CECsst.195 TITLE: WORLD WAR II AUTHOR: Cecelia L. O'Keefe, Natrona County High School; Casper, WY GRADE LEVEL: Appropriate for grades 10-12. OVERVIEW: World War II had several causes not just one. These activities will help the students to be aware of the various causes of World War II. PURPOSE: The importance of this lesson will help the students later understand the affects of World War II on the World as a whole. OBJECTIVE(s): students will be able to: 1. Identify the major leaders and groups of World War II. 2. Explain the major events leading to war in Europe. 3. Demonstrate how the geographical locations affected the war. 4. Explain the causes of the United States entry into World War II. MATERIALS: Teacher Materials = poster board, butcher paper, library, bulletin board, atlas. Student Materials = writing utensil, paper, text book. ACTIVITIES AND PROCEDURES: 1. Divide the class into four groups. Assign one of the following to the following to each group: Mussolini's takeover of power in Italy, Hitlers' ascent to the position of Chancellor of Germany, Japan's invasion of Manchuria, United States recognition of the Soviet Union. Have each group work to create a news item for a television news broadcast covering that event. 2. Choose one of the following leaders: Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, Hideki Tojo, Winston Churchill, and Franklin Roosevelt and create a resume for him. 3. Have students work in pairs to create posters illustrating the rise of dictatorship in the 1930s. Have students include reasons why dictators gained power, and title them. Display posters. 4. Create a flow chart of Axis actions and Allied and American responses from 1935 to 1941. 5. Note the physical sizes of Italy, Germany, and Japan and then list the reasons why those countries were interested in territorial expansion. 6. As a group, discuss how Japan's lack of resources influenced its move toward militarism and territorial expansion. 7. Analyze the events that were going on in the United States prior to its entry to the War and in detail report the major cause of the United States entry into World War II. TYING IT ALL TOGETHER: Through these various activities, the students will be aware of the groups, leaders, and reasons behind the outbreak of World War II. This lesson will take several days to complete and upon completion, the students will have the background needed to look into actual details of the War and the affects of it on life today.