iOffer Transfer your rating and items from ebay and other sites
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July 7, 2008 - Press Release 365 Adds Group Offers to Maximize Online Buyer and Seller Options

"In the consumer world, buyers want the best deal, and sellers want their business. What better way to combine the two desires than iOffer's group offers...Buyers get what they want, sellers get a quick and smooth transaction."

June 21, 2008 - The Times Tribune
Awesome offers gives a run for its money

"...what makes the site so unique is that unlike other auction sites where the highest bidder wins the item, potential buyers make offers on items listed for sale and the seller decides whether to accept the offers."

June 2, 2008 -
Bidville Throwing in the Towel...Transfer Your Listings to iOffer

"Mr. Grabber is a convenient tool that transfers ratings and unsold items from other online marketplaces, allowing iOffer members to spend more time interacting and negotiating rather than listing items and building their reputations."

April 20, 2008 - AuctionBytes, the 'Make Me an Offer' Ecommerce Site

"...we wanted to create a better develop live interactions. More than half of our buyers get notification with only five to ten minutes of lag time."