
Original Concept & Rules by: Patrick Mulcahy & Geoff Cowper-Hill
Copyright © 1987-2001. Patrick Mulcahy / AstroQab
All rights reserved.

The FREE Computer Game

This software was designed and created by me and is essentially a 'combat-based' variation of chess that was inspired (back in the 1980s) by an RPG ('role playing game') called Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. The game might still have a couple of (non-critical) bugs, but it plays well and is (I think) a lot of fun. (If you find any bugs please let me know.)

RPGchess is a 'Turn-based' 2-player game - just like normal chess. The effective strategy of play is different to normal chess though. Press {F1} (Function Key 1) after loading RPGchess to read the basic rules etc. They vary only slightly to the 'board game' rules published on this web-site (see the link below).

Above: White's Champion (Queen) attacks Black's Champion (Queen) and inflicts 13 points of 'damage'. Black's Champion's Health score will therefore reduce from 41 to 28.

These screen-shots are what you will see if you are using a 15 inch monitor at 800x600 screen resolution. RPGchess must be played in 800x600 screen resolution (minimum) - otherwise you will not be able to see all of the game window.

Above: Black's Priest (Bishop) is able to cast a 'Heal' spell on a friendly piece - in this case a Warrior (Pawn) whose Health score is currently 13.

To download the installation files of RPGchess click on the following link...

Updated: 24 Dec 2001


Or...Go to the files section of the RPGchess Discussion Forum.

...Or and request it.

The downloaded file rpgchess_install.exe is a 'self-extracting archive'. After you have downloaded it double-click on it and select the folder that you would like to put the game files in. And that is all there is to the installation process. Then, to start the game, go to the folder and double-click on the 'executable' file rpgchess.exe. Please be patient - the game takes a while to load, but I think it's worth the wait. ;-)

Update: The game is now absolutely free. (Added: 14 May 2002.)
Update: Added the facility to save and load multiple games. (Added: 7 Jan 2002.)
Update: Fixed bug that caused game to crash when selecting Warrior (Pawn). (Added: 7 Jan 2002.)
Update: Fixed Priest BB Attack to Att% = 70%, Dam = 2-12 (Added: 29 Dec 2001.)
Update: Added Assassin 'Sneak Attack' explanation to Rules Page. (Press F1.) (Added: 24 Dec 2001.)
Update: Added Computer Game Rules to web-site (Added: 24 Dec 2001.)
Update: If you wish to restart the game press [F4] - Function Key 4. (Added to Beta: 19 Dec 2001.)

System Requirements

Windows 95+
800x600 Screen Resolution
Pentium Computer
32 megs RAM
4 megs disk space

I hope in the near future to make RPGchess playable over a modem and/or on-line.


RPGchess Computer Game Rules Page

RPGchess Board Game Rules Page

My Dream for RPGchess

RPGchess Discussion Forum

Copyright © 1986-2001. Patrick Mulcahy / AstroQab
All rights reserved.