CECsst.201 TITLE: THE SENTENCING ACTIVITY AUTHOR: Bruce D. Berst, Natrona County High School, Casper, WY GRADE LEVEL: 8-11 I've used this successfully in grades 8-11. It could probably also be used at a higher, as well as a lower grade. OVERVIEW: After a rather extensive look at the criminal justice system, this is a rather fun activity. Teachers need to obtain the minimum/maximum guidelines for the crimes you will be using. PURPOSE: This lesson is to convey to students that a judge's job is not cut and dried, that many variables are present when a judge must pass a sentence. OBJECTIVE(s): to give students experience in looking at those variables present when a criminal must be dealt with. Also, comparisons will be made between genders as not all crimes are viewed equally by both genders. Comparisons can also be made to see how consistent or inconsistent a number of judges can be in dealing with the same crime or criminal. MATERIALS: l0 5x7 cards, a gavel, and minimum/maximum guidelines on a variety of crimes, both state and federal. SENTENCING GAME Activity: Criminal has pled guilty to a crime. Judge and class determines sentence. After a rather comprehensive look at our criminal justice system through a variety of means, fill out 5x7 cards with made-up crimes, previous arrests and outcomes. Example: Daniel Delinquent Age 17 Previous Arrests: Age 11 - truancy - probation Age 12 - runaway - probation Age 13 - shoplifting - probation Age 15 - breaking & entering - 1 year boy's school Age 16 - receiving stolen goods - 1 year probation Age 17 - driving a stolen car Pick 2 members (a boy and a girl) to be judge. Isolate one of them while one does sentencing. Rest of class makes suggestions to the judge. They have general guidelines for minimum and maximum which can be obtained from state codes. Then bring in the other judge. TYING IT ALL TOGETHER: At the end, compare sentencing which will lead to discussion about why sexes view crimes differently (some won't differ), preference for male or female judge and why, etc. Be sure to include crimes such as murder, rape, prostitution, drug abuse, selling drugs to kids. Your imagination is your limit. About 10 are needed for a 1 hour period. Comparisons can also be made between classes if several of the same are taught throughout the day.