TITLE: THE SEARCH FOR A MEANINGFUL DIALECTIC AUTHOR: Dwayne Blackwell; Northwest High School, Justin, Texas GRADE LEVEL/SUBJECT: 12 Government OVERVIEW: When pressured by an overzealous, high-pressure instructor, some students will participate in class discussions about public policy issues; however, even the most dedicated, creative instructor eventually confronts one or more of the following conditions/situations: 1. Students who participate in public policy discussions are not sophisticated enough to address the more abstract issues because they are not conversant with models or paradigms which may be used for evaluating the pros and cons of particular public policy arguments. 2. Other students passively sit and listen to classroom discussions, yet retain very little of the information imparted during such exchanges. Not surprisingly, research indicates that students retain less if they do not actively participate in the learning process. PURPOSE: The primary purpose of this activity is to introduce each student to a framework of political and social values which may be used to evaluate the validity of any public policy debate, bill, law, etc. A secondary purpose of this activity is to socialize the learning process by introducing cooperative learning in terms of the group investigation model. OBJECTIVES: As a result of this activity, the students will: 1. Primary a. Identify a "real-world" problem which needs a solution. b. Use a legal-ethical model or paradigm to evaluate the problem area. c. Formally present their identified solution(s) to a problem area. d. Use their version of the legal-ethical framework or paradigm to question the validity of various solutions to the identified problem area. 2. Secondary a. Help students become acquainted with each other. b. Help students acquire interpersonal and small group skills. c. Introduce students to the first and second stages of the inquiry model. The model includes four stages: Stage 1 - Orientation; sensitization to a public policy issue which students consider a major problem in American society; students identify values and value conflicts as they articulate the causes for the problem. Stage 2 - Students choose possible solutions to the problem area. Stage 3 - Students identify the best possible solution(s) to the problem area. Stage 4 - Presentation of the best solution(s) as a result of the research - the bill. ACTIVITIES - STUDENT 1. Day One: a. Announce to the class that the class will be doing group work for the next 2 to 3 class periods. Point out to the class that the groups will be formed on topics. Turn overhead projector on and project a suggested list onto the screen: censorship of Rock lyrics; teenage curfews; civil rights for nonwhites ( a quota system for public universities); economic democracy; punishment for habitual sex offenders. Continue to point out that each group will be limited to 5 students and that no two groups will be allowed to research the same topic or problem area. Emphasize that the topics will be assigned on a first come first served basis. At this point, start putting pressure on the students to form their groups. Encourage students to make a choice of topics. b. After 4 or 5 groups have formed, instruct the groups to elect a chairperson, recorder, philosopher, facilitator, artist, etc. Titles may vary with the interest of the group. The important point is for everyone to have a role and function. Put considerable pressure on the groups to expedite this activity. c. Instruct the groups to identify and list in writing several possible causes for their problem area. Encourage each member of each group to participate. Quite obviously, you will be moving from group to group while monitoring group and individual activity. d. After the groups have struggled with finding causes for their problem areas, start distributing copies of two study sheets ( see Joyce and Weil, Models of Teaching, pp.264-265): "The Legal- Ethical Framework: Some Basic Social Values" (Table 15-1) and "Some General Problem Areas" (Table 15-2). After you have distributed the study sheets, suggest to the groups that the study sheets should be used as a reference source as they attempt to identify values which may have caused the problem area. At this point (close for the end of Day One), assign the study sheets for homework and suggest that the groups should start thinking about solutions to the problem area if they have not done so already. 2. Day Two: a. Ask each group for their list of causes. While perusing the lists, suggest that it is now time for each group to come up with solutions to the problem area. Emphasize that the solutions should take into consideration the possible consequences of their solution(s). You should also emphasize that each group should identify any underlying value conflicts by using the study sheets as a resource. b. Announce at this point that the groups will start making their presentations on Day Three. Point out that all members of each group should somehow have a part in the presentation. c. With ten minutes left in the period, encourage the groups to finalize their activities by completing their written lists of causes and solutions. Remind the groups that they should present their findings in terms of a legal-ethical framework. 