Thanks for visiting The Great Pawn Hunter!

Previous Guest comments during their visit to The Great Pawn Hunter:

Jan 17, 2004 - 02:24 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
A very interesting site. Thanks. Eugene
My name,country is: France
How I found your page: AOL search engin

Jan 19, 2004 - 08:58 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
My 6 year old enjoys playing chess but is not very good. I was hoping that this website and your practice items will help him learn techniques to win. Now all he is doing is capturing the opponents pieces
My name,country is: Barb - US
How I found your page: google search "chess tutorial"

Feb 26, 2004 - 00:52 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
Hello, I love the way you mix chess logic with heartfelt wisdom. that makes for a great combination! Regards, Ed Hirsch
My name,country is: Ed Hirsch, U.S.A.
How I found your page: it was recommended by Dr. Alan Kirshner of CalChess

Mar 14, 2004 - 13:49 - From: - not here!
Comments about the web site:
You know Manus, your story about fried liver has cost me a game. Someone must be reading that and use it against me lol.
My name,country is: David B, You don't want to know lol
How I found your page: I forgot

Mar 20, 2004 - 00:14 - From: - (minus the zeros)
Comments about the web site:
Love the site! I'm pretty rusty at the moment from not playing forever, and this site has helped remind me of alot of things that I had forgotten (and a few I never knew).
My name,country is: Sean USA
How I found your page: Googlization

Mar 24, 2004 - 07:02 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
You've helped me gain at least 100 rating points at the ICC since I started perusing your page. Thanks so much. Great new picture by the way. :) cheers from the Philippines!
My name,country is: JC Sola from Manila in the Philippines
How I found your page: 365 Chess Lessons

Mar 27, 2004 - 21:28 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
A wonderful and educational way of learning some basics, thank you for your efforts
My name,country is: Derek Hordle, UK
How I found your page: Searching with Google

Apr 03, 2004 - 19:24 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
Hi Thank you for the website. I put it on my favorites list. I will try to come back to it and study it more. Steve
My name,country is: Steve Kinzel USA
How I found your page: chessbase link

Apr 11, 2004 - 01:18 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
I am trying to sharpen my skills at this great game and absolutely love the amount of information you present in your site. I come here often to learn a new strategy and learn more about this game that also fascinates my 4 year old son. i want to learn more so I can teach him...let him beat the pants off the people at the local coffee shop. hehehe.
My name,country is: Art / USA
How I found your page: MSN search for chess tutorials

Apr 12, 2004 - 16:00 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
Sir, I am a beginner at chess and i study your web site, it has help me perfusely. I had a chess game with one of the guys at work and won the game, thanks to your site. I want to thank you for your contribution , and please keep your site on internet.Now i know what it means to understand 100% for what reason to move each peice.
My name,country is: USA
How I found your page: search engine

Apr 22, 2004 - 08:06 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
Hi, I have started to read your web site and I think its going to help improve my game Many Thanks
My name,country is: Mike Smith Australia
How I found your page: Web search

Apr 22, 2004 - 08:07 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
Hi, I have started to read your web site and I think its going to help improve my game Many Thanks
My name,country is: Mike Smith Australia
How I found your page: Web search

Jun 05, 2004 - 22:15 - From: -
Comments about the web site:

My name,country is: Charles Haggerty. Scotland
How I found your page: On the web

Jun 13, 2004 - 11:56 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
yes after i look at it
My name,country is: Hazem NAHAS from Lebanon
How I found your page: in the tutorial for chyess

Jun 16, 2004 - 20:27 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
I have only read a few sections so far...but I do like what I have seen...I like to play chess, but it has been a long time since I have played (25 years) friend is learning to play and I was looking for a site to help her learn the game. Dale
My name,country is: Dale Mitchell, Las Vegas NV. USA
How I found your page: Search Web: chess

Jun 16, 2004 - 21:16 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
You have a wonderful website with excellent values! I have enjoyed learning from your knowledge of chess. Thank you!
My name,country is: UC Karbach, Florida, USA
How I found your page: searching for chess tutorials

Jun 17, 2004 - 22:57 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
These moves and suggestions are a great source of info. for a medi-oker chess player like myself. I've always liked to play, but have never taken it too seriouslly. Now that I'm more into it my ever-victorious advesory, must be taken down. And thanks to your K.I.S.S. lessons; I am perplexing my opponent every time. But he is still better than me. But thank you for helping me become a better chess player sir.
My name,country is: Tommy. U.S.
How I found your page: By looking up easey shess stratigies.

