Mark Damon Hughes RPG: Modar's Poisons List [Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics] [about]

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Disclaimer the First: This is a system for handling poisons in role-playing games; it's intended for AD&D, but it works well in many others with the usual mechanics conversions. This is not meant to be a guide to real poisons.

Disclaimer the Second: I, Mark Damon Hughes, am not the author of this; I just edited and HTMLified it. The author is Modar, aka Ron Knight. His email address is below, and he should get any questions you have.

Disclaimer the Third: Do not use poisons on people in real life. I hate even having to SAY that, but there are some really stupid people out there. This is not a joking matter; if I get even the slightest hint that someone's using this as research on real poisons, I'll hide it behind a password and only give that out to known sane people.

Message-Id: <>
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 1996 11:30:59 -0600
From: Ron Knight <rknight@KUMC.EDU>
Subject: GMAST-L Poisons (Part 1)

Greetings from Modar!

1st -- Thanks to everyone who responded to my test. The info helped.

2nd -- Attached is the first installment of poisons that I have ready.

This first installment is the longest as it also contains the information on which my poison system is based. At present these poisons are not located on any web site, although that is a future possibility. I hope to send installments on a fairly regular basis (no more than 1 installment per day).

The installments are grouped by the poison's Category classification, which ranges from A to T. All this is explained in the first installment, but to re-iterate myself: Category A is the quickest acting poisons and Category T is the slowest acting poisons. These categories are further subdivided with a range from 6 to 1. This is how toxic the poison is, compared to other poisons. Six is supertoxic (does MUCH damage), one is almost toxic (does LITTLE damage). Thus an A6 poison is quick acting and is supertoxic, an A1 poison is quick acting but does little harm. A T6 poison takes a long time to work, but is supertoxic, and a T1 poison takes a long time to work, and results in little harm. (You get the idea.)

The first installment is Category A, which ranges from A6 to A1.
The second installment will list poisons ranging from B6 to B1.
The third installment will list poisons ranging from C6 to C1.

And so on....

Hope you enjoy.




Some poisons cause death, some do not. Some poisons will do damage, even if a saving throw is successfully made. Some are created strictly from natural products, others incorporate magic or other arcane methods in their creation. Whatever its aspects, a poison is placed in one (or more) of these four classes: 1) Absorbed, 2) Ingestive, 3) Inhaled and 4) Insinuative.

Absorbed poisons, also known as contact poisons, enter the body by passing through the skin or membranes. No cut or tear is required for them to enter a body. They are usually in the form of powders, thick liquids, syrups, ointments or gels that can be applied to the surfaces of weapons, handles, traps, etc.

Ingestive poisons must be ingested into the body, therefore they are usually placed in food or drink. They are generally in the form of a liquid, powder or syrup that has either no taste or a pleasant taste.

Inhaled poisons are airborne toxins that must be introduced into the respiratory system in order for them to work. Merely walking thru the gas will not hurt a person, the person must breath the poison. Few such poisons are carried as a gas, but are instead transported in special flasks with compartments, each containing a component in liquid or powder form. When the flask is thrown or smashed the compartments break open, mixing the components, which creates a gas, vapor or smoke that quickly fills the surrounding area. Most such gases will dissipate in a few minutes. Such aforementioned flasks can also be attached to arrows for use as a distance weapon.

Insinuative poisons enter the body thru cuts or punctures in the skin. These poisons are usually placed on a weapon and come in a variety of forms including pastes, oils, gels, syrups, liquids and powders. Although these poisons have color, once applied to a surface, they tend to fade into the material they're applied to, making them hard to notice.

Each class of poison is broken down into categories or types. Each poison type is different in the time it takes to work and the amount of damage it does (both if save is failed or if save is made). Poisons are categorized into their types by two factors: 1) Onset Time and 2) Level of Toxicity. Onset Time is labeled A to T, with A being the quickest onset time. Level of Toxicity is labeled 1 to 6, with 6 being the most toxic. For easy reference, these poison types are labeled A1, A6, B2, C4, etc. When being sought after or purchased by players, the poison should be named (Heaven's Gate; Panther Piss; Dark Dreams).

There can be more than one of a specific type of poison and the damage they do can vary (although they should be close). Special poisons can be created by the DM as needed. These poisons do not always need to affect hit points. Instead, they might cause one to have hallucinations; or reduce STR points, DEX points, or CON points. The range of effects a poison may have are unlimited.

Following are tables on various poison types. Data such as cost, onset time and the amount of damage may be varied as needed by the DM to take into account the availability of the poison, concentration of poison, etc.



Category      Onset Time in Rounds

   A                   0 - 1
   B                   1 - 2
   C                   1 - 3
   D                   1 - 4
   E                   1 - 6
   F                   5 - 10
   G                  10 - 15
   H                  15 - 20
   I                  20 - 30
   J                  30 - 40
   K                  40 - 50
   L                  50 - 60
   M                  60 - 120     (1-2  hrs)
   N            120 - 240     (2-4  hrs)
   O            240 - 480     (4-8  hrs)
   P            480 - 1440    (8-24 hrs)
   Q           1440 - 2880    (1-2 days)
   R           2880 - 5760    (2-4 days)
   S           5760 - 10080   (4-7 days)
   T           over   10080   (7+  days)


Category     Toxicity Rating    Usual Effects

   6         Supertoxic         F - Death
                                S - Damage (Excessive)

   5         Extremely Toxic    F - Death or Very High Damage
                                S - Damage (High)

   4         Very Toxic         F - Damage (High)
                                S - Damage (Some/Side Effects)

   3         Moderately Toxic   F - Damage (Some/Side Effects)
                                S - Damage (Little/Side Effects)

   2         Slightly Toxic     F - Damage (Little/Side Effects)
                                S - Damage (Very little to none)

   1         Almost Toxic       F - Damage (Very little)
                                S - Damage (None)


Antidotes come in two forms: 1) general and 2) specific.

General antidotes are broad spectrum antidotes for a toxicity level of poisons. It will work on the toxicity level it is created for and any level below it. However, due to its nature, these antidotes only have a 50% chance of counteracting a poison. If used on a toxicity level above what they are designed for, they have only a 1% chance of counteracting the poison. The cost of these antidotes usually run 100 gp per toxicity level they can counteract.

Specific antidotes are designed to work on exactly one kind of poison. Because of this specificness, they have a 90% chance of counteracting the poison. If a specific antidote is used on a poison other than the one it is designed to work upon, it has only a 20% chance of counteracting the poison. The cost of these antidotes vary, but usually run several times the cost of the poison they counteract.

Antidotes may be taken before being poisoned or after the onset of a poison. If taken before, it can be no more than 1 hour prior to being poisoned or the antidote will have worked out of the body's system and be ineffective against the poison. If taken after the onset of a poison, it must be taken within 5 rounds of the onset, or it will not have enough time to stop the poison.



Assassins, Druids, Ninja or anyone else who can brew poisons can also learn to brew antidotes. The knowledge of creating antidotes takes longer to attain than that of poison creation because most people who use poisons are not concerned with antidotes and the fact that antidotes are difficult to brew. The ability to brew poisons/antidotes does not mean automatic success in creating a poison/antidote. Only about half of all brewing attempts react in just the right way to create a poison or antidote. Hence the highest attainable Brew Poison or Brew Antidote ability is 50%. Characters are also limited by their experience level as to which poisons and antidotes they can attempt to create. Exceeding the allowed limit results in automatic failure.

  Character's          Poison        Antidote
Experience Level     Brew Level     Brew Level
     1 - 5             1 - 2            1
     6 - 10              3              2
    11 - 15              4              3
    16 - 20              5              4
    21 - 25              6              5
    26 +                 -              6

A brew level equals a toxicity level.



Name of poison. Additional names are listed in parenthesis. An * means the poison derives from an actual natural source.
How the poison is introduced into the victim.
Speed and toxicity of the poison.
Base cost to purchase the poison. Ninety percent(90%)of this amount is the production cost. Prices may be higher than this, but never lower.
The state the poison comes in. (Liquid, gas, etc.)
How long it takes for the poison to start working. Once started it usually takes 5+ rounds for the effects to materialize.
The percentage chance of the victim noticing the poison due to color, taste, smell, etc.
How long the poison will retain its 100% potency once it is exposed to air. Past this time, the poison begins to lose potency at the rate of 5% per day. Effects should be adjusted accordingly. [This time could be lengthened via magic.] Note that most traps that use poison keep the poison hidden and away from air, thereby retaining the poison's potency indefinitely.
State whether there is a specific antidote for this particular poison. If there is no specific antidote, a general antidote may still be used against it. Note that general antidotes have less of a chance to counteract a poison than a specific antidote does. IF AN ANTIDOTE WORKS, THE VICTIM DOES NOT TAKE THE SAVE DAMAGE.
Base cost to purchase the antidote. Ninety percent (90%) of this amount is the production cost. Prices may be higher than this, but never lower. General refers to the generic antidote for this poison level (50% chance of success). Specific refers to an antidote made to counter this exact poison (90% chance of success).
Additional percentage chance to add to a character's save versus poison.
Damage victim receives if he successfully saves versus poison.
Damage victim receives if he fails to save versus poison.


DEATH WINE (Cote d'Or) (Yonne)
Class        : Ingestive; Insinuative
Category     : A6
Cost/Dose    : 15,000
Form         : Amber wine color, Burgundy wine odor and taste
Onset Time   : 1 round
Noticability : 1%
Potency Time : 7 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -    600
               specific - 25,000
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : 25 points damage
Fail Dmg     : Death

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : A6
Cost/Dose    : 9000
Form         : Clear liquid
Onset Time   : 6 seconds or less
Noticability : 5%
Potency Time : 30 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -    600
               specific - 18,000
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : 50 hp
Fail Dmg     : Death

Class        : Ingestive
Category     : A5
Cost/Dose    : 3000
Form         : amber mead-like liquid with black flake/honey odor
Onset Time   : 1 round
Noticability : 30%
Potency Time : 1 day
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -    500
               specific - 10,000
Save Bonus   : -20%
Save Dmg     : 5d8 damage
Fail Dmg     : 10d8 damage and disorientation for 45 rounds
               (-2 to hit, -2 to damage, -30% to spell casting)

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : A5
Cost/Dose    : 3000
Form         : Reddish liquid that dries clearish.
Onset Time   : 6 seconds
Noticability : 15%
Potency Time : 60 days
Antidote     : No
Antidote Cost: general  - 500
               specific - NA
Save Bonus   : +5%
Save Dmg     : 0
Fail Dmg     : Death

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : A5
Cost/Dose    : 5000
Form         : Thick white liquid; dries clear
Onset Time   : 6 seconds
Noticability : 5%
Antidote     : No
Antidote Cost: general  - 500
               specific - NA
Potency Time : 29 days
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : 20 hp
Fail Dmg     : Death

Class        : Inhaled
Category     : A5
Cost/Dose    : 4000
Form         : Clear gas with rotten egg odor
               [Heavier than air.]
Onset Time   : 6 seconds
Noticability : 75%
Potency Time : 18 days
              **Becomes inert in metallic containers**
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   500
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : +5% per CON pt. over 15
Save  Dmg     : Unconscious 1d4 days; bouts of dizziness  (-4  to
hit) for up to 3 months
Fail Dmg     : Immediately unconscious; death in 10+1d20 rounds