3. Day Three: a. Ask the groups to volunteer for the order of presentation. If there are no volunteers, then simply select any one group. b. Sitting together in their area of the room, each group will have a spokesperson (usually the elected chairperson) to act as moderator for the discussion. Instruct the class to listen to the group's findings. The floor will then be opened to questions about the validity of the solutions, observations, etc. Emphasize that the discussion will revolve around the relationship of the solution(s) to the two study sheets. ACTIVITIES - TEACHER 1. When the students are forming groups and identifying problem area causes and solutions, the teacher guides, advises, encourages, counsels, and yes, even threatens in a gentle way each student and group. Necessarily, the teacher will model the various social skills which are necessary for the success of cooperative work. 2. As each group presents its findings about the problem area, the teacher must fulfill several responsibilities: The teacher, using the Socratic method, models for both active and passive students a method by which each group's positions are probed by "...questioning the relevance, consistency, specificity, and clarity of the student's ideas until they become more clear and more complex." (see: Joyce and Weil, Models of Teaching, p. 263). Gradually, through the modeling process, the teacher exposes each group and each student to a legal- ethical framework or model which can be used for analyzing public policy issues. 3. As students become more actively involved in class discussions, the teacher will become less active and more passive in terms of class discussion. The teacher refocuses the discussion only if students stray too far from the path of applying the model to the discussion. TYING IT ALL TOGETHER 1. After each group has thoroughly discussed their problem area, the teacher achieves closure by relating the specifics of the discussion to the legal-ethical values paradigm. During this phase, the teacher constantly encourages students to interact and offer their observations about the relationship of the paradigm to the problem area(s). 2. On a more covert level, the teacher and student slowly realize that the goal of public policy is to achieve a "balance of values in which each value is minimally compromised. To achieve such a balance, each party in a controversy should try to understand the reasons and assumptions behind the other's decisions." (see: Joyce and Weil, Models of Teaching, pp.263-268) 3. This activity is used to introduce the first and second stages of a cooperative research project which will involve the student in writing and passing a bill into law. ADDENDUM TABLE 15-1 THE LEGAL-ETHICAL FRAMEWORK: SOME BASIC SOCIAL VALUES RULE OF LAW. Actions carried out by the government have to be authorized by law and apply equally to all people. EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW. Laws must be administered fairly and cannot extend special privileges or penalties to any one person or group. DUE PROCESS. The government cannot deprive individual citizens of life, liberty, or property without proper notice of impending actions (right to a fair trial). JUSTICE. Equal opportunity. PRESERVATION OF PEACE AND ORDER. Prevention of disorder and violence (reason as a means of dealing with conflict). PERSONAL LIBERTY. Freedom of speech, right to own and control property, freedom of religion, freedom of personal associations, right of privacy. SEPARATION OF POWERS. Checks and balances among the three branches of government. LOCAL CONTROL OF LOCAL PROBLEMS. Restriction of federal government power and preservation of states' rights. TABLE 15-2 SOME GENERAL PROBLEM AREAS __________________________________________________ PROBLEM AREAS SAMPLE UNIT TOPICS CONFLICTING VALUES __________________________________________________ Racial and School Desegregation Equal Protection Ethnic Civil Rights for Nonwhites Due Process Conflict and Ethnic Minorities Brotherhood of Man Housing for Nonwhites and v. Ethnic Minorities Peace and Order Job Opportunities for Property and Contract Nonwhites and Ethnic Rights Minorities Personal Privacy Immigration Policy and Association Religious and Rights of the Communist Freedom of Speech Ideological Party in America and Conscience Conflict Religion and Public Education v. Control of "Dangerous" or Equal Protection "Immoral" Literature Safety and Security Religion and National of Democratic Security: Oaths, Institutions Conscientious Objectors Taxation of Religious Property Security of Crime and Delinquency Standards of the Freedom Individual Due Process v. Peace and Order Community Welfare Conflict Organized Labor Equal or Fair among Business Competition and Bargaining Economic Monopoly Power and Competition Groups "Overproduction of Farm Goods General Welfare and Conservation of Natural Progress of the Resources Community v. Property and Contract Rights Health, Adequate Medical Care: Equal Opportunity Education, for the Aged, Brotherhood of Man and Welfar for the Poor v. Adequate Educational Property and Contract Opportunit Rights Old-Age Security Job and Income Security Security of Federal Loyalty-Security Freedom of Speech, he Nation Programs Conscience, and Foreign Policy Association Due Process Personal Privacy v. Safety and Security of Democratic Institutions