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2008 Presidential Election


Candidates Vie For Hispanic Voters

There is little doubt that Hispanics will play a significant role in this year's presidential race between Barack Obama and John McCain. The Census Bureau reports an 18 percent jump in Hispanic voters in 2006, compared with the previous midterm election. They are also a big part of the population in key swing states, such as Florida, New Mexico and Colorado.

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An Individual Hispanic
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In a way, it is slightly offensive how much these politicians are vying for the "Hispanic vote." Come on, speaking Spanish so that we can understand! That is just too funny. If we live in America and are American citizens--since only those can vote!--chances are that we can read, write, and speak English. Don't demean us with your mockery.

I think that we should be spoken to in the same manner as any other ethnic group. We want to know what the candidates' positions are on a lot of issues. We are tax paying individuals that are drowning in this mess that has become of our world. How can you help us? And yes, tell us in English, the language that we learn in school and use to communicate.

Unbeknown to the candidates apparently, many of us are educated and can think as independent beings separate from an entire group. The world has evolved and so have the Hispanic people. Lose the mentality that we are all living together in a house like a car of clowns. Have some respect for us please.

“Proud, 100% non-Bush voter”

Joined: May 16, 2008
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¿Que? No entiendo.¿"O-bama", es esto grape jelly + peanut butter?

“Proud, 100% non-Bush voter”

Joined: May 16, 2008
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¿McCain es sugar dessert de McDonalds?


Joined: Apr 19, 2008
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I am enjoying the irony of Obama's attempts to reach out to a group who clearly despises him. Why? Just read what his black supporters say of hispanics...start with RIC RICHLAND's gems or other black Obama supporters...they've got nothing but negative words for hispanics.

Blacks are too stupid to realize how to build coalitions. They instead think they can continue to complain and invoke guilt in others to acquire what they need. Hispanics can't stand their histriontics and don't fall for their BS.

Obama can pander all he wants but his black supporters have sealed his fate. Next time...learn to build coalitions. That means don't complain and whine, don't expect, and learn to treat other racial or ethnic groups with respect.

White politicians have always known how to be have their supporters.

Summer Rain
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Oh, puh-leeze! Your race war fantasies are not shared by real Americans.

Obama's Latino vote: A homecoming?
The Democrat's share of the Latino vote suggests a reversal for the GOP

"...a new poll of Latino voters in 21 states run by Pacific Market Research and political scientists at the University of Washington has found Obama's potential level of support approaching what predecessors in his party, prior to 2004, have been able to attract. Obama was the favorite among 60 percent surveyed, McCain 23 percent, with 16 percent undecided. The poll has a 3.5 percentage-point margn of error...."

The GOP is desperate to play one group off against another, and the media is desperate to seem relevant in an environment where political news is followed on the web by 50% of Americans. So they pretend there is conflict, and you race war fans eat it up. Pathetic!

Many Hispanics have been citizens since the territories becam states. They speak perfect English and are well educated, citizens holding responsible positions. The addiction to stereotypes may be easier than actually learning and thinking, but it certainly doesn't help you understand reality. And you all speak lousy Spanish.
Summer Rain
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An Individual Hispanic wrote:
In a way, it is slightly offensive how much these politicians are vying for the "Hispanic vote." Come on, speaking Spanish so that we can understand! That is just too funny. If we live in America and are American citizens--since only those can vote!--chances are that we can read, write, and speak English. Don't demean us with your mockery.
I think that we should be spoken to in the same manner as any other ethnic group. We want to know what the candidates' positions are on a lot of issues. We are tax paying individuals that are drowning in this mess that has become of our world. How can you help us? And yes, tell us in English, the language that we learn in school and use to communicate.
Unbeknown to the candidates apparently, many of us are educated and can think as independent beings separate from an entire group. The world has evolved and so have the Hispanic people. Lose the mentality that we are all living together in a house like a car of clowns. Have some respect for us please.
Obama dspoke to Hispanics in English about a week ago:

June 28, 2008
Obama's Remarks to NALEO
Barack Obama

NALEO Opening Statement
Washington, DC

I'm proud to be here today not just as the Democratic nominee for President, but as the first African American nominee of my party, and I'm hoping that somewhere out in this audience sits the person who will become the first Latino nominee of a major party.

