Welcome to Launch

Launch is your window into all the activities and services available to you through RMIT Union.

Launch is where you can find all the information about what Union Arts , Sport & Recreation and City Fitness have to offer – from theatre productions, film nights and sound collectives through to university sports competitions, trips to the Grampians and personal training sessions, Launch is where you can find out what's happening and how to get involved.

You can join clubs, book activities and register to get more information about any of the many services available through RMIT Union...or simply read about what's been happening, and what's coming up.


Learn To Surf

RMIT Union Sport and Recreation sent a group of people to discover the feeling of surfing with the recent Learn to Surf trip in mid March.

The early departure from the city didn’t dampen any spirits as the group headed south towards Torquay and the famous beaches of Victoria’s south coast. The group wore wetsuits and beaming smiles for a morning of surfing lessons and...


ITF Taekwon Do Championships
On Saturday May 10th, two RMIT ITF Taekwon Do Club members travelled to Burnie, Tasmania to participate in the Tasmanian Open Championships.

Melissa Delaney - Newly appointed Arts Coordinator
Melissa works within electronic art forms and text and is interested in words and the way they can shape the ideal world.

RMIT Table Tennis Club Competition 2 May 2008
20 eager table tennis players joined this semester’s Table Tennis Club Competition and contested for the gold, silver and bronze medals.