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About Chess.com - A wealth of chess resources.

Adam's Page - Material about chess openings, openings statistics, puzzles, and an essay on how to beat chess computers.

Alex Miller's Chess Basics - Guide to chess basics, history, notation, pieces, draws, and special moves.

Alex Miller's Chess Basics - Chess basics, history, notation, pieces, draws, and special moves.

Allexperts: Chess Strategies - Volunteer experts answer your detailed questions about chess strategies and tactics for free.

Animated Chess - Includes move animations, wallpaper, animated games, and puzzles.

Avler Chess - Online chess resource for learning to play chess, learning strategies, buying chess products, discussing chess with other chess fans and players.

The Basics of Chess - Tutorials on three levels.

Beginners Chess Page - Information about chess play and chess notation as well as a glossary for chess terms.

A beginners guide to chess - Made by Kirkules.

Checkmate - Educational webpage designed to teach people about chess. Supplemented by a glossary, forum center, guestbook, and interactive games.

Chess Archives - History, tutorials and end game basics.

The chess club of kwabs.com - Provides an articles on the basics.

Chess Doctor - Free newsletter and tips for all inexperienced chess players.

Chess for Success - Learn the ideas behind the chess moves without memorizing.

50 Chess Games for Beginners - An interactive chess tutorial site for new players. Includes chess openings, notation, grading, links and a free competition. Requires modern browsers to participate.

Chess Instructions for Beginners - Appropriate for those seeking to learn to play chess.

Chess is Fun - Clear instructions on how the chess pieces move.

Chess Openings - Website with assorted openings.

The Chess Page - A tutorial on the basics and intermediate skills needed in chess.

Chess Pages - Features mini-tutorials and downloads.

A Chess Realm - A chess web site with free online tutorials, chess history, information & news, debate forums, product reviews and chess links.

Chess Rules - Rules, basics on how the pieces move, books, and a downloadable freeware chess game.

The Chess Site - Basic information on movement and gameplay.

Chess Sites - Learn how to play chess well, browse chess information from the Huntsville Chess Club.

Chess Strategy - Contains strategies, tips, notation, principals, and rules.

Chess Tutorial Page - Offers chess lessons, instruction for beginner and intermediate players.

Chess Visualisation Training - Free online step-by-step exercises which help you to increase your chess visualisation.

Chess Warrior - Animated move instructions, other general information, popular games modified for chess, and games in pgn format.

ChessKIDS academy - Free online chess lessons and quizzes for kids. Resource center for parents and teachers.

Chessolutions - Free chess lessons, e-books, and membership.

Chintan's Chess Page - Chess problems, openings and tutorials.

64 Commandments of Chess - Summary of hints, pointers and precepts of chess.

ConradCHESS - Chess problem solving event with prizes, and links to free email chess clubs.

Easy Chess - Offers chess analysis, lessons, and educational information about chess.

Encyclopedia of Chess Openings - This site contains games downloadable by ECO code, A00-E99 most of the games are good, but you just have to keep your eye out for the bad ones.

Glenn's Chess Page - Chess tips, study, lessons and instruction links.

Grandmasters Chess Academy - Chess training, downloads, skill evaluations and improvement guides, and a wide range of chess software and books.

The Great Pawn Hunter Chess Tutorial - Free chess concepts without having to memorize moves from an instructor. The teacher has taught many how to play chess.

IntellectWorld.com - Chess Tactics - Graphical tactics tutorial which can immediately improve your play, plus complimentary diagram service and an archive of 16,000 classic games.

Internet Chess Page - Chess trivia, openings, and games.

Jim's Chess Page - Strategies for defeating mechanical opponents.

Jon Levitt's Chess Site - A British grandmaster discusses chess talent and aesthetics with humorous articles and photos.

King of Chess - By Andrew Hellenschmidt. Features a biography, lessons, and photographs.

Learning Chess - An animation to teach chess. [Requires Flash]

Learning Chess - Concise, step-by-step instructions that will teach you to play chess. Explains the board set-up, the pieces, strategy, special moves, and how to win.

Learnthat.com - A basic guide for beginners on the complex game of chess. It provides many helpful tips and teaches you the movements and openings every chess player should know with great ease.

Michal Rudolf's Chess Page - Detailed analysis of some endgame positions, mainly from master-level games.

Midwest Chess Academy - Chess lessons, games and links.

National Chess Network - Master Chess lessons - Master chess lessons at an affordable price. Any and all levels. Chess lessons for children and adults, experienced and beginner.

Online Chess Coach - Chess coach will instruct you to play chess better.

The Orang Utan, Sokolsky, Polish... the Chess Opening: 1.b4! - The only page on the Sokolsky (also known as Polish and Orang-Utan) chess opening. Information on tournaments, CAP data, games, history and even facts on the animal itself.

Roman's opening theory chess and math website - Original chess opening thoery of pirc defense, latvian gambit, and correspondence games.

Test Your Chess - Improve your chess with free interactive chess lessons. Find the Move puzzles to help junior and adult chess players to improve their playing strength.

Unusual Chess Openings - A collection of twenty of the most unusual chess openings around. Includes the Hippopotamus Defence.


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