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : A5
Cost/Dose    : 4000
Form         : clear liquid
Onset Time   : 6 seconds
Noticability : 15%
Potency Time : 14 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   300
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : +15%
Save Dmg     : Dizziness for 1d6 rounds (-2 to hit)
Fail  Dmg      :  Heart Attack. Lose 75% of total hp;  1  on  d20
results in death

Class        : Ingestive; Insinuative
Category     : A4
Cost/Dose    : 2900
Form         : brown liquid (no taste)
Onset Time   : 30 seconds
Noticability : +15%
Potency Time : 28 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -    400
               specific - 12,000
Save Bonus   : +5%
Save Dmg     : Blindness occurs for 1d10 x 10 days (-8  to hit)
Fail Dmg     : Lose 30 hp & permanently blind (-8 to hit)

Class        : Absorbed, Inhaled, Ingestive, Insinuative
Category     : A4
Cost/Dose    : 4000
Form         : silvery liquid or clear gas
Onset Time   : 6 seconds inhaled; 10-30 rounds otherwise
Noticability : +35%
Potency Time : 18 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   400
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : +10%
Save  Dmg     : Trembling for 1d6 hrs (-4 to hit); 50% chance  of
insanity forming.
Fail Dmg     : Trembling (-4 to hit); trouble breathing; lose 50%
of total hit pts; collapse and die after 30 rounds

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : A4
Cost/Dose    : 4000
Form         : Clear Liquid
Onset Time   : 10 seconds
Noticability : 15%
Potency Time : 14 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   300
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : +5% per CON pt over 15
Save Dmg     : Lose 1d10 hp; paralysed for 1d10 rounds
Fail Dmg     : Lose 50% of total hp; paralysed for 1d10 rounds

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : A3
Cost/Dose    : 1000
Form         : yellowish gel
Onset Time   : 6 seconds or less
Noticability : +25%
Potency Time : 30 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   300
               specific - 6,000
Save Bonus   : -10%
Save Dmg     : Sharp Pain in extremities, 1d4 hp damage per round
for 4 rounds; -4 to hit for 4 rounds.
Fail  Dmg      : Excrutiating pain in extremities, 1d8 hp  damage
per round for 8 rounds; -4 to hit for 8 rounds.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : A3
Cost/Dose    : 500
Form         : dark liquid
Onset Time   : 30 seconds + [see below]
Noticability : 25%
Potency Time : 20 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   300
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 20%
Save Dmg     : At once there is swelling and discoloration around
the    wound   (lose   1d6   hp);   4-24   hours   later   slight
hemorrage    of    the    stomach,    intestines    and     lungs
begin (lose 1d8 hp).
Fail Dmg     : At once there is swelling and discoloration around
the    wound   (lose   3d6   hp);   4-24   hours   later   slight
hemorrage    of    the    stomach,    intestines    and     lungs
begin (lose 4d8 hp).

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : A3
Cost/Dose    : 700
Form         : neon pink oil
Onset Time   : 1 round
Noticability : 70%
Potency Time : indefinate
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   300
               specific - 2,000
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : Has the effect of a Slow spell to 1 turn.
Fail Dmg     : Paralysed for 7-12 (1d6+6) rounds.

Class        : Ingestive; Insinuative
Category     : A3
Cost/Dose    : 5000
Form         : dark red liquid with cherry juice flavor
Onset Time   : 1 round
Noticability : 30%
Potency Time : 10 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -    300
               specific - 12,000
Save Bonus   : -25%
Save Dmg     : No damage
Fail Dmg     : 2d8 damage + lose 1 DEX point permanently

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : A2
Cost/Dose    : 500
Form         : clear liquid
Onset Time   : Immediate
Noticability : 0
Potency Time : 24 days
Antidote     : No
Antidote Cost: general  - 200
               specific - NA
Save Bonus   : 0
Save   Dmg      :  Causes  nausea.  Save  vs  Con  or  get   sick
immediately. 1d4 dmg.
Fail  Dmg     : Causes immediate violent nausea. Retching for  24
hrs. 1d3 dmg/hr.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : A1
Cost/Dose    : 500
Form         : clear, odorless oil
Onset Time   : 1 round
Noticability : 5%
Potency Time : 15 days
Antidote     : No
Antidote Cost: general  - 100
               specific - N/A
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : No effect
Fail Dmg     : Prevents "Cures" (any kind) from working on victim
for 1d8 hours.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : A1
Cost/Dose    : 400
Form         : neon pink dust
Onset Time   : 20 seconds
Noticability : 75%
Potency Time : 24 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  - 100
               specific - 300
Save Bonus   : -20%
Save Dmg     : None
Fail Dmg     : 4d6 damage

Class        : Ingestive
Category     : B6
Cost/Dose    : 9000
Form         : clear syrup (cherry taste)
Onset Time   : 2 rounds
Noticability : 5%
Potency Time : 40 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -    600
               specific - 18,000
Save Bonus   : +25%
Save  Dmg      : Does mind-wipe. Lose memories. Amnesia.  Lose  1
level of experience. If level 1, then xp to 0.
Fail Dmg     : Death

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : B5
Cost/Dose    : 3000
Form         : clear liquid
Onset Time   : 2 rounds
Noticability : 5%
Potency Time : 24 days
Antidote     : No
Antidote Cost: general  - 500
               specific - NA
Save Bonus   : 0
Save  Dmg     : Pain, blurred vision, nausea.  -2 to attacks  for
1d4 days.
Fail Dmg     : Save vs System Shock or die in 1d3 turns.  If save
take 4d8 damage and -3 to attacks for 1d4 days.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : B4
Cost/Dose    : 300
Form         : Very sweet smelling clear liquid
Onset Time   : 1-2 rounds
Noticability : 65%
Potency Time : 28 days
Antidote     : No
Antidote Cost: general  - 400
               specific - NA
Save Bonus   : +15%
Save Dmg     : 0 damage but -6 to hit for 1d10 rounds.
Fail Dmg     : 25 hp damage and -6 to hit for 1d10 rounds.

Class        : Absorbed
Category     : B4
Cost/Dose    : 2000
Form         : bright red paste that fades
Onset Time   : 1 round
Noticability : 40%
Potency Time : 29 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -    400
               specific - 12,000
Save Bonus   : +10%
Save  Dmg      :  0  damage, but for 1d6 X 10  rounds,  all  Good
aligned creatures dislike person.
Fail Dmg     : 35 hp of burn damage and for 1d6 X 10 rounds,  all
Good aligned creatures dislike person.

Class        : Inhaled
Category     : B4
Cost/Dose    : 5000
Form          : transluscent green liquid that forms a gas  cloud
(10'x 20')
Onset Time   : 1 round
Noticability : 70%
Potency Time : indefinate
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -    400
               specific - 15,000
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : 2-12 (2d6) damage
Fail Dmg     : 2-12 (2d6) damage, plus make second save or for
               3 hours have effect of spell, Feeblemind.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : B3
Cost/Dose    : 1500
Form         : scarlet liquid
Onset Time   : 2 rounds
Noticability : 70%
Potency Time : 13 days
Antidote     : No
Antidote Cost: general  - 300
               specific - N/A
Save Bonus   : -15%
Save Dmg     : 2d6 damage
Fail Dmg     : 4d6 damage

Class        : Absorbed; Ingestive; Inhaled; Insinuative
Category     : B3
Cost/Dose    : 1500
Form         : dust-colored powder; clear gas (no taste)
Onset Time   : 2 rounds
Noticability : 0
Potency Time : 23 days
Antidote     : No
Antidote Cost: general  - 300
               specific - NA
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : Confused for 9-12 hrs. Attacks at -2.
Fail Dmg     : Visions for 9-12 hrs.  Attacks at -3.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : B3
Cost/Dose    : 1500
Form         : white liquid
Onset Time   : 1-2 rounds
Noticability : 80%
Potency Time : 25 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   300
               specific - 6,000
Save Bonus   : +20%
Save Dmg     : 3d4 hp damage
Fail  Dmg     : 3d6 hp damage; eyes mist over with a white "fog",
making victim minus (1d4+1) to hit until cured.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : B3
Cost/Dose    : 1500
Form         : clear liquid
Onset Time   : 1 round
Noticability : 5%
Potency Time : 29 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   300
               specific - 6,000
Save Bonus   : 0
Save  Dmg      : Burning by wound, area blackens, after 4  rounds
takes 6 hp dmg.
Fail  Dmg      : Burning by wound, area blackens, after 4  rounds
takes   3d6   hp   damage,  then  1d2   hp   damage   per   round
for 6d6 rounds.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : B2
Cost/Dose    : 500
Form         : clear oil with yellowish flecks
Onset Time   : 1-2 rounds
Noticability : 10%
Potency Time : 20 days
Antidote     : No
Antidote Cost: general  - 200
               specific - N/A
Save Bonus   : +10%
Save Dmg     : No effect
Fail  Dmg      : Fall asleep for 1d6 rounds (man-size or  smaller

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : B2
Cost/Dose    : 500
Form         : clear powder
Onset Time   : 2 rounds
Noticability : 0
Potency Time : 30 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   200
               specific - 3,000
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : Affected extremity numb (useless) for 1d4+6 rnds.
Fail Dmg     : Extremity paralysed. Useless for 3d4 days.

Class        : Absorbed; Insinuative
Category     : B1
Cost/Dose    : 300
Form         : clear liquid
Onset Time   : 2 rounds
Noticability : 0
Potency Time : 22 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  - 100
               specific - 600
Save Bonus   : -10%
Save Dmg     : Eyes turn yellow for 1 day.
Fail  Dmg      : Causes victim to glow with a golden light  about
them   for   1d10  turns.  Allows  opponents   +1   to   hit   on
victim, as person is seen/targeted better.

Class        : Ingestive
Category     : C6
Cost/Dose    : 5000
Form         : milk-white liquid (no taste)
Onset Time   : 2-3 rounds
Noticability : 5%
Potency Time : 26 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -    600
               specific - 17,000
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : Heals 10d6 of damage
Fail Dmg     : Death

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : C5
Cost/Dose    : 14000
Form         : red gel
Onset Time   : 2-3 rounds
Noticability : 40%
Potency Time : 10 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -    500
               specific - 13,000
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : Lose 50% of total hp (regained normally)
Fail Dmg     : Lose 50% of total hp (regained normally); -1d4  to
each stat (STR, INT, WIS, CON, DEX, CHR, COM, SPD)

Class        : Ingestive
Category     : C5
Cost/Dose    : 13,000
Form         : faint orange flavor, amber color
Onset Time   : 3 rounds
Noticability : 40%
Potency Time : 13 months
Antidote     : No
Antidote Cost: general  - 500
               specific - N/A
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : 30 hit points damage
Fail Dmg     : 60 hit points damage

Class        : Ingestive
Category     : C4
Cost/Dose    : 7000
Form         : black powder (peppery taste)
Onset Time   : 2-3 rounds
Noticability : 10%
Potency Time : 27 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -    400
               specific - 10,000
Save Bonus   : 5%
Save Dmg     : Gain 1 COM pt; lose 1d10 hp permanently
Fail Dmg     : Lose 3d6 hp permanently

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : C3
Cost/Dose    : 2000
Form         : clear oil
Onset Time   : 3 rounds
Noticability : 5%
Potency Time : 12 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   300
               specific - 5,000
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : Does 2-12 (2d6) damage.
Fail Dmg     : Does 4-24 (4d6) damage.

