CECsst.176 TITLE: Simulation - Oregon Trail AUTHOR: LOUISE C. MURPHY, SCOTT L. LIBBY SCHOOL LITCHFIELD PARK, ARIZONA GRADE LEVEL: Appropriate for Grades 5 -8 OVERVIEW: The students will gain knowledge and appreciation of life in the United states in the mid 1800's. PURPOSE: The students will develop research techniques, decision making skills, writing skills and interpersonal skills. OBJECTIVE(s): The students will: 1. research life in the United States in the mid 1800's 2. discuss the social, political and economic situation in the United States in the 1800's 3. compare and contrast life in the 1800's with life in the 1990's. 4. work on the computers in co-operative groups on the program, The Oregon Trail. 5. evaluate different alternatives before making decisions. 6. keep notes in a journal. 7. research diseases that were rampant in the 1800's. 8. write and illustrate letters. 9. demonstrate good map skill. 10. create and compute math word problems using information from the computer simulation. 11. learn songs relating to the 1800's. RESOURCES/ MATERIALS NEEDED:resource books, maps, computers, journal sheets, map paper, markers, highlighters, "The Oregon Trail", "The Children's Writing and Publishing", songbook "Touch of the Past" ACTIVITIES: 1. Research the mid 1800's in cooperative groups. 2. Discuss as a class the social, economic and political situationduring the 1800's. 3. List the pros and cons for life in the 1800's and life in the 1990's. 4. Work on the computer program 'The Oregon Trail' in groups. 5. Discuss the alternatives before making decisions on the trail. 6. Keep a journal while working on the computer program. 7. Research the diseases encountered on the Oregon Trail. 8. Write and illustrate letters using The Children's Writing and Publishing. Write from the viewpoint of a settler who has just completed the long grueling trip. 9. Draw and label maps of the territory traveled from Missouri to the Willamette Valley. 10. Formulate word problems for the other groups in the class to solve. 11. Practice songs of the 1800's. TYING IT ALL TOGETHER: 1. Write a newspaper about sights and happenings on the trail. 2. Perform songs for other classes.