore loss in 2000, is jealous about Limbaughs new contract (see, Rush has millions and millions of listeners compared to pd's 5 or 6).  (8 hrs ago | post #4846)

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