(Example 1: University of Delaware campus)

(Example 2: a virtual art museum)

rim (version: 2003.07.18)

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SUN logo [Award]: This applet's very first version was the runner-up cash prize winner of the 1998 PersonalJava Programming Contest administered by SUN Microsystems. Click here to read the interview at SUN's Java site

[Description]: This Java applet implements a reusable interactive map with several features, e.g. draggable map, case-insensitive substring search, dual blinking locations, dynamic coordinate and hot button indicators, variable picture dimensions, fully customizable map info file, etc. You can supply your own map image and info files to reuse this program .

[Customizable Parameters]: (example 1) Edit the data file (rim_ud.txt or your own filename) according to the format in the commented HTML example (rim.html). (Cut and paste the code in this commented HTML example, rim.html)

[Execution Tips]: (example 1) For testing purpose, 4 items (Pearson, Amy, Old, Morrison) of the University of Delaware in the data file (rim_ud.txt) are supplied. To look for a location, either click on the map or enter a substring in the text field. One example is entering "amy" in the "Source" panel and clicking the search button, similarly "old" in the "Destination" panel. (Permission of using the UD images here was granted through UD's Publications office.)

[Customizable Parameters]: (example 2) Edit the data file (rim_art.txt or your own filename) according to the format in the commented HTML example (rim.html). (Cut and paste the code in this commented HTML example, rim.html)

[Execution Tips]: (example 2) For testing purpose, 4 items (Vincent van Gogh, Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Camille Pissarro) of a virtual art museum in the data file (rim_art.txt) are supplied. To look for a painting, either click on the map (numbered 1 - 4) or enter a substring in the text field. One example is entering "gogh" in the "Source" panel and clicking the search button, similarly "renoir" in the "Destination" panel.

[Package Info]:
  • File Descriptions:
  • rim.html - this file
  • rim.jar - RIM program classes
  • rimtm.gif - RIM logo
  • rimbut.gif - RIM search button
  • rim_ud.txt - sample map info file for U of Delaware
  • rim_ud*.gif rim_ud*.jpg - sample UD image files
  • rim_art.txt - sample map info file for the art museum
  • rim_art*.gif rim_art*.jpg - sample art museum paintings
  • Possible Improvements: