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Boundary Map

Please verify District 87 residency
To determine District 87 residency, call the District 87 Office at 309-827-6031 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. weekdays. This information is also available via the online Property Database through the McLean County Tax Assessor's Office. After linking to this page, select the City of Bloomington button. This allows partial address searches, by street, or number. For best results, just type in your street name, with house #, but without North or N., etc. and without Street, or St., etc. Example: 300 Monroe. If "087" appears under "School Dis", then the property is located within District 87.

Which School Will My Child Attend?
All students in grades 6 through 8 attend Bloomington Junior High School. All students in grades 9 through 12 attend Bloomington High School. Additionally, all K-5 students requiring ESL go to Oakland School or Stevenson School (call 309-827-6031 for further information); all K-5 students requiring Bilingual Services attend Bent School; and all K-5 Developmentally Disabled students attend Stevenson School. Each elementary school in District 87 serves students residing in a specific area as reflected in the color coded map below.

Using the provided map to determine elementary school
FYI: these files are in .pdf format, which requires Acrobat Reader software to open and/or read. Download the free software HERE. Click the appropriate CIRCLE to view the respective school map.

BNT=Bent School
IRV=Irving School
OAK=Oakland School
SHR=Sheridan School
STV=Stevenson School
WSH=Washington School

NOTE: White Eagle residents: please use the Bloomington Township online database to determine residency in District 87. For best results, just type in your street name, with your house #, but without Dr., Ct. etc. Example: 100 Cave Creek



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Golden Grove at BHS
School Closings

October 13 - Columbus Day - NO SCHOOL
October 17 - Teacher Institute - NO SCHOOL; End of 1st grading period October 18 - BHS Golden Grove Registrations Due
October 31 - Parent/Teacher Conferences - NO SCHOOL

School closings and emergency messages are displayed on our emergency page accessible from the top of this page.