TITLE: The Stock Market AUTHOR: Jeff Fletcher, Blackwell, OK GRADE LEVEL/SUBJECT: 11-12, economics OVERVIEW: Many students here and read about the stock market, investing and other related areas that they know little about, and certainly do not know how these things work. Most students think these things are heard only in the news and are only important in far off places like New York City. PURPOSE: The purpose of this activity is to help students to have at least a simple understanding of the stock market, and also see how many factors can influence the market. They begin to understand how many things are inter-related - the stock market and politics for example. And they gain responsibility and enhance their ability to think and make decisions. OBJECTIVES: Students will gain an understanding of the stock market to where they can legally make money that the can later spend in class. RESOURCES/MATERIALS: copies, from newspaper of stock market (Tuesday through Saturday editions), stock forms for daily recordings, copies of rules ACTIVITIES AND PROCEDURES: 1. Designate some students who will be brokers. Brokers are used to buy and sell stock for commission. They may or may not also have stock. They also will act as police to make sure transactions are legal. 2. Make copies of stock form that has columns for name of stock, date purchased and sold, numbers of shares, daily prices etc. 3. Go over any rules you visit to have with brokers. 4. Students buying stock will receive a certain amount of imaginary money to invest. They then will begin reviewing the markets to make their investments. 5. If possible invite a local stock broker to speak and have students study any appropriate material in text. 6. Students will make daily recordings of stocks and brokers will make daily checks for illegal transactions that could lead to fines or loss of investment privileges. 7. If students make money they may use it for later auctions if desired for pencils, free time etc. 8. Other activities can be incorporated such as bankers to make loans and lawyers to settle disputes. TYING IT ALL TOGETHER: 1. Participation grades can be taken for these activities. 2. Review things that arise in class as problems or actual out of class happenings. 3. Test students on some basic knowledge of stock market and of their involvement in the activity.