VisualEffectFlag (version: 2006.07.15)

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[Description]: The animation button applet takes one input flag image and performs real-time flag-waving effect at a selected center and speed.

[Tips]: Move over the image to stop the animation or click to link to a URL if any.

Parameter Value Description
regcoderegistration code
imageimage filename
image width
image height
loadingloading screen display toggle: 1 = yes, otherwise = no
borderborder width
delaydelay between animation in milliseconds
urlURL address when mouse is clicked (fill in 'none' if you do not want to link to anywhere)
framesnumber of frames before repeating the pattern
bgbackground color: R G B
offsetwave offset in pixels
centerwave center: X Y
freqwave frequency

Auto-generated code to be inserted into your HTML page:

P.S. Copy all necessary *.jar, images (e.g. *.gif or *.jpg), and data files (e.g. *.txt) to your web directory and embed the above code into your own HTML file.

[Package Info]:
  • File Descriptions:
  • VisualEffectFlag.html - this example
  • VisualEffectFlag.gif - test image
  • VisualEffectFlag.jar - main program
  • Possible Improvements: