On a standard chess board

Jim, it seems to require a quick mind

A variant of standard chess that can take just five minutes to play. On a standard chess board
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This game is based on standard chess, and can be played using the accepted rule book. It departs from the game commonly known in some remarkable ways that give it a completely different appeal, especially to the young and bright.
How does this game differ from standard?
In standard chess, it is required that players move then wait for the opponent to move before performing the next move. In Speed Chess, this changes. Each player may move at his/her own speed to counter an opponent's attack. Standard turns are NOT taken. This means one player could make five moves while the other might only make two or three. This means players must think and move as quickly as possible to win. The effect is that pieces on the board maneuvre in real time the way armies do, so fast strikes are often decisive.
Does it affect the game in other ways?
Yes, for example, since players concentrate so hard on their own moves, it can be hard to spot cheating, so the game requires a third person, or umpire whose sole job is to spot illegal moves and settle disputes.
Does it require any special rules?
You would expect so, and there are a few listed below:


  1. START: After white makes the first move, players move at will.
  2. MULTI-MOVES: A piece must be put back on the board between moves so that everyone keeps track of legal moves played.
  3. MOVE COMPLETE: A piece must be released between moves to ensure turns are completed properly.
  4. INCOMPLETE CAPTURE: A piece may not be captured while its owner is holding it as the move is not yet complete.
  5. ME FIRST: If a disagreement occurs because both players holding pieces are trying to capture, both pieces return to their earlier positions and the move is re-played.
  6. CHECK: Any move placing the king in check must be announced and countered on the next move. Play pauses until then.
  7. CHECK NOT COUNTERED: If not countered on the next move, the king may be captured and the game is won.
  8. SNEAK ATTACK: If the king is taken without announcing check, the winner is disqualified and the opponent awarded the game.
  9. ILLEGAL MOVES: Any illegal move forfeits the game, even if made by mistake.
  10. CHALLENGE: Any player may challenge an opponent's move and call on the umpire to decide on the matter.
  11. CHALLENGE BREAK: Play is suspended while a challenge is settled.
COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: This concept was originated by John Spencer Durham in March 2003, gifted to Peter and Cameron Trainer and posted on the internet on April 27 2003.

US Chess Federation
Chess Net
Internet Chess Club

Chess-the next generation

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