Class        : Absorbed; Ingestive; Insinuative
Category     : C3
Cost/Dose    : 1500
Form         : clear liquid (very light vanilla taste)
Onset Time   : 2-3 rounds
Noticability : 20%
Potency Time : 23 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   300
               specific - 5,800
Save Bonus   : -20%
Save Dmg     : Skin permanently takes on appearance of ivory  (-2
to DEX due to inflexibility resulting).
Fail  Dmg     : Skin permanently takes on look and properties  of
ivory   (-4   to   DEX   d   to   inflexibility;   a/c   is   one
better due to "toughening" of skin).

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : C2
Cost/Dose    : 700
Form         : amber-colored sticky gel
Onset Time   : 4 rounds
Noticability : 40%
Potency Time : 11 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   200
               specific - 2,000
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : No effect
Fail  Dmg      : After onset, a sticky amber sap will exude  from
the   wound   and   begin   to  coat   victim.   If   not   cured
within    1    hour,    the   sap   will   begin    to    harden,
encasing the victim in amber.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : C2
Cost/Dose    : 700
Form         : translucent blue gel (spearmint taste)
Onset Time   : 2-3 rounds
Noticability : 50%
Potency Time : 27 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   200
               specific - 2,800
Save Bonus   : 1% per IQ pt
Save Dmg     : No effect.
Fail  Dmg      :  IQ  and WIS reduced to 3 for 1d4 hours;  weapon
skills      extremely     reduced/impaired;     spell     casting
ability nil until effect is over.

Class        : Isinuative
Category     : C1
Cost/Dose    : 300
Form         : clear liquid
Onset Time   : 2-3 rounds
Noticability : 5%
Potency Time : 29 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  - 100
               specific - 600
Save Bonus   : -50%
Save Dmg     : 0
Fail Dmg     : 3d6 hp damage

Class        : Ingestive
Category     : D6
Cost/Dose    : 8000
Form         : very pale yellow liquid (lemony taste)
Onset Time   : 3-4 rounds
Noticability : 15%
Potency Time : 24 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -    600
               specific - 16,000
Save Bonus   : 10%
Save Dmg     : 3d30 hp damage
Fail  Dmg      : 3d30 hp damage plus victim begins to attempt  to
kill    self.    Attempts   will   continue   for   1d4+3    days
or until cured or death occurs.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : D5
Cost/Dose    : 7,000
Form         : clear, odorless liquid
Onset Time   : 1-4 rounds
Noticability : 10%
Potency Time : 21 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -    500
               specific - 10,000
Save Bonus   : +30%
Save Dmg     : 1d4x5 damage
Fail Dmg     : 1d4x20 damage

Class        : Ingestive; Insinuative
Category     : D5
Cost/Dose    : 5000 to 15000 (varies)
Form         : reddish-black oil (rose petal taste)
Onset Time   : 3-4 rounds
Noticability : 25%
Potency Time : 27 days
Antidote     : No
Antidote Cost: general  - 500
               specific - NA
Save Bonus   : -20%
Save Dmg     : Lose 1 hp per round until cured or dead.
Fail Dmg     : Lose 3 hp per round until cured or dead.

Class        : Ingestive
Category     : D4
Cost/Dose    : 2000
Form          :  black  tarry  liquid  that  dissolves  in  wine;
(blackberry-like taste)  [VERY ADDICTIVE]
Onset Time   : 4 rounds
Noticability : 35%
Potency Time : 35 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   400
               specific - 9,000
Save Bonus   : -5%
Save Dmg     : 1d20+10 hp damage; lose 1 STR pt for 3 days
Fail  Dmg     : Increases STR to 30 for 1d20+10 rounds, but  when
it    wears    off   it   does   30   hp   damage   and    causes
person    to    lose   1   STR   pt   permanently   (not    lower
than STR of 3 though).

DWARFBANE (Crumblestone)
Class        : Insinuative
Category     : D3
Cost/Dose    : 1700
Form         : greyish oil
Onset Time   : 3-4 rounds
Noticability : 20%
Potency Time : 20 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   300
               specific - 5,500
Save Bonus   : -50% dwarves, -25% half-dwarves, normal all others
Save Dmg     : 1/2 damage to dwarves, 1/4 damage to half-dwarves,
0 all others
Fail Dmg     : 6d6 damage to dwarves, 3d6 damage to half-dwarves,
1d6 all others

ELVENBANE (Treespirit)
Class        : Ingestive; Insinuative
Category     : D3
Cost/Dose    : 1700
Form         : grey dust (slight salty taste)
Onset Time   : 3-4 rounds
Noticability : 20%
Potency Time : 25 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   300
               specific - 5,500
Save Bonus   : -50% for elf; -25% for 1/2 elf; +50% all else
Save Dmg     :  1d6 hp damage
Fail Dmg     :  5d6 hp damage plus deaf and blind for 1d6 hours.

Class        : Ingestive; Insinuative
Category     : D2
Cost/Dose    : 1000
Form         : clear oil (sesame taste)
Onset Time   : 3-4 rounds
Noticability : 25%
Potency Time : Indefinite
Antidote     : No
Antidote Cost: general  - 200
               specific - NA
Save Bonus   : +30%
Save Dmg     : 1d10 damage
Fail Dmg     : Randomly changes victim into a humanoid monster:
               1) Anti-Fuzzy  2) Bugbear  3) Gnoll      4) Goblin
               5) Kobold      6) Ogre     7) Ogre Mage  8) Orc
               9) Shagnasty  10) Troll

Class        : Inhaled
Category     : D1
Cost/Dose    : 300
Form         : purple gas
Onset Time   : 3-4 rounds
Noticability : 90%
Potency Time : 21 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  - 100
               specific - 600
Save Bonus   : -15%
Save Dmg     : 1 hp damage
Fail Dmg     : 1d2 hp damage per round for 4d4 rounds.

Class        : Absorbed; Ingestive
Category     : E6
Cost/Dose    : 7000
Form         : pale yellow powder (egg taste)
Onset Time   : 4-5 rounds
Noticability : 10%
Potency Time : 24 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -    600
               specific - 15,000
Save Bonus   : 5%
Save Dmg     : 20+1d10 hp damage
Fail  Dmg     : Body starts pumping blood out of pores; Lose 1d10
hp per round until cured or death occurs.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : E5
Cost/Dose    : 10,000 [very rare]
Form         : bright metallic gold salve
Onset Time   : 4-5 rounds
Noticability : 80%
Potency Time : 30 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -    500
               specific - 10,000
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : 1d30 hp damage
Fail Dmg     : LE, NE & CE aligned creatures die.
                LN,  NN & CN take 50 hp damage & become G aligned
unless        a        second        save        is         made.
LG, NG & CG take 1d30 hp damage.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : E5
Cost/Dose    : 7000
Form         : black oil with red specks
Onset Time   : 6 rounds
Noticability : 30%
Potency Time : 20 days
Antidote     : No
Antidote Cost: general  - 500
               specific - N/A
Save Bonus   : 0
Save  Dmg     : Does damage for 10 rounds, or until cured. Amount
of damage is victim's current hp each round
               divided by 20. (Round fractions down.)
Fail  Dmg     : Does damage for 20 rounds, or until cured. Amount
of damage is victim's total hp divided by 20.
               (Round fractions down.)

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : E4
Cost/Dose    : 2800
Form         : dark, milky-grey liquid
Onset Time   : 1-6 rounds
Noticability : 30%
Potency Time : 12 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   400
               specific - 3,000
Save Bonus   : varies (see chart)
Save Dmg     : Half of Fail Damage (see chart)
Fail Dmg     : varies (see chart)

This  poison  is a made from mixing various types of snake  venom
with bitumen dust. However, the bitumen makes the effects of  the
poison  erratic.  Due to this instability,  the  save  bonus  and
damage results must be rolled on the following chart:

1d20 Roll   Save   Damage Result
---------   ----   -------------------
 01 - 05    +15%   3-12 (3d4) damage
 06 - 09    +10%   3-18 (3d6) damage
 10 - 13    +5%    3-24 (3d8) damage
 14 - 15     0     3-30 (3d10) damage
 16 - 17    -5%    No damage, but unconscious for 1d8 hours
 18 - 19    -10%   No damage, but unconscious for 1d4 days
   20       -15%   No damage, but unconscious for 1d12 days

Class        : Absorbed; Insinuative
Category     : E4
Cost/Dose    : 1700
Form         : odorless, colorless liquid
Onset Time   : 4-6 rounds
Noticability : 5%
Potency Time : 10 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   400
               specific - 8,000
Save Bonus   : (-20%)
Save Dmg     : 5d6 damage
Fail Dmg     : 5d12 damage. Vision grows dim if victim takes 10
               points of damage (-5 to hit); if 30+ points of
               damage is taken, the victim is functionally blind.
                Only a Cure Blindness spell will neutralize  this
effect.     If    blindness    does    not    occur,     victim's
vision will clear in 2-5 turns.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : E4
Cost/Dose    : 1500
Form         : milky liquid
Onset Time   : 1-5 rounds
Noticability : 30%
Potency Time : 12 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   400
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 0
Save  Dmg      :  Bleeding from mouth & nose  for  1d6+5  rounds,
losing 1 hp per round.
Fail Dmg     : Bleeding from mouth & nose til cured, losing
               5 hp per round.

Class        : Ingestive; Insinuative
Category     : E4
Cost/Dose    : 1800
Form          :  orange liquid that turns clear in other  liquids
(orange taste)
Onset Time   : 4-5 rounds
Noticability : 45%
Potency Time : 23 days
Antidote     : No
Antidote Cost: general  - 400
               specific - NA
Save Bonus   : -15%
Save Dmg     : Lose 25% of total hp; lose  50% of total spell pts
Fail Dmg     : Lose 50% of total hp; lose 100% of total spell pts

Class        : Ingestive; Insinuative
Category     : E3
Cost/Dose    : 1600
Form         : midnight blue oil (very light berry taste)
Onset Time   : 4-5 rounds
Noticability : 20%
Potency Time : 25 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   300
               specific - 5,000
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : Vision blurs, severe headache for 3-6 days. -2  to
Fail Dmg     : Vision blurs, worsening to permanent blindness  in
36 hrs.

Class        : Ingestive; Insinuative
Category     : E2
Cost/Dose    : 500
Form         : sandy brown syrup (ale taste)
Onset Time   : 4-5 rounds
Noticability : 20%
Potency Time : 24 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   200
               specific - 2,500
Save Bonus   : 1% per CON pt
Save Dmg     : Causes unconsiousness for 4d4 turns.
Fail  Dmg      : Sleeps for 4d4 turns, then drugged for next  4-7
hrs (all stats and attacks at -4).

