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  Famous horse quotes - 1

Half the failures of this world arise from pulling in one's horse as he is leaping.
- Augustus Hare

I don't mind where people make love, so long as they don't do it in the street and frighten the horses.
- Mrs. Patrick Campbell

Flaming enthusiasm, backed up by horse sense and persistence, is the quality that most frequently makes for success.
- Dale Carnegie

The human mind is not rich enough to drive many horses abreast and wants one general scheme, under which it strives to bring everything.
- George Santayana

Science is not a sacred cow. Science is a horse. Don't worship it. Feed it.
- Aubrey Eben

All you need for happiness is a good gun, a good horse, and a good wife.
- Daniel Boone

If you want a kitten, start out by asking for a horse.
- Naomi, 15 Advice from Kids

When the horse dies, dismount
- Unknown

Did you ever see an unhappy horse? Did you ever see a bird that has the blues? One reason why birds and horses are not unhappy is because they are not trying to impress other birds and horses.
- Dale Carnegie

A horse may be coaxed to drink, but a pencil must be lead.
- Stan Laurel Rodeo, the only sport that gets you off in 8 seconds or less.
- Unknown

Put some excitement between you legs, ride a horse.
- Unknown

Some athletes don't care what kind of shoes they wear, or how many fans they have. They don't even care that they're on television from coast to coast. They just want to run.
- Unknown

One of the worst things that can happen in life is to win a bet on a horse at an early age.
- Danny McGoorty Irish Pool Player

If you're a cowboy and you're dragging a guy behind your horse, I bet it would really make you mad if you looked back and the guy was reading a magazine.
- Jack Handy Deep Thoughts

Look back on our struggle for freedom,
Trace our present day's strength to its source;
And you'll find that man's pathway to glory
Is strewn with the bones of a horse.

God forbid that I should go to any heaven where there are no horses
R.B. Cunningham-Grahm

A horse is worth more than riches.
Spanish Proverb

There is no secret so close as that between a rider and his horse
Robert Smith Surtees

To be loved by a horse, or by any animal, should fill us with awe-
for we have not deserved it.
Marion Garretty

Thou must learn the thoughts of the noble horse
Whom thou wouldst ride.
Be not indiscreet in thy demands,
Nor require him to perform indiscreetly.
Johanne Wolfgang von Goethe

The one best precept-the golden rule in dealing with a
horse-is never to approach him angrily. Anger is so
deviod of forethought that it will often drive a man to do
things which in a calmer mood he will regret.

Round-hoof'd, short-jointed, fetlocks shag and long,
Broad breast, full eye, small head and nostril wide,
High crest, short ears, straight legs and passing strong,
Thin mane, thick tail, broad buttock, tender hide;
Look, what a horse should have he did not lack,
Save a proud rider on so proud a back.
William Shakespeare

A horse gallops with his lung
Preserveres with his heart,
and wins with his character

Boot, saddle, to horse, and away!
Robert Browning

To learn all that a horse could teach, was a
world of knowledge, but only a beginning. .. .
Look into a horses eye and you instantly know
if you can trust him.
Mary O'Hara

Oh wasn't it naughty of Smudges ?
Oh Mummy, I m sick with disgust.
She threw me in front of the judges,
And my silly old collar-bone's bust.

A horse which stops dead just before a jump and thus propels its rider into
a graceful arc provides a splendid excuse for general merriment.

A horse is dangerous at both ends and uncomfortable in the middle.

I prefer a bike to a horse. The brakes are more easily checked.

He flung himself on his horse and rode off madly in all directions.

A horse's eye disquiets me: it has an expression of alarm that may at any
moment be translated into action.

On horseback he seemed to require as many hands as a Hindu god, at least
four for clutching the reins, and two more for patting the horse soothingly
on the neck.

If training has not made a horse more beautiful, nobler in carriage, more
attentive in his behavior, revealing pleasure in his own
accomplishment...then he has not truly been schooled in dressage.
Col. Handler

Experienced riders are not prone to brag. And usually newcomers, if they
start out being boastful, end up modest.
C.J.J. Mullen



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