You know, being here today is a reminder of why I'm in this race. Because the reason I'm running for President is to do what you do each day in your communities - help make a difference in the lives of ordinary Americans. And that's what I've been working with Latino leaders to do ever since I entered public service more than twenty years ago....

Read it, please. I think its everything you want. Obama doesn't marginalize anyone.
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Replace "Hispanics" with "Whites" in that article and it would be considered racist.

We're sitting on our thumbs while this country is being taken out from under us my fellow Americans of European decent.

You decide when enough is enough. I've drawn my line in the sand and will fight tooth and nail.
Summer Rain
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Joe wrote:
Replace "Hispanics" with "Whites" in that article and it would be considered racist.
We're sitting on our thumbs while this country is being taken out from under us my fellow Americans of European decent.
You decide when enough is enough. I've drawn my line in the sand and will fight tooth and nail.
Acknowledging that groups of people share a unique heritage and concerns is not racist. I don't expect that you will understand that.

We are all people, and we are all Americans. The ties that bind are much stronger than the differences. If you choose to hate and fear, you will never understand community. I pity you.

“We need Ron Paul!!”

Joined: Dec 15, 2006
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Wellington, Florida
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They breed like "rabbits on Viagra" at taxpayers expense. If we don't nip this in the bud soon our country will be gone. Who will support them then??? It is not Global Warming that will end this country. It is unchecked immigration!!

Our tax dollars at work
No one says it better than Frosty.

“We need Ron Paul!!”

Joined: Dec 15, 2006
Comments: 15552
Wellington, Florida
ISP Location: AOL





Joe wrote:
Replace "Hispanics" with "Whites" in that article and it would be considered racist.
We're sitting on our thumbs while this country is being taken out from under us my fellow Americans of European decent.
You decide when enough is enough. I've drawn my line in the sand and will fight tooth and nail. Join and contribute EVERYONE!!! Keep the pressure on your congressman.





Obama Cartoon Changed into a Racist Slur on the Internet

A Halifax newspaper's editorial cartoon showing Barack Obama on the lawn of the White House thinking: "Well first off, that (White House) sign's gonna have to go" has been hijacked on the Internet and turned into a racial slur against the U. S. Democratic presidential hopeful.

Get the complete story.
Cheeze Whiz





The pendulum of political correctness and liberalism has swung about as far as it will I think. Get ready for a screeching halt and a hard correction... probably an over-correction to the right.





An Individual Hispanic wrote:
In a way, it is slightly offensive how much these politicians are vying for the "Hispanic vote." Come on, speaking Spanish so that we can understand! That is just too funny. If we live in America and are American citizens--since only those can vote!--chances are that we can read, write, and speak English. Don't demean us with your mockery.
I think that we should be spoken to in the same manner as any other ethnic group. We want to know what the candidates' positions are on a lot of issues. We are tax paying individuals that are drowning in this mess that has become of our world. How can you help us? And yes, tell us in English, the language that we learn in school and use to communicate.
Unbeknown to the candidates apparently, many of us are educated and can think as independent beings separate from an entire group. The world has evolved and so have the Hispanic people. Lose the mentality that we are all living together in a house like a car of clowns. Have some respect for us please.
YES !!!





Cheeze Whiz wrote:
The pendulum of political correctness and liberalism has swung about as far as it will I think. Get ready for a screeching halt and a hard correction... probably an over-correction to the right.
Cheesy comment from a cheesy source.





