S-pack (version: 2007.06.18)

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[Description]: S-pack includes a series of web-based Java slide show programs that can be used for your web site. Images are only loaded while on demand, i.e. at most two images are resident in the memory for the transition effect at the same time. Theoretically, unlimited number of images can be used.
These programs include some exceptional transition effects (e.g. interleave, push, fade, etc) and provide online HTML code configurator for easy testing and installation. Use a web browser and open the HTML file in each subdirectory. Ckeck out the website for the latest version of these programs.

[Program Listing]:
Program Version Description
SlideOnDemandBlock 2007.06.18 slide-on-demand with a block effect
SlideOnDemandBreak 2007.06.18 slide-on-demand with a break effect
SlideOnDemandDial 2007.06.18 slide-on-demand with a dial effect
SlideOnDemandDot 2007.06.18 slide-on-demand with a dot effect
SlideOnDemandFade 2007.06.18 slide-on-demand with a fade effect
SlideOnDemandFilm 2007.06.18 slide-on-demand with a film effect
SlideOnDemandFlip 2007.06.18 slide-on-demand with a flip effect
SlideOnDemandInterleave 2007.06.18 slide-on-demand with a cross effect
SlideOnDemandPush 2007.06.18 slide-on-demand with a push effect
SlideOnDemandShift 2007.06.18 slide-on-demand with a shift effect
SlideOnDemandWipe 2007.06.18 slide-on-demand with a wipe effect

[Package Info]:
  • File Descriptions:
  • S-pack.html - this file
  • S-pack-README.txt - a brief readme file
  • SlideOnDemand* folders containing individual programs
  • Possible Improvements: