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Stalemate is when a legal move cannot be made, however the king is not in check. This example to the left would be checkmate if it was black's turn.


The Fifty-Move Rule

The fifty-move rule comes into play when a pawn has not been moved or a piece has not been captured for fifty moves.


Perpetual Check

Perpetual check is when one of the kings can’t escape the barrage of checks used on him or her.


Agreement Between the Two Players

A draw can be called when neither player wants to risk losing.


Insufficient Mating Material

Insufficient mating material draws come into play when there are not enough pieces on the board to force checkmate. These pieces are:

-         king and bishop against king

-         king and knight against king

-         king and two knights against king

-         king against king


Three-fold Repetition

Three-fold Repetition is if exactly the same position is reached on the board on three different occasions