Fed Up wrote:
<quoted text> Join and contribute EVERYONE!!! Keep the pressure on your congressman.
Voices of Intolerance
John TantonFAIR Founder
In addition to founding the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), the largest and most influential U.S. anti-immigrant organization, Tanton started U.S. English, Center for Immigration Studies, NumbersUSA, ProEnglish and The Social Contract Press. His US Inc. organization has channeled millions from a few major donors, such as the Scaife family, into numerous anti-immigrant start-ups. These organizations have played a key role in stirring up widespread resentment against immigrants and pressuring policy-makers to pursue increasingly inhumane solutions.

Early in his organizing career, Tanton discovered that appealing to fear and prejudice was the most successful method of attracting followers, so he focused on demonizing immigrants and warning of an impending “culture war.” Although Tanton’s fear-mongering approach has been effective in mobilizing supporters, it has also landed Tanton in many controversies and revealed his willingness to align with the most extremely racist and even neo-Nazi groups to amass power. An entire book could be written about these dubious connections, but several episodes stand out, such as Tanton’s resignation from U.S. English over an inflammatory memo in which Tanton expressed his fears regarding Latinos’ higher birth rates:“On the demographic question: perhaps this is the first instance in which those with their pants up are going to get caught by those with their pants down!”

The “invasion” theme has featured prominently in Tanton’s efforts. He coauthored The Immigration Invasion with Wayne Lutton, an editorial board member of the Citizens Informer, a publication of the white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens. Tanton’s Social Contract Press published the English translation of a sensationally racist novel about an immigrant invasion of Europe titled The Camp of Saints.“Their [Third World]‘huddled masses’ cast longing eyes on the apparent riches of the industrial west,” Tanton wrote in 1975.“The developed countries lie directly in the path of a great storm.”

Although Tanton has collaborated with white supremacists, his largest financial connection with overtly racist organizations involved FAIR accepting $1.2 million in funding from the Pioneer Fund between 1985 and 1994. The Pioneer Fund is infamous for its “eugenics studies,” based on a de-bunked pseudo-science that first gained prominence during Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich, on genetic differences between racial groups.

Despite the controversies, Tanton’s web of allies has emerged as most influential force in the latest wave of anti-immigrant legislation, both at the local and federal levels. Rep. Brian Bilbray, the current chairman of House Immigration Reform Caucus is a former FAIR lobbyist. FAIR field organizers provide logistic, tactical, and legal support for anti-immigrant initiatives across the nation. FAIR’s PAC funnels money into the coffers of America’s most virulent politicians, including Presidential candidate Tom Tancredo.

Clearly, Americans interested in seeing a more sensible and compassionate debate on immigrants and their contributions to this nation have much work to do to counter the influence Tanton’s empire of fear and prejudice currently enjoys.
John Tanton Ira Mehlman Jim Gilchrist Lou Dobbs Archives .
Visalia, CA





Fed Up wrote:
<quoted text> Join and contribute EVERYONE!!! Keep the pressure on your congressman.
Voices of Intolerance
John TantonFAIR Founder
In addition to founding the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), the largest and most influential U.S. anti-immigrant organization, Tanton started U.S. English, Center for Immigration Studies, NumbersUSA, ProEnglish and The Social Contract Press. His US Inc. organization has channeled millions from a few major donors, such as the Scaife family, into numerous anti-immigrant start-ups. These organizations have played a key role in stirring up widespread resentment against immigrants and pressuring policy-makers to pursue increasingly inhumane solutions.

Early in his organizing career, Tanton discovered that appealing to fear and prejudice was the most successful method of attracting followers, so he focused on demonizing immigrants and warning of an impending “culture war.” Although Tanton’s fear-mongering approach has been effective in mobilizing supporters, it has also landed Tanton in many controversies and revealed his willingness to align with the most extremely racist and even neo-Nazi groups to amass power. An entire book could be written about these dubious connections, but several episodes stand out, such as Tanton’s resignation from U.S. English over an inflammatory memo in which Tanton expressed his fears regarding Latinos’ higher birth rates:“On the demographic question: perhaps this is the first instance in which those with their pants up are going to get caught by those with their pants down!”