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : E1
Cost/Dose    : 400
Form         : thick yellow liquid
Onset Time   : 4-5 rounds
Noticability : 30%
Potency Time : 22 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  - 100
               specific - 500
Save Bonus   : -10%
Save Dmg     : No damage
Fail Dmg     : 3d8 hp damage

BURNOUT (Calfehne)
Class        : Ingestive; Insinuative
Category     : F6
Cost/Dose    : 7000
Form         : reddish syrup (cinnamon taste)
Onset Time   : 10 rounds
Noticability : 20%
Potency Time : 24 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -    600
               specific - 15,000
Save Bonus   : 10%
Save  Dmg     : +4 to SPD for 30 rounds; Lose 1d10+1 hp per round
for 30 rounds
Fail Dmg     : Triples SPD of victim; Loses 1d10+30 hp; Lose 3 hp
per round until cured or dead.

Class        : Ingestive, Insinuative
Category     : F6
Cost/Dose    : 6500
Form         : red wine color and taste
Onset Time   : 10 rounds
Noticability : 5%
Potency Time : 5 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -    600
               specific - 20,000
Save Bonus   : +30%
Save Dmg     : Lose half of current hit points.
Fail Dmg     : Death

Class        : Ingestive; Insinuative
Category     : F5
Cost/Dose    : 6000
Form         : brown powder (clove taste)
Onset Time   : 10 rounds
Noticability : 35%
Potency Time : 32 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -    500
               specific - 10,000
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : -4 to SPD for 1d4 hours; lose 10% of total hp.
Fail  Dmg      :  -4 to SPD, then -1 to SPD per round  until  SPD
equals   3.   SPD  stays  at  3  for  1d4  days;  Lose   25%   of
total hp.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : F5
Cost/Dose    : 2000
Form         : milky liquid
Onset Time   : 1d10 rounds
Noticability : 20%
Potency Time : 14 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   500
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 10%
Save Dmg     : 1d6 damage, plus cut leaves a permanent scar
Fail Dmg     : Necrosis around wound; 1d6 damage per round
               for 10 rounds.

Class        : Ingestive; Insinuative
Category     : F4
Cost/Dose    : 2100
Form         : black liquid (honey taste)
Onset Time   : 1d6+4 rounds
Noticability : 25%
Potency Time : 21 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   400
               specific - 7,500
Save Bonus   : -10%
Save Dmg     : No effects.
Fail  Dmg     : All skills & abilities above 10% drop to 10%  for
1d2    days.   To   hit   at   -4   during   this   time.   Spell
casting at -6 during this time.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : F4
Cost/Dose    : 1500
Form         : dark liquid
Onset Time   : 10 rounds
Noticability : 20%
Potency Time : 12 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   400
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 10%
Save Dmg     : 3d6 damage
Fail Dmg     : 5d6 damage

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : F3
Cost/Dose    : 1400
Form         : purple liquid
Onset Time   : 10 rounds
Noticability : 80%
Potency Time : 29 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   300
               specific - 5,000
Save Bonus   : 20%
Save Dmg     : 0
Fail Dmg     : 15 hp damage

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : F2
Cost/Dose    : 500
Form         : brown gel
Onset Time   : 1d6+4 rounds
Noticability : 30%
Potency Time : 24 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  - 200
               specific - 2,500
Save Bonus   : 25%
Save  Dmg      :  Stomach cramps, burning sensation,  nausea  for 24 hrs.
Fail Dmg     : Stomach cramps, burning sensation, violent diahrea
and vomiting for 24 hrs.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : F1
Cost/Dose    : 300
Form         : white oil
Onset Time   : 1d6+4 rounds
Noticability : 30%
Potency Time : 27 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  - 100
               specific - 500
Save Bonus   : 5%
Save Dmg     : No damage.
Fail Dmg     : 1d2 damage per round for 1d6+4 rounds.

Class        : Absorbed; Insinuative
Category     : G6
Cost/Dose    : 16000
Form         : white powder/paste
Onset Time   : 1d6+9 rounds
Noticability : 30%
Potency Time : 22 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -    600
               specific - 14,000
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : Skin deterioration occurs affecting body and face;
lose   30   hp;   permanently  effects   of   -5   to   COM,   -1
to STR, -1 to DEX, -1 to CON.
Fail Dmg     : Skin deterioration occurs affecting body and face;
lose   50   hp;   permanently  effects  of   -10   to   COM,   -3
to STR, -3 to DEX, -3 to CON.

Class        : Ingestive; Insiuative
Category     : G5
Cost/Dose    : 400
Form         : brown liquid (cane sugar taste)
Onset Time   : 2d4+7 rounds
Noticability : 20%
Potency Time : 25 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   500
               specific - 9,000
Save Bonus   : 5%
Save  Dmg      : Body severely rejects poison, massive  vomiting;
lose 5d6 hp.
Fail  Dmg      :  Body become a "magnet" for magic.  Spells  move
toward    the    person.   Spell   effects    are    intensified,
even doubled.

Class        : Ingestive
Category     : G4
Cost/Dose    : 1500
Form         : orange liquid (tangerine flavor)
Onset Time   : 15 rounds
Noticability : 30%
Potency Time : 23 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   400
               specific - 7,000
Save Bonus   : -15%
Save Dmg     : Develops 1 random phobia.
Fail Dmg     : Develops 2d3 random phobias.

Class        : Ingestive; Insinuative
Category     : G3
Cost/Dose    : 1000
Form         : clear liquid with black specks
Onset Time   : 13 rounds
Noticability : 15%
Potency Time : 28 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   300
               specific - 4,800
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : 1d4 damage
Fail Dmg     : Victim has epileptic fit for 2d6 rounds, doing 1d4
damage per round of seizure.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : G2
Cost/Dose    : 500
Form         : brownish oil
Onset Time   : 14 rounds
Noticability : 15%
Potency Time : 21 days
Antidote     : No
Antidote Cost: general  - 200
               specific - N/A
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : No effect
Fail Dmg     : Victim randomly walks about for 1-6 turns

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : G1
Cost/Dose    : 300
Form         : light blue gel
Onset Time   : 10 rounds
Noticability : 50%
Potency Time : 19 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  - 100
               specific - 500
Save Bonus   : -50%
Save Dmg     : No effect
Fail Dmg     : 2d4 damage

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : H6
Cost/Dose    : 6000
Form         : clear liquid
Onset Time   : 1d6+14 rounds
Noticability : 10%
Potency Time : 21 days
Antidote     : No
Antidote Cost: general  - 600
               specific - NA
Save Bonus   : -5%
Save Dmg     : Spellcaster loses 50% of total spell points.
Fail  Dmg      :  All  of spellcaster's pts are  used  up  in  an
externalization    doing    1d6   of    damage/level    of    the
caster   in   a   radius   of  10'  per   100   sp   caster   has
(totally).   [i.e.   8th   level   mage   with   437   sp    does
8d6 of damage in a 40' radius]

Class        : Ingestive
Category     : H5
Cost/Dose    : 2000
Form         : ground yellowish nut
Onset Time   : 15-20 rounds
Noticability : varies [has pleasant nutty taste]
Potency Time : 16 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   500
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : +20%
Save Dmg     : Severe vomiting. -5 to STR & CON for 2d20 hrs.
Fail  Dmg     : Lose 1d20 hp plus lose 1d4 per round until  cured
or    death    occurs.   Vomiting   starts   and   won't    stop.
Will "dry heave" to death.

MONKSHOOD (Wolfbane) *
Class        : Absorbed, Ingestive
Category     : H5
Cost/Dose    : 2000
Form         : dark sap; radish-like root
Onset Time   : 3-20 rounds
Noticability : 35%
Potency Time : 16 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   500
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : -10%
Save  Dmg     : Vision dims, then sees with a yellow-green  tint;
chest    pains    start   and   in   1d10    rounds    a    heart
attack occurs (lose 50% of total hp).
Fail  Dmg     : Vision dims, then sees with a yellow-green  tint;
chest    pains   start   and   in   1d10   rounds    a    massive
heart   attack  occurs  (lose  90%  of  total   hp   +   lose   1
hp per round until cured or death occurs).

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : H5
Cost/Dose    : 4000
Form         : red liquid
Onset Time   : 2d4+12 rounds
Noticability : 25%
Potency Time : 25 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   500
               specific - 8,500
Save Bonus   : 0
Save  Dmg      :  Does  3d8 hp damage that MUST  heal  naturally;
cleric healing will not work on this damage.
Fail  Dmg      :  Does  6d8 hp damage that MUST  heal  naturally;
cleric healing will not work on this damage.

Class        : Ingestive
Category     : H4
Cost/Dose    : 1500
Form         : green plant parts
Onset Time   : 5-20 rounds
Noticability : 35%
Potency Time : 16 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   400
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 20%
Save  Dmg      :  -5  to STR for 30 rounds (5%  chance  of  being permanent)
Fail Dmg     : -1 to STR permanently; -5 to STR for 30 rounds
               (5% chance of being permanent); blurred vision
               and -3 to hit for 30 rounds.

Class        : Ingestive; Insinuative
Category     : H4
Cost/Dose    : 1400
Form         : emerald green oil (mint taste)
Onset Time   : 15 rounds
Noticability : 30%
Potency Time : 30 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   400
               specific - 6,500
Save Bonus   : -25%
Save Dmg     : Start to sweat, vision blurs for 1d6 hrs.
               -4 to hit.
Fail  Dmg      : Sweat, muscle spasms for 1d6 hrs, unconsious  in
2d8 hrs, death in 4 days

Class        : Ingestive; Insinuative
Category     : H3
Cost/Dose    : 1000
Form         : clear liquid that dries invisible
Onset Time   : 20 rounds
Noticability : 0
Potency Time : 24 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   300
               specific - 4,500
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : 1d8 damage
Fail Dmg     : One side of the body goes limp and is useless  for
1d8 hours

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : H2
Cost/Dose    : 500
Form         : rainbow-colored gel
Onset Time   : 20 rounds
Noticability : 80%
Potency Time : 28 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   200
               specific - 2,200
Save Bonus   : +5%
Save Dmg     : No effect
Fail  Dmg      : Victim begins to hear music in their  ears  that
blocks out ALL other sounds for 24 hours

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : H1
Cost/Dose    : 300
Form         : grey liquid
Onset Time   : 1d4+15 rounds
Noticability : 10%
Potency Time : 21 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  - 100
               specific - 500
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : No effect
Fail Dmg     : Victim goes blind, deaf and mute for 1 hour.

Class        : Ingestive; Insinuative
Category     : I6
Cost/Dose    : 15000
Form         : clear liquid (tasteless)
Onset Time   : 1d10+20 rounds
Noticability : 5%
Potency Time : 31 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  - 600
               specific - 42,000
Save  Bonus    : -50% to non-carbon based creatures, particularly
silicon,      rock     and     stone     creatures     (including
golems); +50% for carbon based creatures.
Save  Dmg     : Lose 50% of total hp (If non-carbon based,  there
is    a    10%   chance   of   being   changed   to    a    human
Fail  Dmg     : Lose 90% ot total hp, plus lose 1 hp per 5 rounds
until cured or death occurs.

Class        : Absorbed; Ingestive; Insinuative
Category     : I5
Cost/Dose    : 2000
Form         : dark liquid
Onset Time   : 15-30 rounds
Noticability : 30%
Potency Time : 12 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   500
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : +10%
Save Dmg     : Lose 4d6 hp; paralysed for 2 hours.
Fail Dmg     : Paralysed. Lose 4d6 hp plus lose 1 hp per 5 rounds
until   cured   or   death.  (If  a  cure   is   done   after   1
hour, it is only 1/2 effective.)

