Current Readers: Feedback and Additional Material Request Form

Chess Exam & Training Guide (2004, CE1)  and Chess Exam & Training Guide: Tactics (2007, CE2)

First, thank you for purchasing my books. I hope you found it enlightening and entertaining. Please provide as much feedback as you can to help me improve on my future work. Also, you can request some neat tools that will make your experience of using my book even better.

Your comments are extremely valuable, since this book was written with only one goal in mind – helping chess players to improve. Please answer as many questions as you can and be as brief or as elaborate as you wish. The fields marked (*) are required.


Once you fill out this form, I will e-mail you some promo materials and review your feedback extensively. I've got a lot of help while producing my book and I always acknowledge those who offered valuable assistance. Who knows, you may see your name in the acknowledgement section of my next book (or revised edition of this one).



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 Would you like to receive free Table 1 (in *.pdf), Demo of Excel and ChessBase files?


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