The Tactics Page

Black to move wins. Click on the piece you want to move and then on the target square.
You have 3 guesses before the solution is revealed!

33... ?

Davor Palo
Peter Heine Nielsen

Samba Cup 2003 (Runde 7)
Skanderborghus, Denmark, 2003

White has just played 33.Qb4-c3 which seems to ensure an exchange of queens because of the threat Rd8+. However Black has a surprising move. Can you see it?
Click on the piece you want to move and then on the target square.

33... Ra3+! 34. Kxa3 Qa7+ And White resigned: 35. Kb3 Qa4+ 0-1

13... ?

Adnen Rajlevic
Eric Bentzen

Team's Cup
Denmark, 1996

Unaware of the danger White has just played 13.c3?. Can you find the winning blow?
Click on the piece you want to move and then on the target square.

13... Qxg5!! 14. Nxg5 Rxf2+ 15. Kg1 Rf1+! White resigned 16. Kxf1 Ng3+ Or 16. Kh2 Bg1+ 17. Kh1 Ng3+ 0-1

This page shows the new Tactics Page, which like the Problem page is a quiz. This table at the bottom and the one at the top of the page has been inserted by using header and footer text files with html formatted text.