Class        : Ingestive
Category     : I5
Cost/Dose    : 2000
Form         : dark liquid (distilled from plant)
Onset Time   : 10-30 rounds
Noticability : 35%
Potency Time : 16 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   500
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 10%
Save Dmg     : Loss of sight for 1d10 days; 1d10 hp damage
Fail  Dmg      : After onset, each symptom follows the  other  by
about   30   minutes:   1)  Numbness  of  body   --   can   move,
but   feels   nothing.   2)   Loss   of   sight   and   1d10   hp
damage. 3) Paralysis and 1d10 damage. 4) Death

Class        : Ingestive
Category     : I5
Cost/Dose    : 2000
Form         : plant parts; water cut flowers were in
Onset Time   : 30 rounds
Noticability : 30%
Potency Time : 16 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   500
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 25%
Save  Dmg      : Lose 3d8 hp; headache and irritability  for  1d4
Fail   Dmg      :  Lose  3d8  hp;  hallucinations;  pain;  excess
salivation;    after    20    more    rounds,    heart     attack
causing loss of 30% of total hp.

Class        : Inhaled; Ingestive
Category     : I5
Cost/Dose    : 2000
Form          :  plant  parts, plant nectar,  clearish  smoke  of
burning plant
Onset Time   : 30 rounds
Noticability : 30%
Potency Time : 16 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   500
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 10%
Save Dmg     : Lose 2d12 hp; racing heart; sweating
Fail  Dmg      : Lose 3d12 hp; racing heart; sweating;  after  20
more    rounds   heart   attack   causing   loss   of   50%    of
total hp.

Class        : Inhaled, Ingestive
Category     : I4
Cost/Dose    : 2000
Form         : white or grey powder; thin white gas
Onset Time   : 20-30 rounds
Noticability : 20% for powder; 50% for gas
Potency Time : 18 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   400
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 10%
Save  Dmg      : Gastric distress; 1d20 hp damage; dizziness  for
1d6 hours (-6 to hit)
Fail  Dmg      : Gastric distress; 2d30 hp damage; dizziness  for
2d4 hours (-6 to hit)

Class        : Ingestive
Category     : I4
Cost/Dose    : 1500
Form         : dark liquid (distilled from plant)
Onset Time   : 30 rounds
Noticability : 20%
Potency Time : 16 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   400
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 20%
Save Dmg     : 1d20 damage
Fail Dmg     : 2d20 damage

FOXGLOVE (Digitalis) *
Class        : Ingestive
Category     : I4
Cost/Dose    : 1500
Form         : purplish sap
Onset Time   : 20-30 rounds
Noticability : 25%
Potency Time : 16 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   400
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 25%
Save Dmg     : Blurred vision and -3 to hit for 1-3 hours.
Fail  Dmg      :  Heart  attack; Lose 50% of total  hps;  Blurred
vision and -3 to hit for 1-3 hours.

Class        : Ingestive
Category     : I3
Cost/Dose    : 1000
Form         : sweet yellow sap
Onset Time   : 5d6 rounds
Noticability : 20%
Potency Time : 16 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   300
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 15%
Save Dmg     : Hallucinations for 1d6 hours.
Fail Dmg     : Hallucinations for 1d6 hours and slowed reactions;
               -2 to SPD Adj for 1d6 hours.

Class        : Ingestive; Insinuative
Category     : I2
Cost/Dose    : 500
Form         : orange gel
Onset Time   : 1d12+18 rounds
Noticability : 80%
Potency Time : 27 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   200
               specific - 2,000
Save Bonus   : -5%
Save Dmg     : 1d6 damage
Fail  Dmg     : center of gravity shifts for 1 hour. During  this
time the victim is -5 to hit and -3 to damage.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : I1
Cost/Dose    : 300
Form         : gold gel
Onset Time   : 1d6+1d4+20 rounds
Noticability : 70%
Potency Time : 26 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  - 100
               specific - 400
Save Bonus   : -70%
Save Dmg     : No effect
Fail  Dmg     : Turns 1 limb (arm or leg) to gold for 1d12 hours.
The affected limb cannot bend or move.

RESOLVENT (Gargoyle Powder)
Class        : Absorbed; Ingestive; Inhaled; Insinuative
Category     : J6
Cost/Dose    : 5000
Form         : grey powder
Onset Time   : 1d12+28 rounds
Noticability : 30%
Potency Time : 25 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  - 600
               specific - 12,000
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : Same as fail damage, but damage is at a rate of  1
hit point per round.
Fail  Dmg     : Body begins dissolving doing 1d8 damage per round
until    cured    or    death   occurs.   (When    victim    lose
half of total hit points, they fall unconscious.)

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : J5
Cost/Dose    : 2000
Form         : dark liquid
Onset Time   : 30-45 rounds
Noticability : 30%
Potency Time : 12 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   500
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 5%
Save Dmg     : Lose 4d6 hp; swelling of limbs
Fail  Dmg     : Eyes & nose bleed; swellig of limbs; lose 4d6  hp
plus    1   hp   every   5   rounds   until   cured   or    death

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : J4
Cost/Dose    : 1700
Form         : light red oil
Onset Time   : 3d4+28 rounds
Noticability : 40%
Potency Time : 33 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   400
               specific - 6,000
Save Bonus   : +60%
Save Dmg     : Victim's head and face changes to that of a fox.
Fail Dmg     : 10d6 damage (only)

INTERROGATION (Truth Serum) (The Truth Hurts)
Class        : Ingestive; Insinuative
Category     : J3
Cost/Dose    : 1000
Form         : translucent pale yellow liquid with lemony taste
Onset Time   : 35 rounds
Noticability : 20%
Potency Time : 17 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   300
               specific - 4,000
Save Bonus   : -10%
Save  Dmg      :  1d4  damage plus victim answers truthfully  all
questions for 1d4 hours.
Fail  Dmg      :  10d4 damage plus victim answers truthfully  all
questions for 1d4 hours.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : J2
Cost/Dose    : 500
Form         : clear liquid
Onset Time   : 30 rounds
Noticability : 5%
Potency Time : 23 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   200
               specific - 2,000
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : No effect
Fail  Dmg     : 4d4 damage plus skin turns bright yellow for  1d4

Class        : Absorbed; Ingested
Category     : J1
Cost/Dose    : 300
Form         : cobalt blue powder with no taste
Onset Time   : 40 rounds
Noticability : 50%
Potency Time : 22 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  - 100
               specific - 400
Save Bonus   : -90%
Save Dmg     : No effect
Fail Dmg     : 1d20 damage

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : K6
Cost/Dose    : 4000
Form         : white liquid
Onset Time   : 40 rounds
Noticability : 20%
Potency Time : 21 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -    600
               specific - 11,000
Save Bonus   : +30%
Save  Dmg      :  1d4X10 points of damage plus person  becomes  a
light    sensitive   albino.   For   every   10   minutes   spent
in sun, victim takes 1d4 points of damage.
Fail Dmg     : Death due to cell disruption.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : K5
Cost/Dose    : 3000
Form         : liquid with dirty water look & putrid swamp smell
Onset Time   : 45 rounds
Noticability : 70%
Potency Time : 34 days
Antidote     : No
Antidote Cost: general  - 500
               specific - NA
Save Bonus   : +15%
Save Dmg     : (1d4x10) + 40 points of damage
Fail Dmg     : (1d8x10) + 40 points of damage

Class        : Ingestive; Insinuative
Category     : K4
Cost/Dose    : 1500
Form         : thin yellowish-green liquid
Onset Time   : 50 rounds
Noticability : 30%
Potency Time : 20 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   400
               specific - 5,500
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : 6d10 damage only
Fail  Dmg      :  Body  breaks out with ulcerations,  doing  6d10
points    of    damage.   Victim   cannot    wear    more    than
light    robes   or   the   pain   becomes   so   intense    that
they pass out. This lasts 1 week or until cured.

Class        : Ingestive
Category     : K3
Cost/Dose    : 1000
Form         : milky sap
Onset Time   : 50 rounds
Noticability : 45%
Potency Time : 16 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   300
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 20%
Save Dmg     : Lose 1d12 hp.
Fail Dmg     : Lose 2d12 hp.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : K2
Cost/Dose    : 500
Form         : clear liquid
Onset Time   : 50 rounds
Noticability : 10%
Potency Time : 23 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   200
               specific - 1,800
Save Bonus   : -10%
Save Dmg     : No effect
Fail Dmg     : Body emits a sweet odor that lasts for 1 week. The
odor     atracts    predators    and    other    monsters     for
miles arounds.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : K1
Cost/Dose    : 300
Form         : blue liquid
Onset Time   : 50 rounds
Noticability : 35%
Potency Time : 24 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  - 100
               specific - 400
Save Bonus   : +5%
Save Dmg     : No effect
Fail Dmg     : 4d6 damage

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : L6
Cost/Dose    : 4000
Form         : green liquid
Onset Time   : 50 rounds
Noticability : 30%
Potency Time : 25 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -    600
               specific - 10,000
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : 1d20 + 20 points of damage
Fail Dmg     : Death

Class        : Ingestive
Category     : L5
Cost/Dose    : 2000
Form         : brown sticky resin (dissolves in alcohol)
Onset Time   : 30-60 rounds
Noticability : 20%
Potency Time : 16 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   500
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 15%
Save Dmg     : Lose 1d20 + 1d4 hp
Fail  Dmg      : Lose 1d20 + 1d4 hp; convulsions begin then  lose
1d3 hp per round until cured or death occurs.

