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Introduction and Set Up

Chess is a war game between two players, played out on a sixty-four squares board.  Each player controls an army of sixteen chessmen of the same color, Black or White.  Both players manipulate these pieces with objective of trapping the enemy's King.  The players take turn moving the pieces until one of the Kings is checkmated (placed in a position where it cannot escape), a player resigns or the game is drawn.  

At the beginning of the game, each player has sixteen chessmen (1 King, 2 Queen, 2 Rooks, 2 Bishops, 2 Knights, and 8 Pawns).  These pieces are arranged in two rows on one end of the board, with each piece occupying one specific square.  The board is placed such that each side has a white square at the lower right-hand corner.  In print or on screen, White pieces are shown at the bottom and Black pieces at the top. Notice that each Queen is on her own color; the White Queen is on a pale-colored square, and the Black Queen is on a dark-colored square.

The game always begin with White making the opening move.  The armies will initially move to unoccupied squares, but may move to squares occupied by enemy's pieces as the game continues.


Pieces White Black

