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8th Rank  Diagram 1
It is easy for most players to immediately notice that the White King can stop Black's pawn from promoting to queen at H1 in two moves. However, it can be more difficult to identify whether a pawn will be able to promote when a King is farther away from a given pawn ( See diagram 2 and 3). Just keep one thing in mind: Bring your King to the Square of the Pawn. If you are able to do so, then you will always be able to snatch the pawn before it earns your opponent a queen. The Square of the Pawn is defined as a square in which each side is composed of the same number of squares that a given pawn must move to make it to the border for promotion to queen or whatever piece the player needs.
Diagram 2
Example: In diagram 2(left), Black's King is in the square of the pawn. Regardless of who moves first, Black cannot be stopped from capturing the pawn.  White moves first, h6, Kf6, h7, Kg7, h8=Q+, Kxh8, and the new queen is captured.
Diagram 3
Example two: In diagram 3 (left), White must move first if it hopes to capture Black's pawn. If Black were to move first in this position, White's King would never be able to enter the square of the pawn and as a result never catch up to Black's pawn (assuming Black does not waste a move). Simply put, if white moves first, it can be a forced draw (No mating material), if Black moves first, Black can force checkmate.

White moves first: Kd5, h4, Ke4, h3, Kf3, h2, Kg2, h1=Q+, Kxh1 and the new queen is captured.

Black moves first: h4, Kd5, h3, ke4, h2, Kf3, h1+ White's King is now in check, and is unable to capture the queen. Note: There are many variations, but no matter what White does, Black can force checkmate.  


Diagram 4
This tactic is not only useful for forcing draws and saving valuable time, but can actually allow you to promote pieces, by luring the opponents King out of the Square of a given Pawn. 

Example 3: Diagram 4 (left) White can force mate by beginning to march the pawn on h2 forward creating a 'red herring' and forcing Black's King to pursue it, lest it be promoted. However, this is only delaying Black's inevitable downfall. Once Black wanders outside the square of the a-pawn, White can abandon its h-pawn, and march its a-pawn straight to the Eighth Rank for a shiny new queen.  

The best way to reinforce this is to actually try it yourself. Test it out ASAP. I hope that this article has helped you, and I hope that I didn't confuse anyone.

Matt Felsted Zchess.com



Square of the Pawn | Pawn Charge   Soon to come: Opposition | Out-Flanking


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