YEW (Taxine) *
Class        : Ingestive
Category     : L5
Cost/Dose    : 2000
Form         : brown bark/leaf infusion (tea)
Onset Time   : 60 rounds
Noticability : 40%
Potency Time : 16 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   500
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 15%
Save Dmg     : Lose 25% of total hp due to mild heart attack.
Fail Dmg     : Lose 50% of total hp due to heart attack.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : L4
Cost/Dose    : 1500
Form         : purple liquid
Onset Time   : 55 rounds
Noticability : 40%
Potency Time : 26 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   400
               specific - 5,000
Save Bonus   : -30%
Save Dmg     : -1 to STR stat permanently
Fail Dmg     : 25 points of damage and STR is at 3 for 60 rounds

Class        : Ingestive
Category     : L3
Cost/Dose    : 1000
Form         : onion-like bulb
Onset Time   : 45-60 rounds
Noticability : 30%
Potency Time : 16 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   300
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : Weakness (-5 to STR) for 1d4 hours; lose 1d10 hp
Fail Dmg     : Weakness (-5 to STR) for 1d4 hours; lose 2d10  hp;
10%    chance   of   breathing   stopping,   and   if   so   lose
an additional 2d10 hp.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : L3
Cost/Dose    : 1000
Form         : clearish liquid
Onset Time   : 30-60 rounds
Noticability : 20%
Potency Time : 12 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   300
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 5%
Save Dmg     : Numbness in body; nausea; lose 1d12 hp.
Fail  Dmg     : Numbness in body; nausea; coma insues; lose  2d12
hp   plus   1   hp   per   5   rounds  until   cured   or   death

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : L2
Cost/Dose    : 500
Form         : clear liquid
Onset Time   : 30-60 rounds
Noticability : 5%
Potency Time : 11 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   200
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 0
Save  Dmg     : Flu-like symptoms; low-grade fever & achy; -2  to
initiative adjustment/reaction for 1 day.
Fail Dmg     : Lose 2d6 hp; 5% chance of heart attack, if so lose
50%    of   total   hp;   then   flu-like   symptomsoccur;   low-
grade    fever    &    achy;   -2   to   initiative    adjustment
for 1 day.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : L2
Cost/Dose    : 50
Form         : red liquid
Onset Time   : 60 rounds
Noticability : 30%
Potency Time : 28 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   200
               specific - 1,700
Save Bonus   : -100%
Save Dmg     : 1 point of damage
Fail Dmg     : 1 point of damage

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : L1
Cost/Dose    : 300
Form         : white liquid
Onset Time   : 50 rounds
Noticability : 40%
Potency Time : 29 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  - 100
               specific - 400
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : No effect
Fail Dmg     : 3d6 damage

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : M6
Cost/Dose    : 3000
Form         : dusty-rose colored liquid or powder
Onset Time   : 1 hour
Noticability : 50%
Potency Time : 20 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   600
               specific - 9,000
Save Bonus   : -20%
Save Dmg     : 30 hp damage
Fail Dmg     : Death

Class        : Absorbed, Inhaled, Ingestive
Category     : M5
Cost/Dose    : 2000
Form         : white crystals (form clear gas when contact water)
Onset Time   : 60-120 rounds
Noticability : 50% crystals; 30% gas
Potency Time : 18 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   500
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 0
Save  Dmg      :  Lose  3d6 hp; skin abrasions appear;  vomiting;
diarrhea   for   1d4   hours  then  quits   for   a   day,   then
starts again and continues for a day, then stops.
Fail  Dmg      :  Lose  5d6 hp; skin abrasions appear;  vomiting;
diarrhea   for   1d4   hours  then  quits   for   a   day,   then
starts    again   and   continues   for   a   day   plus    heart
attack (lose 50% of total hp), then stops.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : M4
Cost/Dose    : 1300
Form         : green liquid
Onset Time   : 90 rounds
Noticability : 30%
Potency Time : 25 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   400
               specific - 4,500
Save Bonus   : +10%
Save Dmg     : -1 to SPD stat permanently
Fail Dmg     : 30 points of damage plus SPD at 3 for 1 day

Class        : Ingestive
Category     : M3
Cost/Dose    : 1000
Form         : red sap
Onset Time   : 60-120 rounds
Noticability : 35%
Potency Time : 16 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   300
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 20%
Save Dmg     : Lose 3d6 hp.
Fail  Dmg      : Lose 6d6 hp; 30% chance of heart attack,  if  so
lose 50% of total hp.

WOLF'S TEETH (Moonbite)(Curseberry)
Class        : Ingestive; Insinuative
Category     : M2
Cost/Dose    : 500
Form         : clear syrup with strawberry flavor
Onset Time   : 1-2 hours
Noticability : 30%
Potency Time : 28 days
Antidote     : No
Antidote Cost: general  - 200
               specific - N/A
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : Severe headache for 1 hour (-3 to hit)
Fail Dmg     : Infected with Lycantropy

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : M1
Cost/Dose    : 250
Form         : purple liquid
Onset Time   : 60 rounds
Noticability : 40%
Potency Time : 37 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  - 100
               specific - 300
Save Bonus   : +10%
Save Dmg     : 1 hp damage
Fail Dmg     : 1d2 damage for 4d4 rounds

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : M6
Cost/Dose    : 3000
Form         : dusty-rose colored liquid or powder
Onset Time   : 1 hour
Noticability : 50%
Potency Time : 20 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   600
               specific - 9,000
Save Bonus   : -20%
Save Dmg     : 30 hp damage
Fail Dmg     : Death

Class        : Absorbed, Inhaled, Ingestive
Category     : M5
Cost/Dose    : 2000
Form         : white crystals (form clear gas when contact water)
Onset Time   : 60-120 rounds
Noticability : 50% crystals; 30% gas
Potency Time : 18 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   500
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 0
Save  Dmg      :  Lose  3d6 hp; skin abrasions appear;  vomiting;
diarrhea   for   1d4   hours  then  quits   for   a   day,   then
starts again and continues for a day, then stops.
Fail  Dmg      :  Lose  5d6 hp; skin abrasions appear;  vomiting;
diarrhea   for   1d4   hours  then  quits   for   a   day,   then
starts    again   and   continues   for   a   day   plus    heart
attack (lose 50% of total hp), then stops.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : M4
Cost/Dose    : 1300
Form         : green liquid
Onset Time   : 90 rounds
Noticability : 30%
Potency Time : 25 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   400
               specific - 4,500
Save Bonus   : +10%
Save Dmg     : -1 to SPD stat permanently
Fail Dmg     : 30 points of damage plus SPD at 3 for 1 day

WOLF'S TEETH (Moonbite)(Curseberry)
Class        : Ingestive; Insinuative
Category     : M2
Cost/Dose    : 500
Form         : clear syrup with strawberry flavor
Onset Time   : 1-2 hours
Noticability : 30%
Potency Time : 28 days
Antidote     : No
Antidote Cost: general  - 200
               specific - N/A
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : Severe headache for 1 hour (-3 to hit)
Fail Dmg     : Infected with Lycantropy

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : N6
Cost/Dose    : 3000
Form         : clear liquid
Onset Time   : 2 hours
Noticability : 5%
Potency Time : 20 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   600
               specific - 9,000
Save Bonus   : -10%
Save  Dmg      :  Half of total hit points taken as damage,  plus
lose 1d10 hit points permanently.
Fail Dmg     : Death

Class        : Absorbed, Inhaled, Ingestive
Category     : N5
Cost/Dose    : 2000
Form         : pale yellow liquid (fishy odor/taste)
Onset Time   : 5-240 rounds
Noticability : 50%
Potency Time : 16 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   500
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 25%
Save Dmg     : Paralysis for 1d0 hours; lose 10d8 hp.
Fail  Dmg     : Paralysis for 1d0 hours; lose 10d10 hp plus 1  hp
per round until cured or death.

Class        : Ingestive
Category     : N4
Cost/Dose    : 1500
Form         : plant parts
Onset Time   : 30-180 rounds
Noticability : 50%
Potency Time : 16 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   400
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 20%
Save  Dmg      :  Blisters  on mouth form;  severe  diarrhea  and
vomiting   start;   mild   heart   attack   occurs   (lose    25%
of total hp).
Fail  Dmg      :  Blisters  on mouth form;  severe  diarrhea  and
vomiting    start;   heart   attack   occurs   (lose    50%    of
total hp).

Class        : Ingestive
Category     : N4
Cost/Dose    : 1500
Form         : red berry juice
Onset Time   : 45-180 rounds
Noticability : 10%
Potency Time : 16 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   400
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 20%
Save  Dmg     : Burning of lips; abdominal pain; weakness (-4  to
STR for 1d4 days); lose 2d8 hp.
Fail  Dmg     : Burning of lips; abdominal pain; weakness (-4  to
STR for 1d4 days); lose 5d8 hp.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : N3
Cost/Dose    : 900
Form         : clear liquid
Onset Time   : 30-180 rounds
Noticability : 5%
Potency Time : 11 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   300
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 5%
Save Dmg     : Lose 2d6 hp.
Fail Dmg     : Lose 5d6 hp.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : N2
Cost/Dose    : 400
Form         : red liquid
Onset Time   : 3 hours
Noticability : 70%
Potency Time : 24 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   200
               specific - 1,500
Save Bonus   : -5%
Save Dmg     : No effect
Fail Dmg     : 1d4+1d6+1d8 points of damage

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : N1
Cost/Dose    : 250
Form         : orange liquid
Onset Time   : 2 hours
Noticability : 30%
Potency Time : 28 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  - 100
               specific - 300
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : No effect
Fail Dmg     : 3d8 damage

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : O6
Cost/Dose    : 2000
Form         : green liquid
Onset Time   : 4 hours
Noticability : 30%
Potency Time : 20 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   600
               specific - 8,000
Save Bonus   : +20%
Save Dmg     : 3d30 points of damage
Fail Dmg     : Death

ANTIMONY (Stibium) *
Class        : Absorbed; Inhaled; Ingestive
Category     : O5
Cost/Dose    : 1500
Form          :  sivery-white  powder  (bitter  taste)  or  clear
odorless gas
Onset Time   : 30-360 rounds
Noticability : 30% powder; 5% gas
Potency Time : 18 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   500
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 15%
Save Dmg     : Weakness (-6 to STR for 1d10 days); lose 5d6 hp.
Fail  Dmg      : Weakness (-6 to STR for 1d10 days);  -1  to  STR
permanently; lose 10d6 hp.

BELLADONNA (Nightshade) *
Class        : Ingestive
Category     : O5
Cost/Dose    : 1500
Form         : plant parts; purple-black berries
Onset Time   : 120-480 rounds
Noticability : 25%
Potency Time : 16 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   500
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : Racing heart; disorientation; lose 50% of total hp
Fail  Dmg     : Loud heartbeats adible several feet away; massive
heart   attack   follows   in   1d10   rounds   (lose   90%    of
total   hp   plus   1  hp  per  round  until   cured   or   death

Class        : Ingestive
Category     : O5
Cost/Dose    : 1500
Form         : plant parts
Onset Time   : 300-360 rounds
Noticability : 40%
Potency Time : 16 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   500
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 25%
Save Dmg     : Heart attack (lose 50% of total hp).
Fail Dmg     : Massive heart attack (lose 90% of total hp).

Class        : Ingestive
Category     : O4
Cost/Dose    : 1000
Form         : unripe/spoiled fruit
Onset Time   : 360 rounds
Noticability : 20%
Potency Time : 16 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   400
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 20%
Save Dmg     : Lose 6d6 hp.
Fail Dmg     : Lose 6d10 hp; 40% chance of death occuring due  to

EYEBRIGHT (Indian Tobacco) *
Class        : Ingestive
Category     : O4
Cost/Dose    : 1000
Form         : milky juice
Onset Time   : 60-360 rounds
Noticability : 35%
Potency Time : 16 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   400
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 20%
Save Dmg     : Lose 6d8 hp.
Fail Dmg     : Lose 10d8 hp.

Class        : Ingestive
Category     : O4
Cost/Dose    : 900
Form         : plant parts
Onset Time   : 360 rounds
Noticability : 50%
Potency Time : 16 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   400
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 30%
Save Dmg     : Lose 25% of total hp; coma ensues for 1d20 hours.
Fail  Dmg     : Lose 25% of total hp; coma ensues for 1d20 hours;
following   coma   lose   1  hp  per  10   rounds   until   cured
or death occurs.

