
Screenshots (newer screenshot are added at the top of this list)
Version 15
Screenshot of BabyChess
2003-11-07, v15
Game editor: Dutch notation
Screenshot of BabyChess
2003-11-07, v15
The board: riffled dark squares
Screenshot of BabyChess
2003-11-07, v15
The board: The "wood" theme
Screenshot of BabyChess
2003-11-07, v15
Game editor: entering some moves
Screenshot of BabyChess
2003-11-07, v15
Game editor: Displaying subvariations, comments, and annotation glyphs
Screenshot of BabyChess
2003-11-07, v15
Game editor: Running the evaluator and displaying its preferences
Screenshot of BabyChess
2003-11-07, v15
Game editor: Tutor mode: display possible moves of a piece when pressing the mouse button
Screenshot of BabyChess
2003-11-07, v15
Game editor: Entering the name of the players, the site and the round number. The date is filled in automatically. Beside the player names, a green circle indicates the side to move.
Screenshot of BabyChess
2003-11-07, v15
Position editor: choosing the last move and the castlings
Version 14
Screenshot of BabyChess
2003-03-11, v14
The game editor with default settings, version 14.
Screenshot of BabyChess
2003-03-11, v14
The game editor with some unusual settings.
Screenshot of BabyChess
2003-03-11, v14
Various dialog windows.
Screenshot of BabyChess
2003-03-11, v14
The game archive editor.
Screenshot of BabyChess
2003-09-11, v14
The ICS client.
Screenshot of BabyChess
2003-03-11, v14
The ICS message window.
Screenshot of BabyChess
2003-03-11, v14
The ICS login window.
Screenshot of BabyChess
2003-03-11, v14
The position editor in default settings.
Screenshot of BabyChess
2003-03-11, v14
The position editor in unusual settings.
Version 13
Screenshot of BabyChess
2002-12-9, v13
The game editor using the new GTK+ interface in version 13.
Screenshot of BabyChess
2002-12-9, v13
The same window, displaying square names and several dialog windows.
Screenshot of BabyChess
2002-12-9, v13
The chess game archive editor.
Screenshot of BabyChess
2002-12-9, v13
The position editor.
Screenshot of BabyChess
2002-12-9, v13
The ICS client.
Version 12
Screenshot of BabyChess
2002-8-14, v12.3
Top: The position editor. Bottom left: The game editor, displaying a move in the middle of a game. Bottom right: The game archive editor, displaying the player names. This runs on Solaris, and is displayed in an X server for Windows.
Screenshot of BabyChess
2002-5-23, v12.3
The BabyChess ICS client, during an online game. The opponent's last move is highlighted in yellow.
Screenshot of BabyChess
2002-5-22, v12.2.38
The Game archive editor, displaying one chess game. This version features last-move highlight and a game move listing.
Screenshot of BabyChess
2001-12-18, v12.1.0.21
The BabyChess program, with anti-aliased fonts and chess pieces.
Screenshot of BabyFractal
2001-11-16, v12.1.0.2
The BabyFractal program, with the "Edit colors" and "Save file" dialogs.

The new fractal program displaying the Mandelbrot set.

2001-8-20, v12.0.3.4
Proportional fonts, and block alignment.

2001-8-8, v12.0.3
This screenshot shows menues, radio buttons, and boards of different sizes.
Version <=11

A newer screenshot of the BabyChess board running on the X Window System with the Sawfish window manager.

the BabyChess Console

the new BabyChess interface; an experimental version that ran on Windows95

the BabyChess Windows main window

a real big chess set

"yet another board layout"

The oldest screenshot. It's from 1997.
Logos & Banners
The words "Baby" and "Chess" in green and red, with a blue rook behind the last "s" of "chess". The background is a smooth vertical white to blue-gray gradient.
The words "BabyChess" and a blue rook, 2000.
"Speed up you Chess Thinking", 2000
"BabyChess -- the Future of Chess", 2000
"See the Mate? BabyChess does.", 2000
BabyChess This small logo is used on Frank Quisinsky's BabyChess page. He told me he got it from somewhere else but he doesn't remember.
BabyChess, the free C++ chess
      program This is the BabyChess banner. You can make a link to BabyChess with it on your web page.

Several images throughout the web site are taken from the GNU web site. These images are linked to the corresponding page of the original.

Updated Wed Jun 23 17:09:54 2004