IQ tests & puzzles

Instant Personality Test - What is your personality type? How does the world perceive you? Who is the real you? Find out now!

Who Should I Vote For Quiz - Barack Obama and John McCain are Presidential candidates for 2008. It can be hard to figure out which one you should vote for for President. This quiz will test your views on key issues, and help determine the candidate you should vote for.

Political Party Quiz - Everyone cares about certain political issues, so everyone belongs in a political party. What political party are you? If you're not sure, take this political party quiz to find out. The election is coming soon, so take this quiz and find the political party that's right for you.

Religion Test - Do you believe in God? Are you a spiritual person but find that your religion is lacking? Maybe you want to consider another faith or reaffirm your beliefs? Take this quiz to find out which religion may best suit you.

Career Personality Test - Find the right career to match your personality.

Compatibility Test - Will the fires of love burn bright? Or will it never be more than a spark? If you're in love, or think you're in love, take the test!

Diet Quiz - Are you eating right? Take the Diet Quiz and find out now! Approved by a Registered Dietitian.

Supermom Quiz - Are you a super mom or do you know one? Take this fun quiz to find out!

The Pet Test - Getting a pet is a big decision. You have your own lifestyle and you want to be sure that the pet you get is a good fit. The Pet Quiz is here to help you take a look at yourself and decide: What pet is right for me?

Millionaire Predictor Test - Will you ever be a Millionaire? Find out now!

Select a Candidate Quiz - This is a website wherein you answer 11 questions and then see the Presidential candidate that most closely agrees with your opinion on the questions asked. It only takes a minute or two.

Selfgrowth's Directory of IQ and EQ Tests on the web - Tons of IQ tests & other tests.

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