ARTICLE I-Name and Type.
The name and type of the organization shall be the Chess Club, a non-profit student run organization.

ARTICLE II - Objectives.
The objective of the Chess Club shall be:
i. To improve every member's skill level of chess.
ii. To challenge surrounding chess organizations and/or assembled individuals to chess matches, which in turn will help achieve the first objective.
iii. To increase club membership with every meeting, and more importantly, to increase attendance at every meeting.

ARTICLE III - Membership.
Section 1.
Membership and participation shall be free from discrimination on the basic of sex, race religion, ethic group, or national origin.
Section 2.
Membership shall be open to all undergraduate, graduate, staff, faculty and alumni of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Section 1.
A Student member who is an undergraduate and who has met the criteria to receive a registered membership card through payment of annual fees shall be entitled to vote.
Procedure for voting:
i. President shall conduct voting.
ii. Each member shall be allowed one vote.
iii. Quorum of one half the membership shall be required to conduct a vote.
iv. A proposal shall be ratified by majority vote.
v. If quorum is not present, the executive Board shall vote on an issue.

The Executive board shall assess the fee for membership. The yearly fee shall accompany any application for membership. No part of the net income shall incur to the benefit of any private individual or company.

ARTICLE VI - Administration and Administration Duties
Undergraduate members in good standing shall hold all elected offices on the executive board.
Section 2.
There shall be an Executive Board which shall be consist of the:
(a) President
(b) Vice-President
(c) Secretary
(d) Treasurer
Section 3.
The Executive Board shall:
(a) Determine all question of policy and shall administer the affairs of the Chess Club under the Constitution and by-laws, and the general provisions of the law under which it is incorporated.
(b) Be subject to the orders of the membership and none of its acts shall conflict with decisions made by the vote of the general body, or the goals and objectives of the organization.
(c) Not receive any salary for service
Section 4.
The duties of the elected officers are:
(a) President
i. Shall preside over all official meetings of the Chapter.
ii. Shall appoint members of special committees with advise and consent from the Executive Board.
iii. Shall serve as the representative of the Executive Board.
iv. Shall have signing authority.
(b) Vice-President
i. Shall preside in the absence or the inability of the Chapter President.
ii. Shall develop programs of interest for the Chess Club Chapter meetings in cooperation with the Executive Board.
iii.Shall perform any activities, duties, and responsibilities as designated by the Chapter President.
i. Shall record accurately the minutes of the Executive Board meetings and make available the minutes to all members upon request.
ii. Shall report the minutes from the previous meeting,br> iii.Shall require from the Executive board, Standing Committees, and, Special Committees of the Chess Club, a record of the activities of the said body.
(d) Treasurer
i. Shall keep accounts and deposit organization funds of the Chess Club Chapter treasury.
ii. Shall keep document proof of all expenditures.
iii.Shall maintain the membership roll and collect annuals dues of the Chess Club Chapter in a manner developed along with the Executive Board and shall have signing authority.
Section 5. The Chapter Executive Board will created and appoints chairs for any special committee(s), as necessary.

ARTICLE VII - Nomination and Election
Section 1.
If the office of Chapter President becomes vacant, the Chapter Vice-President shall become president for the remainder of the regular term, thereby creating a vacancy as Vice-President.
Section 2.
If any elected office other than that of the Chapter President becomes vacant, the Executive Board of the Chapter shall fill the vacancy temporarily wit a simple majority vote, until the permanent replacement can be elected at the general meeting. The replacement shall complete the remainder of term.
Section 3.
At April/May shall a Chapter meeting be called in which chapter offices election shall be appointed, provided the candidate's willingness and eligibility is affirmed.
Section 4.
The term of an elected officer shall last for the summer term and two consecutive semesters following April/May elections.

(a) Meeting will be held weekly, on an agreed-upon day of the week.
(b) Consist of chess matches between members.
(c) The Chapter Executive Board shall give reports of their actions.
(d) Upcoming Events shall be discussed.
(e) Date of the next meeting shall be announced.

ARTICLE IX - Amendments
Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the membership. Such amendments shall field immediately with the Executive Board for final approval.

ARTICLE X - Termination of Officers
Any officer may be impeached or removed from said position by the affirmative vote of:
(a) No less than two-thirds (2/3) of the members in good standing.
(b) Or all the remaining officers of the Executive Board.