Class        : Ingestive
Category     : O4
Cost/Dose    : 1900
Form         : powder-like black fungus (fishy taste)
Onset Time   : 360 rounds
Noticability : 25%
Potency Time : 21 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   400
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : -5%
Save Dmg     : No damage.
Fail  Dmg     : Coldness of extremities; trouble breathing; chest
burns;     sweating;    psychosis    (violent    mood     swings)
occurs;    severe    convulsions   begin   3-5    rounds    later
that    violently    twist   spine   (lose    10d10    hp)    and
there    is    a    25%    chance   permanent    paralysis    can
occur due to spine injury.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : O3
Cost/Dose    : 800
Form         : silver liquid
Onset Time   : 4.5 hours
Noticability : 35%
Potency Time : 23 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   300
               specific - 2,800
Save Bonus   : +10%
Save Dmg     : 1 point of damage per CON point of victim
Fail Dmg     : 1d4 points of damage per CON point of victim

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : O2
Cost/Dose    : 400
Form         : gold liquid
Onset Time   : 5 hours
Noticability : 45%
Potency Time : 20 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   200
               specific - 1,300
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : 1d4 points of damage
Fail Dmg     : 1d10+1d12 points of damage

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : O1
Cost/Dose    : 250
Form         : grey liquid
Onset Time   : 4 hours
Noticability : 15%
Potency Time : 36 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  - 100
               specific - 300
Save Bonus   : -20%
Save Dmg     : No effect
Fail Dmg     : 1d6+4 points of damage for 2 rounds

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : P6
Cost/Dose    : 2000
Form         : yellow liquid
Onset Time   : 8 hours
Noticability : 50%
Potency Time : 21 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   600
               specific - 7,000
Save Bonus   : -20%
Save Dmg     : 1d10+20 points of damage
Fail Dmg     : Death

Class        : Ingestive
Category     : P5
Cost/Dose    : 700
Form         : mushrooms
Onset Time   : 600 rounds
Noticability : 5%
Potency Time : 18 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   500
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 40%
Save Dmg     : Internal distress; lose 10d10 hp.
Fail  Dmg      : Severe damage to kidneys, liver, heart,  nervous
system,    intestines    and   genital   organs;    lose    10d10
hp   plus   -5   to   STR,  DEX  and  CON   for   1   day,   then
regain   +1   to   1  of  the  stats  per  day  until   all   are

JIMSONWEED (Devil's Trumpet) *
Class        : Ingestive
Category     : P5
Cost/Dose    : 1500
Form         : greenish juice (bitter taste)
Onset Time   : 360-720 rounds
Noticability : 45%
Potency Time : 16 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   500
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 5%
Save  Dmg      : Involuntary movements; blurred vision;  weakness
(-3   to   STR   for  1d4  days);  -4  to  hit  for   1d4   days;
lose 3d8 hp.
Fail  Dmg      : Involuntary movements; blurred vision;  weakness
(-3   to   STR   for  1d4  days);  -4  to  hit   for   1d4   day;
lose 8d8 hp.

Class        : Ingestive
Category     : P4
Cost/Dose    : 900
Form         : red berries
Onset Time   : 120-1440 rounds
Noticability : 10%
Potency Time : 16days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   400
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 25%
Save  Dmg     : Burning in stomach; dizziness (-4 to DEX & -4  to
hit for 1d4 days); lose 1d6 hp.
Fail  Dmg     : Burning in stomach; dizziness (-4 to DEX & -4  to
hit for 1d4 days); lose 6d6 hp.

Class        : Ingestive
Category     : P4
Cost/Dose    : 1000
Form         : bluish-black fruit almost identical to wild grapes
Onset Time   : 360-720 rounds
Noticability : 10%
Potency Time : 20 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   400
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 10%
Save Dmg     : Convulsions; lose 3d6 hp.
Fail Dmg     : Convulsions; lose 3d20 hp; 10% chance of death.

Class        : Ingestive
Category     : P4
Cost/Dose    : 1000
Form         : clear oil (bitter taste)
Onset Time   : 180-720 rounds
Noticability : 50%
Potency Time : 16 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   400
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 20%
Save Dmg     : Frothing at mouth; violent spasms; lose 2d10 hp.
Fail  Dmg     : Frothing at mouth; violent spasms; lose 4d12  hp;
10% chance of death.

Class        : Ingestive
Category     : P3
Cost/Dose    : 900
Form         : raw berries
Onset Time   : 120-720 rounds
Noticability : 20%
Potency Time : 16 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   300
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 25%
Save Dmg     : Dizziness (-4 to DEX for 1d6 hours); racing heart;
lose 25% of total hp.
Fail Dmg     : Dizziness (-4 to DEX for 1d6 hours); racing heart;
lose 40% of total hp.

Class        : Ingestive
Category     : P3
Cost/Dose    : 900
Form         : plant leaves
Onset Time   : 360-720 rounds
Noticability : 30%
Potency Time : 16 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   300
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 25%
Save  Dmg      :  Weakness (-2 to STR for 1d6 days);  burning  of
throat (can't talk for 1d4 days); lose 1d6 hp.
Fail  Dmg      :  Weakness (-2 to STR for 1d6 days);  burning  of
throat (can't talk for 1d4 days); lose 3d6 hp.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : P2
Cost/Dose    : 400
Form         : grey liquid
Onset Time   : 10 hours
Noticability : 15%
Potency Time : 30 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   200
               specific - 1,200
Save Bonus   : -5%
Save Dmg     : 9 points of damage
Fail Dmg     : Must drink blood once per day for 7d4 days or lose
99% of all hit points (regained normally).

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : P1
Cost/Dose    : 250
Form         : light grey liquid
Onset Time   : 23 hours
Noticability : 20%
Potency Time : 38 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  - 100
               specific - 300
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : No effect
Fail Dmg     : 2d10 damage

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : Q6
Cost/Dose    : 1500
Form         : black liquid
Onset Time   : 24 hours
Noticability : 10%
Potency Time : 24 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   600
               specific - 6,000
Save Bonus   : -20%
Save Dmg     : 10d4 damage
Fail Dmg     : Death

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : Q5
Cost/Dose    : 1000
Form         : red liquid
Onset Time   : 30 hours
Noticability : 30%
Potency Time : 23 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   500
               specific - 4,000
Save Bonus   : -30%
Save Dmg     : 30% of current hit points taken as damage
Fail Dmg     : 75% of total hit points taken as damage

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : Q4
Cost/Dose    : 900
Form         : green liquid
Onset Time   : 40 hours
Noticability : 30%
Potency Time : 23 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  - 400
               specific - 3,000
Save Bonus   : +5%
Save Dmg     : Victim can't cast any spells for 48 hours.
Fail Dmg     : Take 20 points of damage and lose all spell points
(regained normally)

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : Q3
Cost/Dose    : 700
Form         : pink liquid with rose odor
Onset Time   : 45 hours
Noticability : 80%
Potency Time : 20 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   300
               specific - 2,000
Save Bonus   : +5%
Save Dmg     : 1d20 damage
Fail Dmg     : 1d30 damage

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : Q2
Cost/Dose    : 400
Form         : grey liquid
Onset Time   : 26 hours
Noticability : 15%
Potency Time : 21 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   200
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : No effect
Fail  Dmg      :  Body  becomes magnetic. All iron/steel  objects
(even     metal    tipped    arrows)    within     30',     drawn
toward victim.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : Q1
Cost/Dose    : 250
Form         : red liquid or powder
Onset Time   : 24 hours
Noticability : 30%
Potency Time : 23 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  - 100
               specific - 200
Save Bonus   : -20%
Save Dmg     : No effect
Fail Dmg     : 4d6 damage

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : R6
Cost/Dose    : 1000
Form         : clear liquid
Onset Time   : 2 says
Noticability : 5%
Potency Time : 22 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   600
               specific - 5,000
Save Bonus   : +20%
Save Dmg     : 50 points of damage & go unconcsious for 1d10 days
Fail Dmg     : Death

Class        : Ingestive; Insinuative
Category     : R5
Cost/Dose    : 1300
Form         : seeds (peas); seed juice
Onset Time   : 360-4320 rounds
Noticability : 5%
Potency Time : 16 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   500
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 30%
Save  Dmg      : Convulsions followed by coma for 1d6 days;  lose
50% of total hp.
Fail  Dmg      : Convulsions followed by coma for 1d6 days;  lose
50%    of    total    hp;   25%   chance   of   death    occuring
during coma.

NARCISSUS (Pheasant's Eye) *
Class        : Ingestive
Category     : R4
Cost/Dose    : 900
Form         : plant parts
Onset Time   : 2500-4000 rounds
Noticability : 10%
Potency Time : 16 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   400
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 30%
Save Dmg     : Lose 3d8 hp then fall unconsious for 1d6 hours.
Fail Dmg     : Lose 35 hp then fall unconscious for 1d6 days.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : R3
Cost/Dose    : 700
Form         : white liquid
Onset Time   : 3 days
Noticability : 40%
Potency Time : 10 days
Antidote     : No
Antidote Cost: general  - 300
               specific - NA
Save Bonus   : +5%
Save Dmg     : 4d4 damage
Fail Dmg     : 4d8 damage

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : R2
Cost/Dose    : 400
Form         : silver liquid
Onset Time   : 4 days
Noticability : 35%
Potency Time : 13 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   200
               specific - 1,000
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : No effect
Fail  Dmg     : All magic spells in 100' radius are attracted  to
the victim for 1d20 days.

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : R1
Cost/Dose    : 250
Form         : yellow liquid
Onset Time   : 48 hours
Noticability : 48%
Potency Time : 25 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  - 100
               specific - 200
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : 1 point of damage
Fail Dmg     : 2d10 points of damage

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : S6
Cost/Dose    : 900
Form         : grey gel
Onset Time   : 4 days
Noticability : 15%
Potency Time : 29 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   600
               specific - 4,000
Save Bonus   : +30%
Save Dmg     : Lose one-fourth of total hit points & one-half  of
total    spell   points   plus   be   sluggish   for    1    day,
being   -2   to   hit   ,   -2   to   damage,   -20%   to   spell
Fail Dmg     : Death

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : S5
Cost/Dose    : 800
Form         : brown liquid
Onset Time   : 5 days
Noticability : 15%
Potency Time : 19 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   500
               specific - 3,500
Save Bonus   : +10%
Save Dmg     : 30 points of damage
Fail Dmg     : 60 points of damage

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : S4
Cost/Dose    : 750
Form         : green liquid
Onset Time   : 6 days
Noticability : 30%
Potency Time : 15 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   400
               specific - 2,500
Save Bonus   : +30%
Save Dmg     : Victim becomes allergic (for 1 week) to gold.  Any
contact does 1d4 damage per round in contact.
Fail  Dmg      :  Victim becomes allergic (for  1  week)  to  all
metals.   Any   contact   does   1d6   damage   per   round    in

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : S3
Cost/Dose    : 500
Form         : grey liquid
Onset Time   : 7 days
Noticability : 15%
Potency Time : 32 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   300
               specific - 1,800
Save Bonus   : -5%
Save Dmg     : Beserk for 1d20 rounds
Fail Dmg     : Beserk in every fight for 1d30 days

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : S2
Cost/Dose    : 300
Form         : silver liquid
Onset Time   : 4.5 days
Noticability : 35%
Potency Time : 12 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  - 200
               specific - 800
Save Bonus   : -30%
Save Dmg     :  3 points of damage
Fail Dmg     : 13 points of damage

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : S1
Cost/Dose    : 200
Form         : purple gel
Onset Time   : 5.5 days
Noticability : 40%
Potency Time : 34 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  - 100
               specific - 200
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : 2 points of damage
Fail Dmg     : 2d4 points of damage for 2 rounds