The “invasion” theme has featured prominently in Tanton’s efforts. He coauthored The Immigration Invasion with Wayne Lutton, an editorial board member of the Citizens Informer, a publication of the white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens. Tanton’s Social Contract Press published the English translation of a sensationally racist novel about an immigrant invasion of Europe titled The Camp of Saints.“Their [Third World]‘huddled masses’ cast longing eyes on the apparent riches of the industrial west,” Tanton wrote in 1975.“The developed countries lie directly in the path of a great storm.”

Although Tanton has collaborated with white supremacists, his largest financial connection with overtly racist organizations involved FAIR accepting $1.2 million in funding from the Pioneer Fund between 1985 and 1994. The Pioneer Fund is infamous for its “eugenics studies,” based on a de-bunked pseudo-science that first gained prominence during Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich, on genetic differences between racial groups.

Despite the controversies, Tanton’s web of allies has emerged as most influential force in the latest wave of anti-immigrant legislation, both at the local and federal levels. Rep. Brian Bilbray, the current chairman of House Immigration Reform Caucus is a former FAIR lobbyist. FAIR field organizers provide logistic, tactical, and legal support for anti-immigrant initiatives across the nation. FAIR’s PAC funnels money into the coffers of America’s most virulent politicians, including Presidential candidate Tom Tancredo.

Clearly, Americans interested in seeing a more sensible and compassionate debate on immigrants and their contributions to this nation have much work to do to counter the influence Tanton’s empire of fear and prejudice currently enjoys.
John Tanton Ira Mehlman Jim Gilchrist Lou Dobbs Archives .
Visalia, CA

Joined: Sat Jul 5
Comments: 22





jujubee editor wrote:
I am enjoying the irony of Obama's attempts to reach out to a group who clearly despises him. Why? Just read what his black supporters say of hispanics...start with RIC RICHLAND's gems or other black Obama supporters...they've got nothing but negative words for hispanics.
Blacks are too stupid to realize how to build coalitions. They instead think they can continue to complain and invoke guilt in others to acquire what they need. Hispanics can't stand their histriontics and don't fall for their BS.
Obama can pander all he wants but his black supporters have sealed his fate. Next time...learn to build coalitions. That means don't complain and whine, don't expect, and learn to treat other racial or ethnic groups with respect.
White politicians have always known how to be have their supporters.
you are right about one thing...white politicians are Way better at telling Lies. so sorry...being pragmatic.
blacks can't be that Stupid..which i think is one of the reasons i hear so many ppl(you chose the color)taking shots at him. i think some ppl(once again you chose the color)are feeling threatened that Obama has made it this close to the white house.all this talk he's a terrorist, he's a racist. these same ppl are calling all blacks stupid,say there's 50 mexicans living in one house and so on. You telling someone to treat other racial groups with respect at the same time posting how stupid another racial group
NE Red




BS Hater wrote:
¿Que? No entiendo.¿"O-bama", es esto grape jelly + peanut butter?
In America we speak and write ENGLISH!





Summer Rain wrote:
<quoted text>
Acknowledging that groups of people share a unique heritage and concerns is not racist. I don't expect that you will understand that.
We are all people, and we are all Americans. The ties that bind are much stronger than the differences. If you choose to hate and fear, you will never understand community. I pity you.
There was a time I would agree with your phrase "ties that bind are much stronger than the differences", however I no longer feel that way. Due to the massive amount of illegal immigration and failure to assimulate into the US, we are becoming more divided than ever before. Many that came to the US legally want to be addresses as an American not a hyphenated American. Special interest groups,that demand special privledges for specific races/ethnicities can thank themselves for this divide instead of accusing others of having nothing but "hate & fear".

If you do not understand this, then maybe you are the one that should be pitied.....
Guess who





NE Red wrote:
<quoted text> In America we speak and write ENGLISH!
But not very well...I think the slant is more old English....I didn't know Native Americans were English?
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