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Make your ChessBase Rybka-ready
11.09.2008 – Running the strongest chess engine under the best ChessBase program ever is a real big thing – but not a big deal at all. With both Rybka 3 and ChessBase 10 installed on your system, all you have to do is to upgrade your ChessBase program. Buy ChessBase 10 and Rybka 3 now or read all about how to get the two to work in perfect harmony.

How to upgrade ChessBase 10

Since ChessBase 10 came out a couple of weeks ago it has been continuously improved. Every registered user is welcome to run free upgrades for his program online. The September 02 upgrade is available right from within ChessBase 10 through menu Help – Query Upgrade.

ChessBase 10 now searches for a new version on the download server. If a new version is available, simply click “OK” in order to make the upgrade start.

When the download is completed the program will ask you to install.

Click „Install Now“ in order to make the installation start.

Click „Next“ in order to continue the installation.

The next dialog box will ask for the installation path fort he upgrade. If you had chosen the default path for installation of the ChessBase 10 program you can simply click “Next” again.

The ChessBase 10 upgrade among other improvements offers to load the new Rybka 3 chess engine right away. If you have bought and installed the Rybka 3 release from ChessBase too, you will now find it listed as one of your engines.

How to make Rybka 3 your default engine

Moreover, through the menu Tools – Options – Engine yoou can make Rybka 3.0 your default engine in ChessBase 10. Simply click “Browse” and select Rybka 3.

And that is what analysis with Rybka 3 will now look like under ChessBase 10: