
Archives: log24.com.
Web Journal of
Steven H.
Music for Pegasus

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Name: Steven
Country: United States
State: Pennsylvania
Gender: Male

Interests: Mathematics, literature.
Occupation: Retired
Industry: Computers (Software)

Message: message me
Website: visit my website

Member Since: 7/20/2002

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Archived Entries:
See log24.com.

Selected Past Entries:

Three Days
of the
Saint, 2002

Santa vs.
the Volcano

Satori at
Pearl Harbor

of Eternity

Some may feel that the Saint in question is Philip Berrigan, who joined Saburo Ienaga and Ivan Illich on Dec. 6, 2002.

Others may feel that the Saint is Don Ameche, who died on Dec. 6, 1993.

"Things change."

— SHC 12/9/02


Stan Rice died on Dec. 9, 2002. A poem of his tells what happened next.

Eight is a Gate

Hollywood producer dies Dec. 14, meets Bach at Heaven's Gate. Realistic comedy.

The Diamond Project

Notes on dance, mortality, and "the still point" on the date of Irene Diamond's death.

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