Baby News ========= This is a list of features that were added to each release of Baby. Baby was renamed from BabyChess to Baby on Monday November 12th 2001. Version 12.3 ------------ General ....... - Memory leak in image handling fixed. - Installation is now faster using Cook. - Faster drag movement of chess pieces by buffering "mouse move" events. - In addition to the Make file, there is now a `Howto.cook' file that can be used with the Cook program. - Drop support for Make. - Partial update of the Cygwin port. Chess ..... - Design changes in the "Edit position" window make it easier to use. - Introduced the "Chess evaluator," which replaces the chess engine. - The chess program now runs in another process, rather than in another thread. - New ICS client program. - New PGN file editor for game collections. - Added a "busy indicator" to the chess game editor that blinks when the evaluator is running, similar to what's in most web-browsers upper right corner. - Game Editor: Moves can be taken back by taking them back on the board. - Game Editor: Read and write PGN files with one game in them. - Game Editor: Display the move list. You can go to the position after a move by clicking on the move. - Game Editor: Display the piece balance. - The XBoard engine has been dropped in favor of the new "chess evaluator." GUI ... - The chess pieces are now stored in one 8 kB PNG indexed image with tRNS transparency, instead of the old 547 kB X bitmap .xbm file. - Fixed bug in the "GNU GPL" window where characters would be drawn over the scroll bars. - New, thinner caret. - Most windows are now "editors." The "Chess program" window is now the "Chess game editor." - Objects such as chess games and chess positions can now be edited separately. Version 12.2 ------------ - Bugfixes GUI ... - Added anti-aliased fonts using Xft - Scroll bars BabyFractal ........... - News colors dialog - Added undo information and back/forward commands Version 12.1 ------------ - Name changed from BabyChess to Baby. Fractal ....... - New program that displays the Mandelbrot set. Chess ..... - Added "Flip board" option - Added "Show square name on each square" option - Floating text in the "About window" - Radio buttons - New "Edit position" dialog - Proportional font used with XLib - "Copy" and "Paste" button in "Edit position" window; the FEN description of the position can be copied and pasted. - Radio buttons with chess pieces in the "Edit position" window. - "Copy position" and "Paste position" in the "Game" menu of the "Game window". - New load/save file window. - "Load" and "Save" in the "Position" menu of the "Edit position" window. - Focus follows mouse; buttons and other widgets get activated when mouse is over. - Keyboard input with the X Window System. - Chess board drawn faster when changing size. - Anti-aliased chess pieces XBoard Engine ............. - Think 10 s instead of 5 s. version 12 ---------- Chess ..... - New GUI. Xboard engine ............. - The program is renamed from `bbch' to `babychess-xboard-engine'. version 11.1 ------------ Xboard engine ............. - The "move now" command works. - The chess Engine can play with white. - "Post mode" works. The engine outputs information about its thinking. - Instead of always calculating a fixed number of knots, the engine calculates during a fixed time. - The engine sends information when the position is checkmate or stalemate. - The engine understands the protocol version 2, but it still runs with older Xboard versions. - The "undo" command works