Jul 01, 2004 - 16:59 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
I am an asteroid hunter for NASA and I liked the "Hunter" part of your title. You are going to teach me to play Chess from scratch. I am counting on you to do a good job. I will do my part. :)
My name,country is: Loren C Ball Alabama, USA
How I found your page: ChessBase link

Jul 09, 2004 - 20:20 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
I love your site!
My name,country is:
How I found your page:

Jul 13, 2004 - 10:30 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
i love to learn and play chess, this site helps a lot heard from my friends
My name,country is: ed franco, USA
How I found your page: THRU MY FRIENDS

Jul 21, 2004 - 09:58 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
Manus, You're a great teacher. The simple, bare-bones explanations have made the points you're trying to convey really click in my mind. I'll be back to the site often. Sincerely, Bruce Feldman
My name,country is: Bruce Feldman USA
How I found your page: seaching Google under "gambits"... I think

Jul 23, 2004 - 12:26 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
keep up the good work
My name,country is:
How I found your page: google

Jul 27, 2004 - 07:05 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
Awsome student resource
My name,country is: Pete A. D'Ambrosi III@United States Of America
How I found your page: I was following WWW hyperlinks on the topic of Improvng My Chess

Jul 30, 2004 - 14:33 - From: -
Comments about the web site:

My name,country is:
How I found your page:

Aug 31, 2004 - 00:00 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
Hello, I just came across your page while surfing chess web sites. You may like to visit my chess dictionary below? I would be grateful if you could give me a link. To add your link just sign my guestbook? Regards, Raymond Reid. Chesmayne.
My name,country is: Raymond Reid - Ireland
How I found your page: surfing chess web pages

Sep 08, 2004 - 18:11 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
I absolutely love this site. So much care and thought has gone into the content - and I have found myself rediscovering my love of chess. When I was a kid I used to play every day, and would walk along dreaming up combinations and tactics (though I never got as good as I wanted to, as after a short while I couldn't find anyone better than me to play against, so didn't get stretched enough.) When I went to University I played everyone in my college who was half way interested, and improved a bit. Then I had a baby, left Oxford, and stopped playing. Well, the baby is now eight years old, learning chess, and delighted with some of the stories you have written. He loves the idea that the pieces have "hidden shapes" - like the rooks cross. What a wonderful way you have of getting concepts through to anyone! My son has been looking at chess positions instead of playing video games, and we are both going to the local chess club tomorrow for the first time. Thank you! It is wonderful for a mum and son to have something purely intellectual to enjoy together.
My name,country is: Mary Brady
How I found your page: links on other chess sites

Sep 08, 2004 - 20:46 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
just starting, but from what my friend tells me, I know it will be rewarding. until the next e-mail. chesstactics!!!
My name,country is: jimmy, usa
How I found your page: a friend

Sep 09, 2004 - 15:53 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
I understand the obsticles you've had to overcome, I had a stroke that effected the brain and I've had to relearn chess. Thank God I am being restored where I can play in tournament chess again. I make lots of blunders and have dropped a lot of rating points. Rod Avery
My name,country is: ROD AVERY USA
How I found your page: USCF LINKS

Sep 13, 2004 - 12:48 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
Hello It's wonderful the way you mix chess with heartfelt wisdom. thanks
My name,country is: Roberto; México
How I found your page: search chees rule

Sep 28, 2004 - 10:50 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
Nice! Thank you :-)
My name,country is: R Kuhlmann / Germany
How I found your page: may be... google ?