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : T6
Cost/Dose    : 900
Form         : brown liquid
Onset Time   : 7 days
Noticability : 10%
Potency Time : 40 days
Antidote     : No
Antidote Cost: general  - 600
               specific - NA
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : Lose 90% of current hit points
Fail Dmg     : Death

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : T5
Cost/Dose    : 750
Form         : clear gel
Onset Time   : 10 days
Noticability : 5%
Potency Time : 39 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   500
               specific - 3,000
Save Bonus   : +20%
Save Dmg     : Stat numbers re-arranged from top to bottom
Fail Dmg     : 40 points of damage

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : T4
Cost/Dose    : 650
Form         : black gel
Onset Time   : 14 days
Noticability : 10%
Potency Time : 38 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   400
               specific - 2,000
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : 1d4 daamge for 1d6 rounds
Fail Dmg     : 1d6 damage for 1d10 rounds

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : T3
Cost/Dose    : 450
Form         : brown gel
Onset Time   : 1 month
Noticability : 15%
Potency Time : 37 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  -   300
               specific - 1,500
Save Bonus   : -5%
Save Dmg     : 1d6 damage
Fail  Dmg      :  Every  day upon waking, the  victim  takes  1d6
damage.    This    will   continue   until   cured    or    death

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : T2
Cost/Dose    : 300
Form         : gold gel
Onset Time   : 21 days
Noticability : 45%
Potency Time : 36 days
Antidote     : Yes
Antidote Cost: general  - 200
               specific - 700
Save Bonus   : +5%
Save Dmg     : No effect
Fail Dmg     : 1d4+1d6+1d8+1d10+1d12+1d20 points of damage

Class        : Insinuative
Category     : T1
Cost/Dose    : 900
Form         : clear liquid
Onset Time   : 7 days
Noticability : 5%
Potency Time : 1 day
Antidote     : No
Antidote Cost: general  - 100
               specific - NA
Save Bonus   : 0
Save Dmg     : No effect
Fail Dmg     : 10d10 damage


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+-Hephaestus: Computer RPG construction kit.
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The GNUtards Must Be Crazy in Software on Mon, 2007Aug06 02:06:29 PDT
The NetBeans Masochism Tango in Software on Fri, 2007Jul20 19:37:35 PDT
Stuck in the IDEA Quagmire in Software on Fri, 2007Jul13 10:24:21 PDT
Trying IDEA out of desperation in Software on Wed, 2007Jul11 19:38:40 PDT
An Eclipse by any other name would be as dark. in Software on Wed, 2007Jul11 19:34:26 PDT
All these worlds are yours except Europa. Attempt no landings there. in Software on Wed, 2007Jul11 14:45:27 PDT
Karl Fant Reconsidered in Software on Sun, 2007Jul08 07:21:25 PDT
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Very Special Episode of Studio 60 in Media on Fri, 2007Jun01 01:15:01 PDT
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NULL, nil, None in Software on Sun, 2007May27 09:37:34 PDT
Chaucerian fraud Jerry Falwell is dead and rotting in the ground. in Religion on Thu, 2007May17 17:11:13 PDT
Grindhouse Movie Reviews: Vanishing Point, Dirty Mary Crazy Larry in Media on Mon, 2007May14 02:42:34 PDT
7 Habits Of Effective Text Editing 2.0 in Software on Fri, 2007May04 10:44:58 PDT
Hephaestus 3 is Coming in Software on Wed, 2007May02 09:55:10 PDT
Giant Stack of Grindhouse, and Theatre Etiquette in Media on Fri, 2007Apr27 15:23:22 PDT
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Grindhouse Review in Media on Mon, 2007Apr16 09:55:28 PDT
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Closures in Groovy and Java in Software on Thu, 2007Feb15 11:33:12 PST
ed is the standard editor! in Software on Wed, 2007Jan31 11:13:19 PST
Music to Love Your Mac To in Mac on Mon, 2007Jan29 19:22:43 PST
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Review: The Prestige in Media on Tue, 2006Oct24 14:09:18 PDT
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GameScroll 0.7.1 in Software on Sat, 2006Jul29 18:31:04 PDT
Mac to Linux? Are you mad? in Mac on Thu, 2006Jul27 11:15:09 PDT
Intelligent DeSign in Toys on Fri, 2006Jul14 09:34:36 PDT in Software on Mon, 2006Jun05 19:29:53 PDT
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Book Review: "JPod", by Douglas Coupland in Media on Sun, 2006Jun04 18:20:20 PDT
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Tim O'Reilly Does Not Apologize in Web on Wed, 2006May31 01:42:53 PDT
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A Man Walks Into a Bar With a Duck... in Personal on Mon, 2006May29 23:12:05 PDT
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O'Reilly(TM) 2.0(TM) Annoyances(TM) in Web on Fri, 2006May26 23:36:58 PDT
Web 2.0 (tm) is over, Tim O'Reilly commits corporate seppuku. in Web on Fri, 2006May26 23:20:45 PDT
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Please Help Save Palladium from Going Under in Roleplaying on Mon, 2006Apr24 04:09:39 PDT
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The Day I Killed Angel and Buffy in Roleplaying on Sun, 2006Apr16 20:12:00 PDT
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What's that horrible stench? Java 5.0 Generics! in Software on Fri, 2006Mar24 12:46:55 PST
Shiny LEGO Robots in Toys on Sun, 2006Mar19 14:44:03 PST
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Perilar 0.4 in Software on Mon, 2006Feb27 00:05:02 PST
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V.D. in Society on Tue, 2006Feb14 00:16:46 PST
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My Debugging Prowess is Mighty! in Software on Mon, 2006Feb06 17:10:04 PST
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Why Are TV Shows Not Listed in iPod's TV Shows? in Mac on Mon, 2006Jan23 07:10:19 PST
What's wrong with the Internet? in Web on Sun, 2006Jan15 02:12:28 PST
Filthy Fucking Republican Scumbag SPAMMERS. in Society on Thu, 2006Jan12 17:44:26 PST
Fluorescent Lights in Personal on Thu, 2006Jan12 14:42:09 PST
Perilar! in Software on Wed, 2006Jan11 03:45:05 PST
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Post-Postscript in Software on Mon, 2005Dec12 11:30:34 PST
Microsoft Live. Follow the Money. in Media on Fri, 2005Nov11 11:30:14 PST
Don't Let Anyone Lick Your Keyboard in Web on Wed, 2005Nov09 11:43:40 PST
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This is my second life, better than my first life. in SecondLife on Thu, 2005Oct20 05:33:32 PDT
"EPIC" 2014 in Media on Fri, 2005Sep30 11:12:40 PDT
The Posse in Science on Thu, 2005Sep08 13:46:43 PDT
The Perfect Serenity of Firefly in Media on Fri, 2005Sep02 08:11:38 PDT
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On Java and Python in Software on Fri, 2005Aug26 12:38:54 PDT
Back from GenCon in Roleplaying on Tue, 2005Aug23 13:09:42 PDT
Indiana Has Taught Me How To Hate in Personal on Sun, 2005Aug21 09:40:22 PDT
Single People Are Selfish, And Proud Of It in Society on Sat, 2005Aug13 12:49:06 PDT
Links are underlined. in Web on Mon, 2005Aug08 09:46:38 PDT
Stupid, stupid iCal. in Mac on Fri, 2005Aug05 19:56:09 PDT
Things I've Learned About The Mac, Part 1 in Mac on Thu, 2005Jul28 12:49:21 PDT
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Don't feed the troll in Web on Fri, 2005Jul22 11:34:32 PDT
Randpod, again, only different in Software on Thu, 2005Jul21 15:58:25 PDT
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Browser Statistics, June 2005 in Web on Sat, 2005Jul02 14:09:37 PDT
Apple x86 in Mac on Fri, 2005Jun10 08:00:23 PDT
Apple and Intel, sitting in a tree, k.i.s.s.i.n.g. in Mac on Sat, 2005Jun04 12:06:55 PDT
Browser Statistics, May 2005 in Web on Fri, 2005Jun03 08:41:06 PDT
Holding Women To A Lower Standard in Society on Fri, 2005Jun03 08:21:25 PDT
Terminal in Software on Sat, 2005May21 11:17:34 PDT
$OPPRESSED_GROUP Studies in Media on Tue, 2005May03 09:49:55 PDT
GameScroll 0.7 in Software on Tue, 2005May03 06:09:24 PDT
Browser Statistics, April 2005 in Web on Tue, 2005May03 05:59:20 PDT
GameScroll 0.6 in Software on Mon, 2005Apr25 19:06:04 PDT
Trick or treat... in Roleplaying on Thu, 2005Apr21 23:29:34 PDT
GameScroll 0.5 in Software on Wed, 2005Apr20 17:51:55 PDT
Browser Statisics in Web on Sun, 2005Apr03 20:29:34 PDT
XML is driving me insane. in Software on Wed, 2005Mar16 21:55:00 PST
Actions speak louder than words. in Web on Mon, 2005Mar14 13:14:41 PST
Eclipse vs. NetBeans Celebrity Deathmatch! in Software on Sun, 2005Mar13 00:00:00 PST
Browser Statistics in Web on Sun, 2005Mar06 00:00:00 PST
R.I.P. Microsoft, Scoble is laying down fertilizer in Web on Tue, 2005Feb15 00:00:00 PST
Syndication in Web on Sat, 2005Jan22 00:00:00 PST
"Hipster PDA" in Web on Wed, 2005Jan12 00:00:00 PST
Copywrong in Software on Tue, 2005Jan11 00:00:00 PST
MSIE in Web on Mon, 2005Jan10 00:00:00 PST
Doom: The Movie: We're all Doomed! in Media on Wed, 2004Dec22 00:00:00 PST
EA: The Human Story in Software on Mon, 2004Nov15 00:00:00 PST
Aiee! 0.2 in Software on Wed, 2004Oct13 00:00:00 PDT
Shiny new iMac in Mac on Tue, 2004Aug31 00:00:00 PDT
Treo 600 Cam in Personal on Sun, 2004Aug29 00:00:00 PDT
RandPod in Software on Fri, 2004Aug27 00:00:00 PDT
Watch "Ju On", lose 2d6 SAN in Media on Thu, 2004Aug19 00:00:00 PDT
Sun in Web on Fri, 2004Jul23 00:00:00 PDT
Meat is not murder. Meat is meat. Murder is murder. in Personal on Tue, 2004Jun22 00:00:00 PDT
CTHULHU SALVATION PROGRAM in Religion on Thu, 2004Jun03 00:00:00 PDT
Why Does Everyone Hate Lisp? in Software on Sun, 2004May30 00:00:00 PDT
Final Fantasy XI in Personal on Fri, 2004Jun04 00:00:00 PDT
The ultimate political poster. in Web on Fri, 2004Jun04 00:00:00 PDT
I don't normally comment on blogs, but... in Web on Fri, 2004Jun04 00:00:00 PDT
JICB in Software on Fri, 2004Jun04 00:00:00 PDT
Review of Gamma World (Sword & Sorcery) in Roleplaying on Thu, 2004Jun03 00:00:00 PDT
Reboot in Web on Wed, 2003Jul30 00:00:00 PDT

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