The Queen and Bishop

The Queen is the sexiest (curvaceous) of the modern pieces and has undergone changes in name, sex and power. In Shanranj this piece was called (Farz or, Firz), meaning Counsellor or, General. The French may have changed it into Fierce, Fierge, and Vierge (Virgin), which if true, might explain why this piece became female.

Another view is that a Pawn on reaching Rank was elevated in value and became a ‘Farz’ - a promotion similar to that in Draughts or Checkers. Thus the Pawn became a Dame or, Queen as in traditional Chess, and then Dames, Dama, Donna etc.

The Bishop amongst the Persians was called Pil (elephant) but the Arabs not having the letter ‘p’ in their alphabet, wrote it Fil, or, with their definite article, Al-Fil (the-elephant). It was the next in command and a force assisting the Counselor or Minister (Advisor, our Queen).  Our Rook is similar to an Indian chariot, protecting the army’s flank.

The Cinderella type transformation called promotion (in Chesmayne the sharp symbol [#] is used to indicate this elevation in stature) is also called Queening (and really a Coronation), because the usual choice is Queen, the most powerful piece.

If the elevation is not to Queen, it is sometimes referred to as an under-promotion (Knight, Bishop, Rook, etc). 


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