Oct 29, 2004 - 00:17 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
As I say in my email, I have just arrived here. It looks very nice, maybe you can teach me. I will return to read more slowly.
My name,country is: Carlos Alberto Diaz Velez Buenos Aires Argentine
How I found your page: Over the

Nov 06, 2004 - 17:11 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
Just a quick note to say how much I enjoy & appreciate your site. I'm just getting back to playing on a fairly regular basis, but only at an intermediate level. So I find your site a great place to learn more & become a better player. I find as my skill increases my enjoyment does as well. Cheers, Perry Musseau Salem, NB Canada transplanted from Port aux Basques, Nfld
My name,country is: Perry Musseau, Canada
How I found your page: a link from www.chess ( I think)

Nov 16, 2004 - 00:43 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
The is a wonderful site. Have you ever considered compiling these stories into a book form? I think they are marvelous for keeping the attention of young minds and instructing as well. Great job. Rob Mitchell Nashville, Tennessee
My name,country is: USA
How I found your page: USCF link

Dec 26, 2004 - 16:27 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
hi, your page rocks, i surfed 2 hours to find a good chess page becouse im an advanced beginner and got stuck into either totally beginners pages and pro pages, your page has it all, also very well binded together.
My name,country is: Anna - Greece
How I found your page: searchin...searchin

Jan 12, 2005 - 10:26 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
Mr. Fealy, I just discovered your site, and it is wonderful! I've tried several times over the years to improve my chess game, only to be bogged down trying to understand the near-infinite openings. I've made it a resolution for the new year to get better, and came across your site. I'll keep you posted on my progress. Thank you. Brock Collins -- SC (USA)
My name,country is: Brock -- USA (South Carolina)
How I found your page: yahoo search on "chess tutor"

Jan 24, 2005 - 12:54 - From: -
Comments about the web site:

My name,country is: ram ghany, Yemen
How I found your page: good

Feb 14, 2005 - 05:39 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
Thanks for your beautiful chess site. Truely enjoyable. I tried to email you bout the mail bounced back on me. Do you have another address I can use?
My name,country is: Håkan from Sweden
How I found your page: Through seach engines and links

Feb 15, 2005 - 21:47 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
I like the Guest Book poem !
My name,country is: Séamas ó Ceileachair.. the kingdom of Kerry
How I found your page: The leprachauns told me..

Feb 24, 2005 - 16:02 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
Your site rocks! Check out mine at Marble Chess Sets ! Thanks!
My name,country is: US
How I found your page: surfing the web

Apr 02, 2005 - 13:16 - From: -
Comments about the web site:

My name,country is: Robert Farley
How I found your page: i am a member of chess improvement

Apr 08, 2005 - 12:39 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
Dear Manus, Thank you so much for your enlightment and help with my playing and enjoyment of the game "chess". I found your site through a friend and am truely thankful as you have helped me with my game.I look forward to future correspondance, thank you, Regards, Lianne.
My name,country is: Lianne Parker. Australia.
How I found your page: Through a friend

Apr 08, 2005 - 23:15 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
Dear Manus, Thank you for your response! I didn't expect to hear from you. Its a shame you dont get paid for what you do. Wouldn't it be great if we all got paid to do a job we love. Anyway, just to say thank you and i will keep my eyes on your site. Thanks again for all of your help. And say G'day to Whiskey... Love Lianne.
My name,country is: Australia
How I found your page:

Apr 11, 2005 - 13:14 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
To The Great Pawn Hunter Thank you so very much for your generous contribution to the Chess Sets for Soldiers Project. You are already doing so much for chess with your wonderful web site, but you also took time to sign our guest book & donate to another chess project, when you could also use support for your ongoing contributions to chess. For this we are grateful. The Great Pawn Hunter is a wonderful resource for chess! We at Renaissance Knights Community Chess Club would like to help promote this quality site.
My name,country is: Renaissance Knights Community Chess Club USA
How I found your page: You found us! THANK YOU!

Apr 20, 2005 - 22:07 - From: -
Comments about the web site:
You can also check the sites dedicated to alprazolam pharmacy viagra quit smoking cheap viagra allegra weight loss propecia bextra metformin - Tons of interesdting stuff!!!
My name,country is: phentermine
How I found your page: phentermine