
Tournaments are run by arbiters or controllers. These officials are always ready to advise new players about the rules and regulations of Level 1. 

All play all:

This sort of tournament is exactly what it says: everybody in the tournament plays everyone else. There could be as few as four players in the tournament or as many as, well, everyone in your Chess club. 

  Knock out:

Knock out Chess tournaments are not very common, but you might find that your school Chess club championship is run like this. 


Most important Level 1 tournaments are run this way. The tournament will usually be somewhere between five and eleven rounds and you can have as many players as you want in it. What happens is that the winners from Round-01 play each other in Round-02. 

And so it goes on through the tournament. In every round you will play someone with, as far as possible, the same score as yourself. The pairings for each round are usually displayed on a pairing board, so that you can see who you are playing in your next game and what board number you are playing on.


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